Was it autism?
Was it autism?
> implying the whole civilization isn't born from autismo
Name one piece of evidence the Great Pyramid was built as a tomb.
More like a dick-measuring contest.
The buried people underneath
The word autism gets thrown around a lot on Veeky Forums to describe everything slightly abnormal.
There is an actual definition of autism and it isn't being a shitposter.
All autistic people have difficulties processing non-verbal communication like facial expressions without intentional practice and usually with it too.
There is a test called Reading The Mind in The Eyes which has pretty accurate results as far as online tests go.
Anyone who gets over 28 on it isn't even mildly autistic. I get 32 myself yet I'm the definition of a "Veeky Forums autist". I would really, really appreciate if you guys would stop using the word autism so much because it's a real condition and not a buzzword.
..baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more
cri more faggot
I got 25.
What does this mean.
I got 25 too.
Maybe it was fetishism
>implying civilization as a whole is not born from austium
It's not that it's offensive. It's that it's gotten unbelievably tedious.
You tisms are mild and don't prevent you from being perfectly adjusted and well functioning human beings.
I have autism and I got 22 on that test. I had to guess on every single question. Do I have autism?
Well yes it does seem that you are mildly autistic.
got 22... thought im a sperg for a long time. my brother has diagnosed asperger, so it makes sense, since i'm acting just like him, but I never went to psychologist
no tv, no internet, and you have all those people at your disposal, so you play real life minecraft
Got 23, so I have high functioning autism, NICE
This test makes no sense, it's just eyes. I got fucking 7.
This test is shit, it should show the whole face.
>autism intensifies
>being this autistic
Autists detected.
This is probably the most succinct an answer could be.
Well yeah that's what the relay was built for.
Can I use this as proof when someone calls me an autist?
I got 30. Can I get laid now?
if by autism you mean one of the many grandiose forms that the human fear of death manifests itself, than yes.
>got a 23
>closer to autist than normie
It was altruism.
>tfw Veeky Forums and Veeky Forums, funny, decent person, have good hobbies get a fucking 33 on this shit but no gf
oh yeah im slightly poor nvm lol
same with stupid, idiot, moron, and retard, will you mentally disabled people stop getting offended at our use of your condition for insults. It will always happen, quit making us invent new words. The point is us calling normal people your condition to imply that they are not functioning normally. Accept your disability and get over it.
Easiest (You)'s of my life desu
you have a monkey mind
wouldn't be so bad really
You have so many good things to appreciate yet you allow your mind to create and expand problems so that you will never be free. You have to control your mind.
i've read aurelius and epictetus, i know this man. just passing on the legacy of >tfw no gf
Got 23 too. I'm literally shaking.
Serious question though, since when did having autism regarded as being almost 'cool'?
If you think there is anything cool about autism you might very well be autistic
I got 34 on that test, but this other tests says different...
If you're shaking after taking a quiz on the internet, then you're almost certainly on the spectrum.
I don't know how legit the empathy test is but I would consider the possibility that you have sociopathic personality traits.
I'd say that if my brain wasn't so fucked with introspection, body dis-morphia and self-perfectionism, I might be able to do some damage. My Myers-Briggs is INTJ. I can understand what people are thinking easily, I just don't care and don't know how to interact with them unless I know them very well. I'm pretty far from sociopath.
I got 30, but I know I have Aspergers. The test was stupid: you can easily guess almost all of them by context. Oh wow the woman coated in makeup is being seductive oh ha ha I'm so socially intelligent. Would be much better if they had more pics of the same person making different expressions.
Oh god
I thought I was normal and just shitty at picking up social cues
>Despite studies suggesting deficits in emotion perception and imagining others in pain, professor Simon Baron-Cohen claims psychopathy is associated with intact cognitive empathy, which would imply an intact ability to read and respond to behaviors, social cues and what others are feeling. Psychopathy is, however, associated with impairment in the other major component of empathy—affective (emotional) empathy—which includes the ability to feel the suffering and emotions of others (what scientists would term as emotional contagion), and those with the condition are therefore not distressed by the suffering of their victims. Those with autism, on the other hand, are often impaired in both affective and cognitive empathy.
It's not about doing damage it's about how you perceive the world.
While you might consider it stupid for you personally the results correlate very strongly with the autism spectrum.
I feel bad for the autists in this thread.
Why does it matter its only eyes you fucking retard
Based post
t. autism
More like the result of rampant inbreeding.
Please tell me there's a wiki with more like pic
>got 25
Oh well. I got all but two of the ones with women right but had trouble with some of the guys.
I got 28 and am a diagnosed autist. I probably cheated a little bit on some of them by picking the word which was unusual or I didn't understand though.
>brown north africans build giant elaborate structures in dedication to their deities
>"was it autism?"
>white Europeans build giant and elaborate structures in dedication to their deity
>"what a marvel of civilization and culture"
[spoiler]Who's that?[/spoiler]
I got a 34 but in all seriousness I went to highschool with a kid who has aspergers and it was very obvious he had aspergers. I think if you actually have autism you would probably know by now so you should'nt worry about it