/twg/ - Total War General

Fantasy & History Together Edition

totalwar.com/blog/warhammer-ii-development-update (NEW)
tl;dr: December FLC w/ new game mode, Tomb Kings in January, Norsca/RoR in May


>FAQs and General Info


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>needing to go christian

>Fighting for the Shogun


Peasants are gay and you're gay if you empathize with them

xth for everchariot

This. Sonno joi 2bh

this is why you don't ally with umgi

> There are Imperials in this thread RIGHT NOW

A thousand nations of the Prussian Empire descend upon you!

Wood elves, worth buying?

T. Perry

If you could add new units to a faction, what would you add?

Runic Golems
Ancestor Statue

Do you like trees?

Just make them a protectorate or something. Stops the rebelling

On sale perhaps, not for the price it is at now.

Witch hunter for the empire, does he actually shoot his gun or what? I used him for Accusation to kill heroes/lords and it worked well but he didn't shoot his pistol once

that was my first overture, the offer was flatly rejected

only one alternative lays before me now

Buttblasted Shogun fuck boy can't handle the Emperors glory

Do they seriously expect us to deal with fucking Pre-Foundation Norsca until fucking May? Surely they can get this shit done faster that that, specially when all the content was already developed. I get that they have to implement it from the start again, but it's shouldn't amount to more than admittedly intensive codemonkey work.

any good unit pack / mod for rome 2 ? (grand campaign related)

It's 40% off on 3rd party and it's last day

I had a lot of fun as them, I'd say so.
However, with the winter sale in a few weeks I'd probably wait till then.
If it was the middle of March or something i'd say sure, buy it, it's worth it at full price IMO but with the holiday sale on steam a week away just wait.

May as well go for it then.

Why was that humble bundle sale the only time they've gone to 50%? You god damn Carthaginians CA it's been a year and a half since Beastmemes came out. 33% is the not the standard at this point.

>It took less time developing Norsca than implementing in ME

everyone. i have some bad news... look at this:


guys.... this is bad. 0% chance of norsca this year?

that's a 100% chance of thrones of vikangs coming first... i.. i just can't do this anymore.

i've been a fantasy supporter since july of last year, when CA made the beastmen announcement.. but this is just.. t.. too much.

i just can't take the risk. i'm s-so sorry, but... this is the end. i wish it wasn't, but... but i just knew it was too good to be.. true. this is the end of the warhammer campaign.

i used to be a fantasy supporter, but after this... it looks like i'm gonna have to s... start shillin' for... his.

i'm now r-r-re-ready for.. his.. tory.....


Warhammer I had folksy, Renaissance sounding music to fit fantasy Europe.

Warhammer II had classical, LOTR sounding music to fit Elves and more fantastic theme.

Warhammer III will have? Death metal, banjo music, american anthem, etc to fit factions?


Fucking hell.
Honestly, as a dev of a software with lots of parallel branches, this sounds like a problem where some genius could appear out of nowhere with a brilliant idea and implement everything in a single shot.
Many times the genius doesn't appear tho.

>warhammer 2 makes my GPU run in the low 80's on medium settings

so people from prior thread tell me again what faction would you pick and then migrate to a certain area in campaign if you had to?

Wood elfs to ulthuan

Rats to the old world so you don't have to spend 200 fucking turns to get there

don't start a migration campaign yet, they're gonna add migration mechanics in "the experiment"

screencap this

Ulthuan migration is pretty great as every elf faction desu.

I'm also a big fan of Gelt to Estalia and Malekith to Norsca, shield of civilization style.

>wait a month for something that won't happen most likely

Next week more like. CA coming through for all of us fans per usual.

We'll have a Skaven Lord in the old world in January anyway.

experiment is the new game mode I'm fairly sure

>It was bollocks

>Reprisal update sometime this month
>Tomb Kings in January
>nothing else until May with Norsca
>4 months with no new content

lmao holy shit they ate shit with this in spectacular fashion.

>4 months of fucking nothing
this is because warhammmer 2 underperformed isn't it?

I've never had the entire enemy army route at once before, wow, what a collapse. One little charge on the flank by elite cav and it's like prodding a column of over-stacked books.


Nope it's apparently because of the state of the games file structure.

i just cap'd it you better fucking hope so or imma kill you.

Yep and they have like 5 other projects

Don't worry my dude, my son's husband works at CA

This is all fantasyfags deserve, eating shit.

I doubt it will be nothing else. December we get experiment, plus first FLC. January Tk release so announcement next week or Christmas. February more FLC, March 2nd DLC probably lord pack. April idk.

How to get good at WRE in Attila? I've dismantled all the Churches because they were eating up all the money I've had, but goddamn every barbar tribe is out for my ass. I have like three legions holding the eastern/northern border, and two legions basically roaming around Spain and Italy in case of rebellions. Also, Attila is pretty fucking fun, it's a shame that it's in such an unpopular time period. Also it makes the best carpets.

Fuck you

Be agressive

give land to hordes passing through

WRE is literally 'Objective: Survive' the faction. You don't 'get good' you either are or you don't play them.

well... at least we get Tomb Kangz instead of desert vampires

>Be agressive

Thank god. Fucking cant stand that cancerous blue desert colour. Fuck vampire corruption. If they add Arkhan, and make him a Morathi tier chracter where he spreads and is immune to Vamp corruption im going to neck him first in every one of my campaigns.

>tfw you paid for WH2 before the new world edition was released

you really think that SEGA would be as inventive and original as to create in the year 2017 a mode in which we can actually have fun with the game in a way thousands of players already do manually. I just think the fact what you say sounds so good is proof it wont happen.

What is the most passive faction to play as in warhammer? Is there anyone who doesn't focus on expanding

Bretonnia can played incredibly passively.

Yeah, fucking wood elves. You can spend your entire existance within Athel Loren since you get Amber through alliances. Then just go around helping your allies beat their enemies. Be wood elves - world police

I second that statement

I'm posting until we get our promised regimental gangbang

My son's husband said it would indeed not happen in normal circumstances, Darren asked this to be implemented as a last gift to the fantasybros before he left the company.
He threatened to starve himself to death by lack of income if they didn't comply with his last wish.


>that bulge

Can someone please explain to me why Warhammer 1/2 get such great reviews from Steam players when almost ALL of the basic gameplay content from previous titles has been removed? Maybe I've just got different taste or I'm a contrarian but this doesn't seem like a TW game to me.

Why do people like either game so much? I thought Atilla was a money-grab as it uses almost the exact same map as Rome 2, but at least there was unit variety. Just played 2 as High Elves and you get spearmen or spearmen with shields. It seems every faction gets maybe 10 variations of units.

Don't reply to it.

Turn 150 of a Wood Elf campaign and I still haven't set a single outpost. Just running around stomping the enemies of my friends.


That's not how johnsons work
You have been conditioned by Veeky Forums to see dicks where there are none

Because the battles feel really good, definitely better than what Rome II and Attila battles felt. And that's the most important part of a Total War game

guys is there a way to crack only the dlc so I can play empire divided on my original copy? CA just doesn't deserve the fucking money.

fa/tg/uys and grognards mad about Age of Chadmar and /v/irgins who liked Dawn of War

Yes, the russian one

the trait where your general gets the white chick is fucking 10/10

>get european hottie
>all the other daimyo mad with jealousy

how will nip girls ever recover?

Attila noob here, at what level of fertility is it not worth it to build income generating agriculture buildings over commerce/industry ones?

>flying chariot
thats cool and all but what the fuck? does it have to keep moving?

>Randomly generated maps like civ/endless for fantasy
>Altdorf spawns in next to Dark Elves and Dwarves with a chaosh invasion decimating the other side of the world

Could this be the experiment or is to much busywork?

It's GW going full retard since at that time they were already designing Age of Sigmar.

>>Randomly generated maps like civ/endless for fantasy

Never fucking ever happening. You'd have to modify the engine.

don't listen to this retard
abandon Britannia, its not worth keeping land that far away, at least while you get your bearings
but don't abandon it, let some rebellions or enemy factions take it or something
then focus on stabilizing sanitation and public order
building lots of fucking capitols and aqueducts, or theaters if you want to go pagan, which is arguably the best route
though you won't be able to get divine and cultural victory because both require high tier christcuck buildings

The Chariot isn't actually being kept in the air by the eagle, it floats on its own, the eagle just drags it to places, so as long as the eagle can hover in the air the chariot can too.

go for food whenever possible
once youve got a huge fucking surplus, go for commerce
industrial ones are never worth it

>no Hellflayer Chariot

Is over 100 food surplus enough?

I don't remember, does charlemagne have the fertility decrease every couple years like in the grand campaign?
and some food buildings can actually make a decent amount of cash, like sheep

Dwarves are fucking undefeatable
hit regular unit with mortar right in the middle, only 3 died

I don't think so, I've been playing my campaign for probably 25 turns and all the fertility levels are the same as they were at the beginning

>i like the total war warhammer games

mortar is shit against armor

might just be a grand campaign thing then
again, I'd just go for as much as possible wherever possible
you never know when you could suddenly lose your bread basket and then have to rely on other commerce provinces

Okay will do, thanks

history is garbage. where are the dank dragons or sexy anime babes? where are the big sparkly spells? where are the crazy monsters? If I can't watch a bunch of cartoons slap at each other why the FUCK would I play total war?

>replying to yourself

They havent explained why Regiments of Renown from WH1 is taking so long.

Copy paste didn't work

>Eyes literally extending off the side of the head.

Picture goes straight from yes to nope as soon as you get to the face.