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>Heroes FAQ and Links
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My wife is...
Not as good as mine!
gib cumilla map ISIS or else
Well at least you didn't call her a gorilla.
Staff lord when
I'm cheating on my wife with Azura's sexy body.
C'mooooooon Divine Dew! Should have enough after this Gauntlet and arena. She's gonna hit like a truck.
>tfw have 7 of this cumslut and no interest whatsoever to build her
Seriously just fucking go away you dumb tittymonster, give me Cherches or Ninos instead.
>left to right
Felicia is the cutest! She is perfect in every single way to me! I could never want anything more! She is the reason i can keep on going! I`ll always be there for her and she`ll always be there for me! She is the best thing to ever happen to me! I love Felicia!
good idea desu
btw theres an archer lord that is pretty inusual in fe, hes called Holmes from TearRing Saga (literally Fire Emblem (or Kaga Emblem) for playstation)
Post boys you wanna see in tuxedos on the groom banner next year
If you're on Team Priscilla please add me: 5765366325
There's only one person on my entire friend list supporting Priscilla and its some guy with a shitty Leon build
I can give you my autist in turn
Sharena is dumb and not very strong! I will impregnate and marry Fjorm instead!
I love my wife bunches, and I’ll always be there to support her!
Chrom, is that you?
>Staff lord when
Armored staff user when?
>tfw only need 70 more divine dew for best lord
>already have 25 refining stones
When the FUCK are the freebies coming?
Have you tried snes9x?
>even if Parthia gets a buff it probably still won't even be as good as guard bow
I hate it
>impregnating before marriage
Olwen is +Atk -Def, Linde is +Spd -HP. Both are only at +1, they were all pity breakers or lucky first rolls. Give me a reason why I shouldn't do this. I could save 42K feathers like this.
How do you need 70 DD
Milking Dew!
Pinning him down against his will!
Shut up Fjorm
It'll be Mage effective!
Maybe you will, but I will never leave my wife/ best friend/ #1 fan’s side! Specially not for some ice thot!
I have 130
I did a 50 stone upgrade and 4 20 stone upgrades
alternatively maybe this
Why is Dew's dew so divine?
>Killing a merged 5 star that has access to meme buffs to maximize blade potential for an infantry mage that has no meme buffs and one less movement.
If saving feathers is that important to you then go right ahead.
How do I go about doing a substitute only run in Geneology?
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in Tier 20 Arena, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Tempest Trials, and I have over 150k confirmed points. I am trained in Cavalry warfare and I’m the top Chad in the entire Heroes armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the Map and your Castle is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, faggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my horses bare feet. Not only am I extensively trained in Emblem combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the Heroes Cavalry Assfuck Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit dire thunder all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, infantry.
Have Reptor kill all the ladies, then just play it smart.
>20 stone upgrades
Donnel would look so cute in a suit!
Gonna be fun seeing Tharja vs Rhajat art.
Play it normally but give every ring/thing you want in the second gen to Sigurd/Quan/Ethlyn and then just have Reptor kill all the females in the last chapter in case they accidentally got married.
I'm gay
When you upgrade killer weapons to slayer it only costs 20 stones.
>an Altean platoon is 5 people
Scale in FE is some shit.
God I hope Faye wipes you off the face of the earth
Killer weapons only cost 20 for the first upgrade to slaying. I've spaced them out rather than focusing on one at a time, so they're not fully upgraded yet.
Killer to slaying takes 20 stones, for example
Hector, Marth, Chrom and >Xander to mirror the bride banner.
You WILL back down.
It's going to be Faye VS Thotja user
How do I stop being retarded and convince myself to make 4*+10 units.
Lissa’s Husband is an uncivilised savage! He hasn’t even heard the word suit!
Nice! Didn't know that, that makes me look forward to it.
Faye vs Priscilla*
Never ever happening but I can dream
just use units no one likes like Donnel and Raigh
4 more for 60
do I push adult tiki (-hp +def) or joshua to 5 star?
I am a shitter that cant get the 5 star joshua from special map yet
Why does Reptor hate feminism so much?
So how many DD does that net?
Donnel is one of the heroes with F2P strats, I'm sure at least some people like him
Can't wait to see Faye vs Priscilla thanks to dumb tharjafags overshooting in the last hours
mark is a lucky guy
has anyone got project naga working on the snes mini?
it's a 1:1 ratio
20 times 4 is 80
+50 is 130
20. It looks like it's a 1 to 1 ratio of stones used to the amount of dew you get.
M-magic is everything.
>res ploy
BTW how will tall make your Eldigans next week once you can? I plan on making mine have fury 6 with despiratipn and brash assist seal for memes. Haven't decided to run heavy blade instead
Who's husband is Chrom supposed to be?
I'm tired of looking at my sad 4* Alfonse at level 30. How should I build him? I've got 130k feathers and Gray to help me for SP so go crazy.
With all the constant bonuses I wonder if Priscilla or Faye would even be able to catchup in the last hours.
ISIS should sell divine dew or refining stones, they would make a lot of money.
Should I play New Mystery of the Emblem after I’m done with Shadow Dragon for DS? If I can find a translated rom.
Julia has brain problems!
>spic is getting cocky
This almost always leads to fun stuff so please, keep it up.
I'm Siegbert.
Here's mine. QR3 is best but I'm not giving that to him. Also obligatory Atk +3 seal or QP.
Hector, Marth, Vaike and benny*
Julia has AUTISM
Which is why he would look so fucking cute and awkward in one
Have Celica as my lead
I am also struggling with friends on Team Priscilla
Poor Sigurd.
Benny is for Effie. Best S-rank conversation.