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Justify why you're still raiding. You know it's not actually fun.
Thiiis is kind of a fucked up mount. I don't know how people on roleplay servers could even react to it pulling p.
Why are horde players so cringe?
>horde and alliance are split 50/50
Since when?
Horde bg queues are 10 minutes even at prime time on EU while alliance ones are instant.
what was your highest unsullied titanforge
>tfw locked up for 10k years, your only solace and light is getting boned by your fag brother
>she finally comes to free you
>go into an autism and testosterone induced rampage until some randos and a waifu dunk you while you think about skulls and shit
>get brought back after a while, help spearhead the assault into the Burning Legion's anus
>sacrifice yourself to keep one of the ultimate evils at bay for the sake of your beloved and your world
>the bitch doesn't care, thinks you didn't mean it while she gargles on your irrelevant bro's cock
Illidan had it rough.
>the soyboy faction doesn't pvp
who knew
Nightborne Neutral race:
Thalryssra wants to mend the ties between her and the Night Elves. Tyrande is reluctant at first but thinks mending the ties broken 10000 years ago can help them against the coming threat from Azshara.
Silgryn is a fag who things the NEs are the ones who abandoned them and doesn't want to join them, rather seeks the Blood Elf boipucci he has been fucking for a couple months.
There, done in a more logical way than Blizzard could hope to.
Just bought. Love the way it looks, but the running animation is pretty weird.
It is not à lot of fun
But its content and you can compare to others and improve
Idk if i leave my m guild and roll horde side
You are right raiding is not fun, i like m+ 120%more tho
This looks like shit.
I wear it better.
Don't reply to me again.
Hyper-Fertile Belfs!
>b-but Alliance still get belves tho..
Are you selfish or just stupid?
One of my fav tier sets. I like the red version as well.
>see a females wow armory
>all her gear is rain finder/relinquished or pvp
>mfw shes not a gold digging whore that gets boosted by orbiters and shes independent
Ok, but it will still look like shit.
He is right nice use of 20euros you mongol
y tho
R8 new trinket
Oh man the alliance will never recover from this.
My bf bought it for me so ....
I don't want Vevlfs or Belfs. I want Helfes which are factually already a part of the Alliance.
Is there any mythic Argus videos yet?
I still have a 70%+ win-rate, no idea why the horde ones are so slow. Maybe people fell for the belf racial meme or its just a more popular faction.
what was the hardest part
Because of this
What the fuck is that currency even
Wtf is xts
people are on mythic argus?
just who the fuck tuned this raid lmao?
KJ heroic was twice as hard as any boss in there.
probably consistently getting inquisitor down fast so I have very few infernals
>person ive been talking to for a few days invites me to arena with them
>get in the party
>tells me shes a girl
>too late to abort
there goes 1k of my rating
Last time I played WoW it was burning crusade but looks like my account auto upgraded itself to draenor, when the next expansion comes or preorder is available will I be able to just buy the battle for azeroth thing directly or I need to buy legion too?
cute goat
those are old as shit, it's for chink servers
Not him, but having to keep up with the adds trying to cave Velen's face in, while not getting instakilled from the mobs, then not getting instakilled and standing in shit.
>blood elves only send a few troops to support the horde while they breed like rabbits and don't take losses over nothing
Clever elves
your first pic is the only one i like so far
>when she carries you but you've been a dick
You will only need to buy Battle For Azeroth
>Baiting people with pic from literally 2016
The raid is tuned for autists, and I doubt they're on mythic argus already.
you just mad it worked and you didn't think of it boy
tops guild are on agrammar now
redpill me on MVP on the offical forum
Place holder currency. everything on PTR's shop costs 1 XTS.
>tfw the next druid race on alliance is going to be wildhammer dwarves
Can't wait
who cares
source please friend.
why dont we have those in our cash shop?
Yeah but this one in particular was datamined on wowhead after ptr update that was made for china and everyone already had a 5 minute meltdown over it before remembering that there are regions other than NA and EU
Why are alliance players so cringe?
Are they even druids? I thought shamanism was their thing and they are the reason why they gave shamans to the alliance in cata.
>The machine isn't ready!
What did he mean by this?
Hypothetically, if I were genuinely a great player and not a delusional shitter who only thinks he's great, but don't have a raid group or a prepared character, how long would it take for me to get into mythic Antorus?
>proves him right
>horde always has to rely on tauren, the peacebringing faction, to make up for the fact that they're all slumped
>he is his beard
Because pay2win screamers wouldn't shut the fuck up for years and probably because level boosts would sell and they sell better that pots ever could
Nature is their thing. They're the ones that tame and train gryphons and shit. It's not a super far stretch if Blizzard wanted to give them druidism.
Excuse me
they're one of the reasons i don't tell people my sex
Sure but what else could they add for druids?
Their special classes would be shaman and druid since they're so close with nature I think.
>gryphon themed forms
>Draenor races instead of evolving are devolving
Really makes me think
you have to go back to vanilla to understand why things are like this, or at least this is what my experience has led me to believe
back then, the horde were greatly outnumbered and didn't have paladins so they couldn't raid and instead would pvp constantly.
so you'd have a premade horde group getting instant queues and steamrolling pug alliance groups in WSG and AB
it was pretty much the underdog faction until they got blood elves/paladins + faction transfers, then everyone wanted to be the underdog and they could do it while playing a pretty race
pretty sure it went from close to 70/30 A to H to now 51/49 H to A, also everyone says racials don't matter but horde racials in BGs have always given a substantial edge only outmatched by EMFH which was more of an OP arena talent
>literally a reskinned gryphon
Why the FUCK is blizz so cheap?
>tfw the add this shit in BfA because of the changes in leveling.
Elves literally exist to be bullied by superior races
i don't understand how they are okay with a level boost but xp potions are something they aren't okay with?
orcs are missing on this image
>implying smaller = devolving
>funny photoshop from over a year ago
Haha, let's all pretend we're mad! That'll be fun.
it's literally been in the game for 2 years now
It's not that great anymore because of the free trinket but I think the void elf racial will give alliance pvpers an edge with casters at least.
Orc and blood elf are the strongest right now for sure, especially in bgs.
>will give alliance pvpers an edge with casters at least.
a fucking free demonic circle plus the void touch thingy.
>Not posting the rest
The only people that followed into the depths of the Burning Throne:
Strike 1 - Velen, Draenei
Strike 2 - Magni, Dwarf
Strike 3- Illidan, nightelf pussy destroyer
Bonus Strike 3.5 - Khadgar, Human
Bonus Strike 4 - Turallyon, Human
How can the Horde pretend to be relevant?
>tfw you will never be bullied by a strong draenei male
I can't believe a blink racial is being considered
Like compare that to berserking or stoneform, wtf
>some allicuck ACTUALLY got so mad they drew the bottom copycat part
really makes you think
yandex and tineye didn't find the source and i went through 10 pages of r34 before i got sick of seeing faggot fetishes
help a brother out
Draenei have been cucked out of two entire planets lol
anybody interested in rbgs with the best paladin in the world
same shitter drew both
Same artist.
But the bottom is for when Horde are the ones being autistic
nice falseflag btw