How do i profit off of retards who fell for the college meme?
How do i profit off of retards who fell for the college meme?
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I wonder what kind of degree she got
>That pic.
people pay off mortgages for way more than that amount all the time.
Anyway, back to your question. Refinance or consolidate their loans for a fee.
I hate this bullshit... They made a bad investment, and now they have to pay for it, it's not that complicated. I made a bad investment and got a degree, after dropping out of high school and thinking the whole system was a scam.
I was pissed about it, sure, but I also paid back my 50k debt in two years working a job I didn't even use my engineering degree for. Seriously, and 80k debt sucks but it's really not that much, and if you can't escape 80k how do you ever plan to get anywhere in life?
>choose to go to an expensive school
>choose to take out loans
>choose to get a useless degree
>cry because the government won't pay your loans for you
Okay serious question Veeky Forums, I need ideas for which chink crap to sell to them
Hoop earrings.
so fucken american isn't it
The problem is nobody tells high schoolers how to pick a degree.
While it's probably one of the most life changing decisions you can make.
you had 25k/year laying around working a bullshit job
Yes and no. I had 50k of disposable income in the span of two years, working a reasonable job, along with what I collected from previous investments.
A little background about my situation is that I didn't go to college after dropping out of high school, I actually worked and was able to get to a point where I could buy a junker apartment in a bad neighborhood during the '08 crisis along with some stock in Citigroup. I then decided I should go to college as it's what everyone says I should do and I figured I'd get a degree in engineering as I understood math pretty well. I ended up renting out the apartment and using that to support myself mostly.
After finished college it took me about a year to find a job as I honestly didn't have passion for the field, and it sucked. I did end up getting a job, but it had very little to do with what I studied, though it was in a technical company. The first year I didn't make that much but it was definitely more than minimum wage. I took on a few challenging projects and found a niche for myself, when I got my first raise it was a bullshit amount and I instantly tried looking for another job. When I got an offer I put in my two weeks notice and was offered more than the other place to stay where I was, because you know you don't get anything if they don't believe you will leave.
Honestly, the biggest loss wasn't the 50k I had to pay for the degree I didn't ever need, but rather the 5 or so years I lost learning bullshit and then looking for work... Worse yet, it ends up as 7 years when you think about the two years I spent paying back the loan.
Really though, I'm not that special and I don't think I'm some genius. I'm just hard working and good with money. I was raised by an old jew so I guess that's where I get my affinity for loving money and being able to budget it.
>They made a bad investment, and now they have to pay for it, it's not that complicated.
most people do not go into college owning an apartment and citi stock faggot
>my bad investment choices aren't my fault because I wasn't financially stable before I made them
Yes, and most people go to college when they are 18, with scholarships. I went when I was 21, almost 22, I was in the workforce from 17 to almost 22. So when they're getting out of college, I was getting in. Ideally if the degree means anything and they have skills, they should be able to out preform me as they have more working time with qualifications by the time we hit the same age.
As for my real estate, I don't think most people understand how little money it really brings in. After condo fees, tax, and all the other basic stuff it's 4970.00$ a year. That's about 415$ a month. That's not even including things that could go wrong, like not having a tenant, or the heating system breaking which costs 1,250$ to repair with parts and labor. Now 415$ isn't a bad deal, and it means a lot, especially if you work part time while in school, but it's not really that much in the grand scheme of things.
how to profit off of broke people?
be a populist politician
he could unironically have a serious shot in 2020
>tfw fell for the STEM meme
>graduate civil engineering at christmas
>no job
>45 applications 2 interviews
Only if he learns to use meme warfare. Trump wouldn't have won without it. The (((establishment))) didn't want either of them to win, but Trump pulled it off due to a combination of powerful memes and running against a truly heinous opponent. If Trump fucks up the next 4 years and Bernie can harness memes, he'll win in 2020 for sure.
>civil engineering
many civ E's have this problem. it's getting to the point where the degree is near-meme degree territory
I think the biggest rallying cry against trump was that he'd turn out to be a cartoonish super villain.
If he's just average and holds the course most democrats may still hate him, but they'll be too lazy to go out and vote against him.
You think apartments and city stocks materialize out of thin air? The guy worked for it, or got an inheritance. Why are you even on /biz if you're that retarded?
Do you ever get tired of winning?
buy their debt
Were going to keep winning senpai
No dont do that
Buy portions of it so when they default you dont lose everything.while still making bank off the interest
jesus fuck you cunts are retards. you fucking hire to do something that earns more than you pay them.
Who in their right mind would employ someone dumb enough to take out an $80k loan for a 4-year degree in African American Dance?
Someone who can sell this persons knowledge or ability in african american dance for more than it costs them - in this particular case I would point you to the jew.
My question for you is why the fuck would you hire someone smart enough not to take the loan and be stacking away to start their own business, you would be grooming your future competitors.
I know the pain... EE major here, and literally every interview I had when I interviewed for jobs in my field was basically "So, how close to a Software engineer are you? Can you just be a software engineer?"
I actually addressed this in a later post, I didn't start college until I was basically 22, which is when most people finish college. So I was 25/26 when I finished, and trust me, it was a huge mistake.
Also my real estate doesn't pay as much as people think. It's almost 10k a year gross, but after everything it's roughly 4kish. As for the Citi shares, I bought them super cheap, and sold them at a rather good profit. The big issue was that I went back to school around the same time and didn't have as much to put into the stock as I would otherwise. Oh well, live an learn I guess, because as I've said it's not really the 50k debt that bothers me but rather the opportunity cost of that 50k debt at that time.
I think most people don't consider opportunity cost enough in their life.
Yeah it's nuts how difficult something as straightforward as opportunity cost can be for people to understand sometimes.
do you have internship experience? this is key
>cry and the government pays your loans for you
This is exactly what "too big to fail" does all the time.
Well it's also that people don't equate certain things. On one hand people will tell you it's insane to take out a loan to start a small business out of high school, but the same people will tell you to take out that same loan to go to college. I don't think either loan is particularly a good investment, but at least you can bankrupt a business loan and it won't take away your social security benefits (if they still exist) unlike a Fed Loan.
More so, people pay a lot for a house in my area, I mean they stake their whole life on it. I know real estate can be a good investment, but it's not always such, and as I've said with student loans, I will say for a mortgage, are you really willing to take out a several hundred thousand dollar loan on stocks, a business, or whatever? If not, why do it on a house? Maybe I hold this view because I know the cost of doing the rental game, and how much can go wrong, despite having good tenants.
No, and this was also a big mistake. I actually passed up an internship (that I didn't really apply for, but got because I applied for another co-op) so that I could take summer classes and get my degree sooner.
Honestly, while the internship would have helped, I think just having a passion for it would have been more important. I think only one place I interviewed with checked my degree with the school. Some places even didn't care, they had a lot of success hiring hobby people who were self taught.
The irony is, I rented a room in a house that was owned by a guy who was in the EE field when he was younger, while I was going to school. He didn't have a degree, he just had a really good mind for reading wire diagrams back in the day and was able to go far in life. I think that's still true today, maybe not reading circuits like he did, but rather being able to go to places like Hack a Day and commit your passion to.
I'd fucking suck this user's dick. Straight af too.
Former student loan servicer for Nelnet here.
Their were typically 2 kinds of people with ridiculous balances that they couldn't pay.
1- People that dropped out or don't work in their field. This is the most common group. Some of these people were nice, but for the most part very violent. Like 60% of my calls were people that expect to have their loans forgiven because they don't work as whatever they went to school for.
2- People that make 90k+ yearly but still can't handle a $200 monthly payment. These people were the fucking worst. 90% of them insist that I can just do them favors and I'm being a dick for not lowering their principle balance. These calls weren't too common, but they were typically the most past due. Buy less cars if you have $100,000 of student loans.
That said, I'd go over expenses with these people, and I never met anyone that got a job in their field and couldn't handle the payments unless they took on a fuckload of outside debt in top of student loans.
Hate gov as much as you want, but they give as many options as possible to help you get rid of your loans. Unless you take on a stupid of outside debt they'll adjust to your income and dismiss your loans in 20-25 years even if you don't pay off the full principle.
Tl;dr people that struggle with their student loan payments are stupid
Why so? I appreciate the sentiment, but would like to know what about my post appeals to others.
90k isn't even that much money if you've got loans to pay off
Become a politician for the Democratic Party. Retards always vote for the government to fix their loser status.
I had a similar experience with EE when I finished 10 years ago. Sad to see things never improved.
The populist energy that got Trump elected is exhausted and disappointed. The next president will be an establishment figure not a Trump or Sanders.
The problem is it really doesn't have a place to grow unless you're super into power optimization. I'm all about efficiency, but designing batteries all day when I'm better at designing circuits isn't the way to go.
Software engineering is basically the same thing these days, except it actually teaches you how to use the things you design. EE still teaches PIC chips and rejects things like Arduino. I get Arduino isn't that great, but it has a lot of applications that can be marketed, opposing it because it's simple is insane.
I had to explain this multiple times to an EE professor for a project, as they thought it was too easy to use. Then the jumped on board and bought one for themselves, not because of anything I said, but because another professor was hired that was teaching a course that focused on it... For fucks sake you stupid pic chip using fucktard.
How CAN you do it, Veeky Forums?
How is someone supposed to make 80,000 dollars? That's, like, a bazillion dollars.
>tried computer engineer at Cal poly pomona
>did all the Math up to differential equations at a CC
>did my first engineering course:Intro to EE
>hated it
>Realized that the next two years would be hard and boring
>quickly switch to business finance
>fun and easy and thought I wouldn't get a job
>no debt, 3000 dollar profit through FAFSA money
>Do temp work after graduation
>quickly landed a job at 40k starting
>four years later I was making 60k~ a year
>still not respected
>not stupid enough to buy into the kool-aid that I need materialistic things
>richer than the people who don't respect me and people who make 100k, but spend it like water.
It's a comfy life. I get to enjoy life and not worry about anything.
Start a rope and stool business. Won't get a lot of return business though.
>paying for your education
wew lad!
Sell ebooks or Start a site with ads and paid premium Service for shit that promises to make people rich over night "earn 500 bucks a Day with this simple Trick - Banks hate us".
Those binary options Websites were awesome to make money from Idiots
>Be an Aussie
>Do an accounting degree
>Dick around, fail a few units and drop out of some.
>It's was still only $34k.
Down to $25k now. Hoo yeah!
it is double the us median
it is a looot of money
im an ee and that sounds like a problem with your school
is it even abet accredited
>The problem is nobody tells high schoolers how to pick a degree.
>While it's probably one of the most life changing decisions you can make.
>inb4 hurr they should use their common sense
>you know you don't get anything if they don't believe you will leave.
This is fucked. How did it get to this point? And yet the same "Where do you see yourself with us in five years" bullshit gets spewed.
Took me 7 years to get my undergrad
No work experience.
Been on centrelink ever since.
Pretty good desu.
>I'm 29
>double major in english/philosophy
how fucked am i
Where did you go to college? Did you do any internships? I graduated as a Civ E last year and nearly my entire graduating class had a job or grad school lined up.
What positions are you applying for? If you can't get a job at a design firm, try a construction contractor. The big general contractors and speciality contractors are always looking for field engineers and project engineers.
Well as you'd know, life has no inherent value so kys
>dropped out after 2 years of cs, because too lazy to learn
>do nothing for a year, buying crypto
>get 3 jobs within a year after the first interview
kinda easy, kinda boring. college is stupid
Rent an apt and charge 1,000 per roommate
Pretty okay actually. If you want to go private enterprise, there is no shortage of managerial and administrative positions. I would start with some kind of student job at an established company before graduating though. Doesn't matter what. Once you have your foot in the door, you're fine. Do an internship in a finance company, since you're obvious interested in the subject.
>45 apps
That ain't shit my dude.
>only 2k a year in tuition
>when my uni is in top 50 best world wide
Oh yes I hate my taxes, but I am so glad that I live in a civilized country that spends it on the education system
I feel sorry for you Amerifats
Fu k that I don't want a pres that old
This. Children were indoctrinated since kindergarten that they must go to college and get a degre no matter what in order to succeed in life.
Now you have a bunch of broke millennials with usless basket weaving degrees making coffee.
Masters in Underwater Basket Weaving
Drive to college dorm gates with your porsche, point at the miserable students walking by and laugh
Yes it is accredited and associated with the IEEE and all that other good stuff. It actually has a lot of very good professors who have a strong record, but a lot of them are just kind of stuck in their ways, so things don't get updated as quickly as they should.
The school also might have a bias towards the energy sector as it has a full reactor on sight and such.
That's just life really. I hate that 5 year question, I also hate dealing with HR people in interviews. I think all of job offers I received, were from interviews I had with actual staff in the department and not HR people.
You can get jobs in MANY other fields with an engineering degree senpai
You can, but it's a huge pain. Most people will assume you're not interested in other fields and be suspicious of why you're looking for work outside of engineering because they believe it's a very high paying field, that has a lot of jobs, and is someone's true passion if they were willing to study it.
STEM is one of those fields where you always feel either over qualified for everything or under qualified for everything.
>old enough to go to college
>too stupid to google the average salary of graduates and compare them to the costs to get the degree
We can conclude that college is a scam, which some gain their success from.
However, is colleges shaking down brainlets for money actually good?
>brainlet majors in psychology, communications, history, english, whatever other contrived bull shit.
>their shekels go to funding the school's programs and faculty.
>because of more shekels being thrown around, more funding for scientific research
is this how it works or can someone throw a wrench into my thinking?
Yes but the student loan is the ONLY bad investment on Earth that you cannot escape no matter what. It follows you for life.
The fact that you can't file bankruptcy and get rid of it is outrageous.
Its like the mortgage backed securities scandal. Its something that started out noble that became a manipulative ruse.
Schools are well aware they are pumping out many useless degrees at $50k a pop and they are still selling kids on how much the degree is gonna pay off.
I mention this in another post in this thread:
>Well it's also that people don't equate certain things. On one hand people will tell you it's insane to take out a loan to start a small business out of high school, but the same people will tell you to take out that same loan to go to college. I don't think either loan is particularly a good investment, but at least you can bankrupt a business loan and it won't take away your social security benefits (if they still exist) unlike a Fed Loan.
>4-year degree in African American Dance
>How do i profit off of retards who fell for the college meme?
Mow their lawns, fill their SUVs with gas, make their lattes, and laugh all the way to the welfare office.
>I also hate dealing with HR people in interviews. I think all of job offers I received, were from interviews I had with actual staff in the department and not HR people.
If we got rid of HR would companies die?
Hm? What?
I don't think I really get your question. Though as far as HR goes, I don't think it's exactly necessary to get rid of them, though I think it's important to get them out of the hiring process. They obviously serve a function in terms of setting up benefits, insurance, and doing background checks (which they often fail), but having them look over resumes and do interviews for positions they hardly understand is insane. It's way too common that HR people doing screening for a position don't even know what's right in a candidate and will think someone is qualified when the manager of the department won't even allow them to come in for an interview due to how unqualified they are, even though they've had a favourable interview with the HR person over the phone as the HR person just heard a bunch of mumbo-jumbo that sounded smart.
It would be extremely painful
HR is where they budget health plans and payroll often rolls up to HR, so you'd have to figure out what to do with those, but other than that they don't really do anything another team can't at your average >50 person organization.
I have 4 cars, a locker full of guns, and a 2300 square foot house on 2 acres of land and im not even all that wealthy by american standards. Top it off, my taxes are pretty low and can write about how fucking aweful islam is and not get thrown in to jail with european shitty hate speech laws. You can keep your free leftist indoctrination tuition.
If people could just use common sense would could remove HR entirely from society.
They do SOME good like getting the hiring process going, handling the paperwork, and planning things that make employee life better.
But mainly they are just the company cop and pretend to be experts on the company postions.