Sledge edition
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Don't mess with Dokkaebi:
/r6g/ - Rainbow Six General
will my questions from the previous thread get answered?
2nd for reddit
repost them and ill probably not anwer them
stay classy user here do me a favor, see this hand?
Isnt that the gay guy from the new star wars?
If they add a female S.A.S this general will go nuclear.
All the other CTUs are literal whos so its okay if they get female ops.
When is grandpa thatch getting an elite skin?
goodnight fags
i bought a pc will my shit carry over through ubi account or nah
i hope you all got your tiny as fuck buckley charm
I call this one "The hammer of faith" aka "Welcome to Siege, lad".
Thankfully i think the U.S and cuckistan ops are from delta force and some Who? scottish ctu.
>When the gay thoughts try and sneak up on you.
thankfully theyre not adding to existing units so that wont happen, the uk operator will be from scotland yard, so whoever it is should look like pic related, but knowing ubisoft itll just be another shitfu in yoga pants
so did ubi lower the hidden percentage of the alpha packs? im sitting at 42% right now, i used to get them at around 12-16%
God, I'm so sick of ugly foreign women
>play like absolute utter shit
>realize I put in my left and right headphones on the wrong ear
How could you give your fellow operator the ol spicy hammer Sledge?
wew lad
It's a rite of passage for every newcomer. Sigil thought that mask will stop the hammer.
Reminder that if you play Siege for the waifus and Husbandos, that’s ok.
I can’t tell you not be be an asshole and not TK people that take your precious away from you but I’ll at the very least suggest be the very best you can be. Make your mains proud
i want to be IQ's foot towel!
Someone people complain about anything. Shit I heard complains about:
>quickdroning (this is when people call hacks because they don't realize they got spottet without the warning)
>glaz-banging trough castle barriers (sadly no decent player picks him these days)
>shooting out of the windows at round start
>leaving the building for agressive defence.
>C4 kills (specially trough the ceiling)
>shooting folks trough the ceiling/floor
>Pulse picking (this was a big insult for some when the game was new, I feel like these days nobody gives a fuck)
>using glaz flip sight indoors (fuck everyone this was always great, back in the day because of the high contrast, now it literally has outline mode)
There's always something to bitch about and personally I can only think of 2 things that are valid: bitching about enemies having high ping, (honestly at this point I'd take a ping matchmaking over a skill matchmaking, fuck these 200ping corner runners) and one of your teammates picking Tachanka/recruit. That's just straight up a bad choice unless the whole team agreed to meme it.
That reminds me when i bought a cheap ass headhphones after my good one broke, i played an entire day with the bloody thing having the sides switched due a factory error
>she is a mei zing
take the fucking teamspeak out of the OP already holy shit lmao
is this bait or did you forget to take your ritalin
i wish you could teamkill with sledge's hammer
One thing I always find weird about waifufags in games want to play as them. Since your projecting onto them since your supposed to be pretending that you are that character. It's especially weird to me in siege since it's in first person
not when they look like gutter trash
>got a gayman headset
>pretty comfy. sound isn't audiophile level but decent enough for vidya.
>has one of those "7.1 surround sound features"
>turn it on
>sounds pretty alright, deeper bass and suchs
>start a game
>impossible to determine where steps a coming from with it on
and into the trash it goes. At least that function will be perma turned off. I have no Idea how people play with that shit turned on. I can see myself enjoying a movie with it though. Reminds me more of really decently set equalizer settings than anything else.
Why would you get not mad if a high level player causes a default loss because he just plain forgot to enter the room? That shit's infuriating.
What are some times you mucked about
>me and lesion just mucking about in the green train car on kafe, situation is clearly grim, he even melees the frost mat I had put in that car by mistake
>we start ramming against each other face first prone anchoring while the other 3 roam and keep getting destroyed
>we both back up so we're sticking our legs out and start ramming together crotch first
>last roamer dies in the room with the engine and someone starts securing
>lesion stands up and headshots him, I stay prone and turn 60 degrees and kill 2 people without taking any damage through the fire place
>glaz and fuze coming in hot
>we ram each other again just for good luck
>stand up and walk over to glaz and decapitate him, then blast fuze across the room
>teammate seeing this all go down loses his shit
136 isn't high and a "high" level doesn't correlate with experience, just duration of play.
small brain just learn to enjoy the game. come flash your teammates as ying with me
Post the kind of players you hate. I'll start
>people that play Tachanka
>play bomb
>pick shield
>grab defuser and try to plant it as fast as possible
possibly the most fun you can have in this game
Year 2 was a joke compared to whats coming ahead boys.
outbreak is a mistake and it will be a mistake
hopefully it'll not be a long addition.
i'd prefer 4 maps compared to 2
year 4 when??
>take out a map
>put in meme zombie mode
>it doesn't even last
wew lad
I guarantee you that Outbreak will just be a re-skinned TH. Probably won't give much renowns either but some shitty event skins.
>someone unironically told me the mk 14 is a balanced gun
how did this thing make it in the game?
>not experience
>just duration of play
>no correlation between the two
Nigga if you're 120+ you're likely to have spend over 200 hours of siege. Now if you said, time played has nothing to do with skill, I'd give that to you.
BUT, I'd argue that it is DAMN NEAR IMPOSSIBLE to play anything for 200 hours and not pick up on the most basic game mechanic that is: The capture.
You can be level 200 and not aim for shit
You can be level 200 and still not grasp when it is smarter to drone, or not grasp that you shouldn't rush in blindly and whatnor.
But being level 200 and not knowing how to contest a capture? Fuck no. That's something that just fucking COMES with playing a lot.
>winning 2-0
>players on the other team quit
>one guy that joins is level 300+
>destroys our entire team alone and brings it back to 2-2
>manage to kill him in the last round but it's 1v1
>teammate decides it's a good idea to sit in the corner on turret
>he gets rushed and we lose
The fact that you're so frustrated over this tells me that you're probably coming from PUBG or LoL and are angry that your teammate wasn't listening to you when you were backseat gaming. Try swapping ritalin for weed?
Still better than the void that is Operation Health.
>droning right in front of the window
You chose your fate.
cursed images
It was a mistake I agree
Made for a good ss tho
>guy forgets to do something that's important to the team
>team reminds him to do it
>le backseat gaming
fuck off, there is a difference between backseat gaming and tactical callouts.
>third: I WAS YELLING "YOU HAVE TO GO YOU HAVE TO GO" when the timer got very close.
mm yes nice reminder
>bolt action rifle when??
I might as well post my collection of these
When is valkyrie going to gain the ability to see where her cameras are through walls?
I regret buying her because I just can't keep track with where the cameras are without constantly checking them
Am I doing something wrong?
Remember when there was a glitch where Smoke used a bolt-action animation on his MAC-11?
My favourite recent killscreen. Some user commented it with:
*record scratch* yep, that's me.
your opinion on revolvers?
Literally not backseat gaming to remind someone of a timer when they have forgotten. That's just teamplay. Same as calling out where enemies are from cams, or warnings in general.
>Playing Thatcher on Chalet
>OBJ in garage
>Reinforced garage door with shock wires
>Level 14 Thermite excitingly skips along ahead towards the garage door
>Me: "Wait before you ther-
>*ZAP* *ZAP*
I swear on Odin's sweaty crusty beard these fucking smurfs.
Revolvers are my favorite guns in anything. Except for siege. They kinda suck
one handed sniping best sniping
not anymore lmoa
thermite needs a buff, not even a buff just a better fucking secondary gadget
why can't he and jackal switch secondary gadgets? The ones they have don't fit them at all.
since every gun is a one-shot headshot anyway the revolver doesn't offer much.
>6 shots only
>1 headshot = kill like every other gun
>needs more than one body shot like every other pistol
>BUT, has slower rate of fire and the craziest recoil in the game
I can probably do like 5 body shots to down / kill someone with any other pistol in the same time it takes me to land 2 with a revolver. That being said, revolver kills are pretty damn badass.
And it even had sounds.
I wonder what happened to it.
>When is valkyrie going to gain the ability to see where her cameras are through walls?
Are you fucking serious?
>I regret buying her because I just can't keep track with where the cameras are
Open your smurf eyes. Instead of just throwing them in random places try to learn which direction or floors the attackers might come from and stick them in corners of ceilings or objects where it can be hidden but can cover large radius of the area.
>Am I doing something wrong?
Yes, you need to learn the layouts of the map and try to remember and predict which direction the attacks will come from. Just memorize the map as best as you can. More you practice, more you'll get better in placing cameras in sneaky places. Also don't try to ping the attackers too often as it will give away and they might shoot your cameras or redirect their paths. Use callouts and make sure your team can also use the cameras.
I just got a gold star hat for ash from a pack.
I don’t use Ash.
Thank Ubisoft.
>Vigil would make a great attacker, bypassing cameras, Valk cams and Echo drones
>Dokkaebi would make a great roaming defender who spooks all attackers
Grrrrr! What a twist!
>there are people with more than 10 hours logged in this game who still die in the first 30 seconds of the round
Peeking out is not always the best strategy. The guy on the left ate a headshot from me, more or less at the same time I ate a headshot from Ms."I-can-look-trough-my-hat" here.
sounds like it isn't a smurf if he didn't know about bandit
>get rushed by ash
>barrel stuff her with p90
>fire off at least 5 rounds
>she knives me
>everyone starts screaming over the mic on how i didn't kill her
>didn't even hit her once
This is why people quit ubi. This is the reason right here.
Pretty sure that the hat is the actual player and the girl is just the cosmetic underneath the hat.
>4k as montagne with revolver
super fun
Have you ever gotten PTSD the same moment you killed somebody? Bandit has seen some shit.
It'll be worse. They'll make ~3 maps just for Outbreak mode, but never put them into normal terro hunt or PvP.
screenshot taken in september
>autism face
is she canonically downs? even here portrait pose looks like she has mental issues
God I remember when Capitao was the new "Ash" in town. Losing those smokes really made a difference.
How can you not fall in love with that Face?
OG waifu.
Did they buff them or something?
Stop posting your shitty screenshots, nobody cares
I've seen edgier comments then that. Just a normal day in R6.
You mean losing frags, getting his guns fucking murdered and his spicy bolt nerfed?
SR cap was the most fun operator in the game
Great game at consulate
>first round a rando fuzes objective with one of my buds in it
>kill fuze after he kills my friend
>"I was already setting it off as they went in!"
>he'd been in there a good 20 seconds
>win the round anyways because no one in obj lmao
Next round we're defending
>we're on second floor
>one enemy pushes in basement
>gets killed with defuse
>everyone moves down to basement to defend defuser
>hear the enemy team breaching and pushing into objective for 2 minutes
>they rush down to basement in last 30 seconds to grab defuse and all get mowed down
We ended up losing but damn that was fun.
Even before the nerf Capitao was average to mediocre at best in terms of gadget and guns. His nerf was reactionary and unnecessary.