>Heroes FAQ and Links
Voting Gauntlet: support.fire-emblem-heroes.com
>SoV Links
>Links and Resources
>Heroes FAQ and Links
Voting Gauntlet: support.fire-emblem-heroes.com
>SoV Links
>Links and Resources
Right here friend.
Are you retarded by any chance?
I've been playing since launch and have yet to roll a Klein or Rebecca.
It hurts
yes thanks
What banner are we getting in an hour and one freiza?
Ishtar when?
Banner when
Here he is, as asked, a smol Salem!
Salem's story is really tragic. Kicked out of home at young age, Salem was adopted and indoctrinated into a cult ran by old men in musky robes who worship a dead dragon (Loptyr). Salem began questioning the beliefs of Lopto Cult as he grew up and ended up being ran out, becoming a wanted man as he ran for his life until being rescued by the strong, handome, and wise bandit-king Pahn (some say he's a royalty of now-lost kingdom). While still affected by negative outcomes of his childhood, Salem is a young man fool of hope and love in his heart (hence preferring a staff over dark tomes).
Salem's hobbies include: reading, writing, and taking care of younger members of the Dandelion Gang.
Alternative, less happier, Salem can be found here: i.imgur.com
Heroes with Breath of Life
I just really want Julia and/or YTiki
/feg/ friend list
check it out for voting gauntlet buddies and shitposting
Is 9 orbs enough for Christmas?
>9 orbs
Enjoy your Bartre 3* and Laslow 3*!
They're perfect for you!
>and shitposting
I hadn't checked the sheet before because my list is maxed out. Thanks for making me aware of quality shitposting.
>3 units
>3 rolls (1 free + 8 orbs)
>get perfect IV for each one
it's possible.
Ohhh nice. I love those takes on the official art at the top.
Is there any point in getting Bolganone++ except for divine dew? The BST boost is pretty worthless compared to the utility of a raven tome
You'll need about 35.
Try 0
Totally overkill.
>not making a strong Fir
it's the hip thing to do now
That was me, thank you user.
He looks great.
christmas units are free bro
what's the best IVs for Nowi and why?
Some of the more middling units with trash defenses may like it for patching up their speed/attack
No problem user, I like how you picked the perfect picture for what I described in his hobby list.
By the way, what twitter artists do you follow for these pictures because some of the ones you been posting are not found on pixiv.
Only if you don't won't to invest too much in Lilina and give her a boost with her default tome. There are better things to use refining stones for dew though.
Some of these old doujins were pretty wild, I wish we could get a translator on them.
DAMN, is that Travant?
Okay what the fuck
I went into an arena match of 700 points, and I see this team
Only thing is, EVERYONE had a water blessing
Did sucessfully rolling Fjorm on her banner actually give you another water blessing?
Smol Cape fix, so it looks little less tacky.
How to save 1k orbs?
That's really impressive.
>wanting nuFE shit
Yeah, tho the rest of that comic was FE4.
>muh nuFE is the bane of humanity
Can we just grow a set and move along?
FE16 can't come soon enough
I still firmly believe that this is the most broken seal
They should turn Sacae's Blessing into a seal.
Embla's Ward as a seal
user if you don't hate nuFE and think [Tellius/Jugdral/Elibe/Magvel] are the pinnacle of human achievement then you're just not one of the cool kids.
What they should do is completely remove it from the game.
>Sacae's Blessing
>Lyn only
>Now Lyn can run a Brave Weapon with CA and that shit
36 minutes until the Heroes with Big Dicks banner!
Glad these pics are still useful
Innes will be on it. Ephraim won't.
I like Tharja and im not raul.
Kill yourself Raul.
Anyone have the December graph of events? I wanna know what kind of banners we're getting.
And right on queue, here's the shitposter replying to himself.
>Lex's ghost
Holy shit.
I don't like nuFE all that much, yet I don't feel an obligation to shit on it whenever podsible
Hell. I actually got into FE from fucking Sm4sh, and it just took over the spit fir my favorite vidya from Pokémon. Seeing how the recent gen is sinking fast
I'd love to play the other FE games, but I can't emulate for shit
Fuck off beaner.
>36 minutes until the Heroes with Big Dicks banner!
Can't wait.
Only new banners we'll be getting soon are tonights "Heroes with X" and Tana/Amelia BHB banner in about a week.
Come to think of it we're almost done with all the content on this calendar.
Just rolled 200 quartz and 20 tickets and got zero Abilgails. Now I love FEH even more.
colorless hell: xtreme edition
>futa shit.
Back to r/fireemblem with you.
The spic doesn't even like Tharja, just her fat tits
Kiran isn’t playable yet, user
>I'm now raul
Don't even associate me with that fucking disgrace
Why are Fateskids so cringy?
Hey Summoner! Let me in!
It's me! Your emperor!
I'm just careful to ration my orbs this close to a holiday.
Azel you're not the emperor, you can't even wield Falaflame
It's so easy to tell when the general gets a couple of new people.
>giving your summoner support to someone that isn't Julia
>even posting before it's back up to S
To be fair, you're a fucking disgrace too.
I was following a few, I can't remember where those ones came from though. It's kinda annoying when artists only upload to twitter because it's such a bad site for finding art.
This one draws a lot of Thracia though:
>Can +10 nino if i want right fucking now
>Decide not to since im sick and tired of the gronnblade animation
Who else should i +10?
the idea that a futa would take a husband and not a wife is the stupidest shit ever.
I'd love it if IS released a hooded Merric who has 1:1 Merric statline, but 6 more atk because we live in age of random BST boosts. Ofcourse it's never-ever because modern IS don't treat our boy right and instead favours literal-who like Linde.
We're supposedly getting a second Legendary Heroes banner cause of the disclaimer at the bottom of the first one. So just wait until that and the Christmas banner is revealed.
I'm not a spic, and I unironically waifu Tharja.
Please don't lump him in with the rest of us.
NuFE fags are literally the worst.
You will die bitch.
Trip back on.
Thanks user, also I see that Ronan. Extra double thanks with a cherry on top.
I asked to get that santa hat before I achieved S-rank
This screenshot is absolutely fresh
Now never ever fucking call me Raul again
I'd fucking kick his ass if given the chance
You should still kill yourself for having such terrible taste.
How come Cordelia and Titania aren't on the gauntlet?
Waifuing the stalker character designed to appeal to pathetic men with nonexistent self esteem is enough to lump you in with the beaner
TharjaAnon is the glue that holds /feg/ together
Whichever one has the puffiest vulva.
No need for violence, buddy
You are now officially just as much of a faggot as he is.
Cordelia would be too much of a threat to Thargarbage and they forgot about Titania