/acg/ - Armored Core General

Old times edition.

Moldy bread: New Armored Core is officially confirmed. dualshockers.com/armored-core-from-software-continue/

For all newcomers, Armored Core and all JP mecha discussion here. You are welcome to shill western stuff with JP influence.
We can talk about Ace combat as well and puchi posting is fine too.


AC pastebin: pastebin.com/eXbPt1yd
Read that if you have any questions. If the pastebin doesn't answer whatever question you may have feel free to ask us in the thread.

/acg/'s partially complete recommendation pastebin:

Steam: steamcommunity.com/groups/armoredcorevg

/acg/ PLAYS




Official Strategy guide PDFs for 2, 3, and Nexus :

AC related cover music: ripped from niconico by risto

Understanding Last Raven technical stuff.

AC Webm and Music collection download.
dropbox.com/s/eh12d8bhn4o5t3p/AC Webm.rar?dl=0#
dropbox.com/s/e43xmgrl76l9bpo/AC Music.rar?dl=0

Other urls found in this thread:


i love armored core!

>wake up
>check Veeky Forums
>new general two min ago
Guess that last thread pulled a white glint on us

Well we died at like 4am, nothing much we can do there.

I bumped us at like 1 AM, I tried.
>be rusty
>decide to fight J again with reworked anti-NGWIX-Whatever build
>we both hit 0 AP at the same time
>counts as loss
A little mad.

I did discover how much I missed infinite boost builds though. Might have to make a second mid-weight with that in mind.







Hey all... in verdict day I finally got to chapter 3, and I've been struggling hard since...

Can somebody recommend me a build? Something like an all-rounder badass that can take on anybody. During missions I either run out of ammo or get shut down or run away so fast I boost to out of bounds zone and fail the mission :(

Im strugglin, dunno what to do and honestly the last few missions from chapter 2 I dunno how I got past those coz I tried to redo em for money and cant even complete em...

Plz I just want some tips...

-noob armored core player

Is that the one where you ambush the convoy? You don't have to take them all on by yourself, just survive for a bit and you'll get fire support.
If you're running out of ammo, you probably need to bring more gun. You get to equip four, after all. And make sure you're not putting all of your guns into one damage type, get some variety.
Scan enemies and read their defenses. The scan data will have some charts on the right that will show you what weapons will do damage and what will plink off.
Honestly, a battle rifle and a rifle with one or two guns of your choice on your back should be getting you through everything at that point. Just make sure you're not missing all of your battle rifle shots.
If you're still using junk weapons, replace them with their nonjunk versions.

Try a rifle and a battle rifle on one side, a battle rifle and a laser rifle on the other side, and missiles of your choice in the shoulder. I'd say lightweight CE missiles because they have really good tracking and enough damage to really eat up lights and mids.

Okay... so I just did the beginner missions a few times to get some money so I can buy those weapons.

What kind of upgrade should I do on the weapons? power all the way seems good but the battle rifle with are rapid fire or accuracy good too?

Also I've been using a subcomputer, is this a crutch or should I just pick a missile or something?

For single player, there's little reason to pick any tuning other than full power.
Subcomputers are fine in certain cases. Some weapons, like sniper rifles and some battle rifles, have a high lock time. Subcomputers help bring that lock time down to something more reasonable. Definitely not a crutch, but not very useful on anything with a lock time of...crap, I don't remember, about 100 or less?

Okay thanks...

Well in the past few mins I've been doing AC Test and I noticed that when I use the L3 "glide boost" it also presses L1 at the same time and sometimes opens the chat window...

ugh, is this normal? do I gotta buy a new ps3 controller *sobs*

anyway thank u for the help man Im gonna keep practicing

Did you guys get to watch the live stream that from made? Is it uploaded anywhere?

Wish I knew that existed


I hope when AC6 comes out that heavies are still viable


dual TE lasers with subcomputers for good peek-a-boom


The music stream? It went something like this:
>Japanese talk
>played some songs from 1 to Last Raven in release order
>more Japanese talk
>played some songs from 4 to presumably Verdict Day, I don't know I gave up during one of the 4 songs
>presumably more Japanese talk
>oh by the way, we don't plan on ending Armored Core here also new AC PS4 theme on Japanese store
You didn't miss much.

does anybody have any hope for the game awards?
dark souls 2 was first announced at one of these years ago so there is a LARGER THAN ZERO chance FROM has something for this one

There's a pastebin for enemy damage tables. Build for each mission. You'll eventually amass all the builds you need. Also protip: dual autocannon tank destroys everything, but profit margins suffer from ammo cost.



false alarm

world record for shortest ever trailer
at least we saw FROM SOFTWARE on screen, that felt nice
is it bloodborne 2 or another dark gorey fantasy game?

Probably a new series given that the only clue we had was the red string of fate thing that played no part in bloodborne

The only AC game that I've played is V. I found it incredibly boring. Are the other games better and I just played the black sheep or should I not even bother with the franchise?

Play any of the 3rd gen titles, they are my personal favourites

yo fucking choose a different acronym for your general

animal crossing already uses /acg/

And we get along with them just fine.
There are three distinct styles of Armored Core. You've got:
>first game all the way through Last Raven
>4 and For Answer
>V and Verdict Day
All three are drastically different from each other, so try another group and see how you feel.
But you should totally try the first group because it's better than the other two.

What makes them different?

Show has been excellent tonight.

Death Stranding just went from chilling to hilarious.

The best way to see the differences is through videos, but basically:
First style is pretty grounded and has strict rules on how your energy gets used. The way you set up your AC can give you a lengthy flight time if you want it, but the average AC is mostly boosting along the ground for its movement. These games are also much more strict on what weapons can be attached where and there isn't a single game in this group where all weapons are ambidextrous. Heat becomes a mechanic starting with 2 and as the series goes on, it's a major design consideration.
4 and For Answer are much friendlier with energy and give you much more powerful thrust in order to make a higher speed game. Indefinite flight is not only easily attained, but more of a standard. Not having that ability is a handicap in most cases. Heat is gone, but a new shield mechanic comes in where you take less damage while your shield is up and you get used to the damage you take while it's up so when someone breaks it you feel like you're getting run over by a stampede. More 3D-focused with less strict rules about how you spend your energy or how well you can lock on.
V and VD you have an idea of.

So a new Tenchu was the sequel game that they talked about two summers ago?

Oh yeah, you might wanna remap your controls. I have my chat functions on D-pad, L1 for high boost.

What did you not like about it?

i fucking loved the teaser
i love how vague it is, too
i'd kill for a new FROM-developed tenchu but i'm not getting my hopes up for that just yet
"shadows die twice" immediately made me think of tenchu 3 where rikimaru "dies" in one of the early chapters and then explains that it was just his shadow
the bone thing however did not have a very tenchu vibe, it was much more bloodborne-ish
i mean in all honesty it's probably something completely new and unrelated
but cool nonetheless we'll see
was pretty cool, i see myself watching that trailer again and again a few times just like with all of kojima's old trailers

How do you guys map your controls for first gen?

I've never played a Zelda game so I don't know if it getting GOTY is okay versus it's competition but congrats.


BotW is kind of overrated. Combat isn't great, horseback riding is serviceable at best and broken at worst, world map has a lot of things to collect but not a lot to do, side quests are mostly fetch quests, shrines are either just short puzzles or easy combat encounters, and the English voice acting sounds bad. The game is fine overall, it's just a lot of little things that bring it down. Odyssey would have made more sense but that game has its own set of problems

the bone thing and blood, made me think on bloodborne, it could be like dark souls case, while demons souls was PS3 exclusive, they made Dark souls as the multiplataform option, this may be the case for bloodborne.

and that a problem, why?

Just watched the From Software teaser, and wow that was bullshit. Visually it looked like Bloodborne, but you could hear some traditional Japanese instrument in the background which is completely unlike Soulsborne. So it might be a new Tenchu game

Well at least we got plenty of memes out of this event.

I'm also super excited for soul calibur 6.

same my friend
looked kinda like a reboot/soft reboot

I hope Zaslamel and Yoshimitsu will be in it.

it looks like the game will have meter do to stuff like in 5 if that special block move was anything to go by

not sure how i feel about meters in sc though yet though, played very little of 5

Let's wish them luck.

So I really don't understand how the thread archive system works. How come the thread just dies sometimes? The thread before last lasted forever.

Posting brings the thread back up and keeps it afloat among all the others on Veeky Forums.
The kind souls here posted enough to keep the thread up for 18 days but we didn't post and the thread died.

hey all, are there any guns that never run out of ammo? or is having two gatling guns gonna be required if I am bad at aiming? I'm just really bad sometimes targets disappear from my screen like teleporting ninjas and i just blind fire everywhere, moments later I lose a bunch of ammo.


-noob armored core player

For PVE the 3500 ammo count gats tuned for accuracy/reload are pretty good. All gats are bad for pvp.

What game is this again? Blades can carry you through most everything in a majority of the games if you're bad, aside from actual AC fights.

First, go up to the top of the page and look right above the OP picture. See the word Return? Click that.
Now go to the bottom of that page and you'll see a bunch of numbers. Those are page numbers. Click the 10.
That is the last page of Veeky Forums. The closer a thread is to the bottom, the less time it has until it archives. Now, in a thread with less than 750 posts, making a post in the thread unless you sage will bring that thread all the way back to the top of the queue, top spot of page 1. Whenever a thread is pushed off the bottom of page 10, it archives.
Knowing this, consider that there are dozens of threads going at a time. Roughly 150. Some are over that 750 post limit, but that accounts for maybe ten threads, tops. All of these threads have people who post in them on occasion and shoot back up to page 1. Some threads have more active posters than others, and so they get bumped back up more frequently. We don't, so this thread regularly drifts to page 10 due to all the other threads that are getting bumped.
Now, on top of this, consider that new threads are being made regularly. Some by generals whose threads have archived, some by generals whose threads have reached 750 posts and are on page 10, and some by generals that max out threads every three hours. Just like bumping an active thread, a newly created thread goes to the top of page 1 as soon as it's posted and several new threads are posted every hour. Because there is a maximum number of threads supported on Veeky Forums, this leads to the bottom thread of page 10 getting shoved off.

So, what happens is that whenever there are people online who can occasionally look at the thread, someone can post every once in a while to keep the thread afloat. If there's a period of a few hours where nobody is watching the thread, then the bumping of other threads and the creation of new threads will eventually push this thread into the archive.
Guns no, only laser/physical blades.

Verdict day...

I dont think I have that yet. Im gonna try it as soon as I get it.

Thanks, I'll try to carry a blade, and one weapon of each damage type. Is that ideal or would a sword, shield, and 2 weapons be better?

For the ammo problems you're having, more guns. Worry about shields when you figure out what you're doing and start going back for S ranks.

i know warhammer stuff belongs on Veeky Forums normally but I would really appreciate a game centered around imperial knight sized units (their version of mechs).

Don't ellipses me, this is why I don't talk to plebs.

Any high ammo count weapon is what you want. I think you have access to 2500 capacity ones early. 3500s are just better because they fire faster. Anyway, just equip two of them and learn to strafe until you've learned how to aim.

Completely unrelated to the thread, but how is Tokyo Ghoul Xez? I think I remember you saying it was good once.

I really want to like this series but can't get the hang of the controls. I've been playing through Another Age but it hasn't been going well

Every game in the series allows you to fully remap your control scheme. Find something that's comfortable to use. If you absolutely cannot work without analog, though, then it's worth mentioning that full analog control was not introduced until Nexus.

Default. Anything else is for pussies.
Don't worry, just keep at it. Eventually, you'll start to kind of get the hang of it, minus using L2 and R2 to adjust your vertical aim. But that's okay, you don't need those very much anyway. Just adjust your height to move the target into your box.

Controls don't get better until Nexus, unfortunately


I think this is goodbye. fuck from.

Good. Fuck off namefag

The first set is good, the others are bad.

Watch gameplay, you'll notice the differences immediately. Just to clarify there are basically three more sets within the first set. Just take to heart that Generations 1 and 3 are the best ones, it's fine if you don't know what that means now.



Well the manga is the 5th best selling manga of this year so if that doesn't say enough then I don't know what will. But yes it's a excellent manga, don't watch the anime unless you've read all of the series because the first season doesn't adapt everything properly but the scenes that it does adapt are enjoyable to watch, also the 2nd season is not canon so a bunch of the shit in it doesn't actually happen so it's quite bad. They even threw out the script the mangaka made specifically for season 2, so the studio pierrot is pretty fucking scummy.

I also highly recommend Deadman Wonderland's manga.

hey respect the only drawfag we have here.

what are you reading at the moment Xez?

Besides Tokyo Ghoul re: every week, I was reading The Promised Neverland, Platinum End, Deadtube, and Boku wa Mari no Naka. But I've been busy so I'll need to catch up actually.

What was the last thing you read from promised neverland?

Chapter 12, I'm way behind.


Get good

L1 look left, L2 look up, R1 look right, R2 look down, left and right dpas for strafing, everything else is the same

>tfw the new Motorcycle DLC for Zelda just makes me miss Chromehounds and its cool wheel mechs
>Armored Core will never have motorcycle legs


>tfw you'll never drift around a corner in motorcycle legs and pile driver someone.

Well, there's always Robotech Invasion. That one's based on Genesis Climber Mospeada.
Boyo you need to be getting on that Dungeon Meshi train.
But the ammo costs.


I think he just wants to pass missions. If he's short on cash he can farm Strix or another easy AC.

What did Kojima mean by this?

Zio Matrix and Emeraude SOON

Better put in my contractor resume soon. Gotta capitalize on that dosh.

Does this mean Boeing is gonna have an announcer with a funny accent?

Any of you guys ready for the Monster Hunter World beta tomorrow?
A few armor sets look kind of like mecha so it fits, right?

There's a beta tomorrow? How do I get in?

It's PS4 only and you need PS+.
Go to the demos part of the PSN store and you'll be able to preload it for when it drops tomorrow. It'll go from the 9th to the 12th.

Gotta have PS+.