/lolg/ League of Legends General

Little girl gets a tripple kill at mid,enemy team of well trained ninjas and samurais on suicide watch Edition

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Remember to have a swell day, no matter what! Bad times will always blow over and everything becomes alright in the end! Try to keep a good attitude today, user!

>mobility or sustain (i realize having both is kind of rare)
>some tankiniess maybe (optional)

does one single champ fit this description?

xth for my wife Syndra
Thanks, you too user.

Okay but like. Why? Why would you do that? Why would anyone do that?
That makes as much sense as using a strap-on to fuck a fleshlight.

>get permabanned
>still keep coming to lolg
i'm riot's bitch god fucking damn


What kind of educational path did you take to get a programming job? Certifications?

>I'm good at league
aw, thank you!

Get a degree in Computer Science and focus on programming. That covers all of your bases and you'll easily land a job.

Remember to cuddle your waifu to keep her warm in these cold nights.
Would you bully Syndra by calling her Syndor?

xth for breast metal waifu


>listen user, I want you to start calling me Mommy from now on, do I make myself clear?

How do you respond?


Then i back hand her

>I have enough mommy issues and also I'm in a committed relationship with my finance Luxanna.

I didn't hear her; I was too busy getting lost in her eyes

Wow! I wonder who will win this game! Wonderful matchmaking presented by Riot Games™

>tfw I was in the thread when you said you would do this

how did you survive lane?

speaking of mommy, what's the best leona skin? i have a project shard for her but I heard it's not that great

What's that one idiotic change you want to make to a champ that will never happen? Shit like "Jinx rides her ult" or "Ziggs ult affects structures"?

I haven't played in two weeks and probably wont be able to play for a week more.

Is there a lot of changes in this period of time? Anything I should watch out for when I get back and don't wanna get unexpectedly ass-stomped in NORMAL GAMES?

Pool party skins are always the best ones for female champs.

LeBlanc ends up building Gunblade so she kind of has sustain

make abilities be able to damage structures like they do in hots. this would add a new defensive dimension to the game, like hiding behind towers to dodge blitz hooks and shit like that.

would have to either greatly increase turret hp or make abilities do significantly reduced damage to make it balanced though. the only reason it's balanced in hots is that abilities have flat base scaling per level rather than ap/ad scaling so there's very few ways to actually increase the damage abilities do to structures.

What do you even code?

Can't Fizz's bombs damage buildings?

Structures in HotS also don't die when someone sneezes on then early game

Gnar's abilities while in mega leave permanent damage (just graphics, not structural) in the rift. Throwing Q will leave a mark on the ground, W will leave a crack, Ults and ulting champions against a wall leave his claws on the ground and their impact marks on walls.

Actually, make this for any champion that has the potential to fuck shit up big time like maybe Malphite or Ziggs maybe.

ziggs, and yes that's the only ability in the game (besides some aa reset abilities) that can damage turrets.

>not playing azmodan in 2017
that's your fault my dude

Thanks. I wasted some time on Biology, but I have recently turned to Computer Science, and I'm loving it, especially programming.

>write FUCK YOU all over the base with viktor lasers
it's too easy to abuse, but i still think it's a great idea.

Okay, the few people meant to dick structres into the next dimension do it. Still not like league where you can right click them to death with half the roster in the time it takes someone to walk from base. There's also the forts and stuff.

When does All-Star start?

>Galio ults permanently stain the Rift

I mean the tech is there, with Taliyah's Q and all.

How does it make you feel Karthus has been fucked since Runes Reforged and Riot's response to this is DUDE LET'S BUFF R IT'S WHAT HE'S ALL ABOUT LOL

Guys news just came in Riot is retconning Lulu's lore, She is now going be known as Veigar's little Sister!

that sounds cute but I don't think I would

Why do people pick early ganking junglers like Shaco and then refuse to gank the no wards no escape tool Gangplank top lane?

I love Camille

can you lulufags back off veigar for a second?
he is for world domination and not for your autism.

Why do people pick Shaco lol, he sucks dude

That Riot don't really know what a Karthus is. And he's really cool.

What would you do if Syndra was playfully bullying you?

Not a Lulufag just a messager, don't shoot me!

But thats Vivi.

for anyone trying to get easy s ratings on champs for chests and mastery, I've found a way to do it that's pretty effective and works almost every time I've done it (except if i get unlucky and get camped). You don't even need to win, but winning can sometimes make the difference between the S and the S+.

>pick literally any champ
>go top lane
>play incredibly passive
>your sole focus is farming and staying alive
>build rot and banner to get you farm without even having to be in lane
>get a hydra, shiv, or hurricane as well
>sunfire is great but optional
>do nothing but farm
>try to get a few assists if you can do so safely, but staying alive is your priority
>mute your team because they will inevitably flame you
>don't surrender, need to get as much farm as you can
if you can keep up 0 deaths (or up to 3 deaths as long as you got a fuckload of assists) you can easily get an s every game based solely on your farm.

been doing this a lot lately to test it out, and I've gotten an s or s+ almost every single game.

I got so confused originally with the text layout making it look like they were swapping characters.


thigg :-DDD

>my finance

it's pretty annoying since I rarely build full ap on him anyways

This drawing sucks ass, doesn't even look like the character

>karthus ultimate gets a huge buff
>"hurr durr its still not good enough for me special snowflake champ"
When will karthusfags just shut up already?

what does a footjob from xayah feel like?

Top lane Taric is fun. I appreciate beating faces in while weaving my skills in between, it feels good.

i bet you like w*st*rn trash like aka6 faggot

But...what if you were right the first time and they're actually impersonating each other, hmm?


Horrible news Meripuu.
You could at least post actual cute pictures of them.

The buff's pretty good. Karthus took a MUCH smaller hit from the new runes than some champions (plus every champion losing their MR runes was a massive win for Karthus).

How is it that Evelynn is literally Porn: The Champ, but there's no good porn of her?


>lose 15% ratio from DFT being gone
>gain it on a spell and get to use other runes anyways
seems good to me

Pic related

I didnt thought this to be true until I actually laned a Taric on toplane as Gnar. That shit's unexpectedly strong but I still stay confidefnt that most of his power came from my underestimation.

Best couple

Sandpaper and rough leather...very unpleasant, if you're not a masochist...

No genitals.


but that's true

hello. how can i find my main? i want to be the very best like no one ever was at a champion but i get bored after 3 games. im a platinum plebian and highest rank i got was diamond 5 83 lp. i can play every role

>cant reapply Aery multiple times in 4 seconds

And women don't have penises but that doesn't stop motherfuckers from drawing that gay shit, does it?

True. Eve could use her lashers transformed into penises for some terrifying rape guro porn.

That's... that's not how Zoe's E works.

It's sleep damage just does up to her E's scaling. So if her E can hit 600 before resistances, her E popping will do 600 true damage.

>Bot flamming me for playing Zoe
>"Dude she just came out, learn her in normal games"
>I have mastery 5 and bot lane doesn't even have mastery 4.
>Bot lane feeds their asses off.
>le mid lane didn't roam so I lost lane meme
>He wants me to actually rotate when TF uses his ult instead of me counter jungling with random smite W or push to tower.

Why are bot-lane players so fucking autistic? also, why can't people take MIA TF calls more seriously?

>not big sister
#not my lore

>is Challenger
>plays normals

? ? ? ? ? ??

I beg to differ...

>be top
>have to pick blind
>pick Tom
>enemy top picks Fiora
>sigh and accept my fate, as I'm not Pantheon
>actually end up winning lane against her without ganks
>I'm very confused as to how I did it
Did I just play against a bad Fiora? Or is Panth not her only counter?

I have never felt more unbenched in my life

Yeah, Taric's E has really high base damage at level 1. It's 105. He's got lots of mixed damage too from his passive, E and autos. Plus he scales with armor, so he'll always be going up in damage.

being thicc aside is kindred any good?

pls help my dudes

honestly low elo adcucks have to focus 100% of their energy just to farm, it's really mentally taxing on them

>It's sleep damage just does up to her E's scaling. So if her E can hit 600 before resistances, her E popping will do 600 true damage.
Right and if the Sleep damage was Magic damage, not True...

now do you fucking get it?
Read the reply chain before posting dumbass

fiora is shit tanks are op how have you not heard this a million times by now

who would win in a real life fight, a human or some fucking bird

Is it more beneficial for someone to main one role with a small large of champions... or to be good at more than one role with a thinner champion pool?

Is mid plat low elo?



most people i run into in diamond play 1-5 champions more than twice and only play 25 champion in total out of like 1000 ranekd games

honestly i think blue is better than red.

I'd probably try to playfully bully her back, but she'd end up winning it one way or the other.

>play adc
>get dived everyfight by fullAD Jarvans and assassin shits
>nobody ever peels you

Being able to play multiple roles well is beneficial since you won't always get your main role unless you are support

how do you build karthus anyway? I always thought full AP was the only way

how can you peel something that kills you with 1 auto attack.

in general yes, there can be good players found there but mostly it's tards just like the rest of it

>fleet footwork and bloodline and I never leave lane
Now just buff her base health...

If it was magic damage then it would just be the same as the initial E damage being doubled, since you are using a 165% ap scaling ability that you max first to proc a 40% ap ability, what happens is just half of the E's damage is just delayed. It's like saying if Ahri's Q was magic damage on both passes that it would be "resisted twice".

>big tit birb
fuck off

I'm a bit of a cunt, so I usually do roa, tear, and then zz+banner with a tank item and cdr boots

full ap is much better, but this build is more fun for me since i'm a splitpushing cunt