More like Farm Souls 2. >there are people defending DS2 farming and grind
Colton Kelly
It was so fun getting all the Loyce souls to unlock a face to face meeting with my waifu.
Ethan Wright
"It's not farming if it's guaranteed" said the chinese gold farmer in WoW and he didn't know that such a profound sentence would be used as a silly internet argument where one side went too far off the deep end one too many times
Luis Campbell
"Kill the dogs first" is honestly the best advice to give to a new DaS player. I just defeated the Capra Demon, and my god, he's a pushover when the dogs are gone. But, well, killing the damn dogs was the most difficult part of the fight, so it did take a few tries.
Asher Turner
>People still getting upset that Best Souls 2 is the one not directed by their prophet Miyazaki Its the gift that keeps on giving.
Parker King
DaS2 had the best BM gestures. Who needs Point Down or Applause when you can No Way, Mock, This One's Me or Decapitate?
Jace Cook
When someone uses the term "guaranteed drop" it's safe to infer that they mean, "this item has a 100% chance to drop from the enemy when I kill it." I can't believe this has to be explained.