what % of your pre-tax income should be spent on a car?
What % of your pre-tax income should be spent on a car?
100% cars get bitches
ride a bike and buy CBX instead
The lowest amount possible.
I budgeted 5%. I'm super into cars so it is a good motivator to grow gross income.
if i ever break 200k in post-tax earnings, i told myself i'll get a porsche 911 or audi s7
Good goal with a reasonable car price to income ratio. It's hard to believe how many idiots there are out there earning $50k and spending a third of their income leasing some pleb tier entry luxury car.
some dude i work with, who makes probably 70k/year, just bought a new car worth his entire annual salary
he doesn't even know how to drive a manual and the car only comes in that configuration
It's up to you to buy whatever you like first and foremost. If you like a car that's 50% of your monthly income then go for it as long as you can pay for everything else still.
Buying a car that costs 50% of monthly income is fucking retarded, and I say that as someone who did just that when I was 18.
my neighbor has an s7, good choice m8 its a good looking car
damn boys half your monthly income is enough for a car??
You should spend as little as you need to. It's understandable that a CEO shouldn't drive around in a 1994 Honda, but don't go keeping up with the Joneses. Just get something affordable and practical.
Although it's a completely different matter with luxury cars, because they combine both work money and fun money in your budget. So understand that buying that brand new BMW isn't any better than buying a Rolex. But you won't have to pay abhorrent fees for gas and repairs. Honestly I would never buy a luxury car until I make around 350K a year. The look of a mid-range black sedan is amazing on its own; I don't know why people are willing to pay so much for a logo that provides nothing to them, or a speed they will never use.
Half monthly income, as in: every month of the year half your income goes towards automobile expenses like car loan payments, repairs, insurance, gas, etc
oh ok like a finance plan? that makes more sense
There is no right answer to this question.
If you're bad with money, don't finance it. Other than that, get what you like/can justify.
If you're smart with leverage and are stable enough to manage it, leverage the fuck out of that expense. There is no value in holding a depreciating asset, might as well get those dollars working for you instead of against you (in terms of net worth).
>audit s7
I mean it looks good, but in no way does it compare to a 911 in any way that actually matters to car enthusiasts.. I'd go with the Porsche every time.
>depreciating asset
i really dislike this meme when it comes to cars
i mean, they're also an integral status-signalling tool in our society
and they can also be quite fun to drive
Grew up driving the parents things when I felt like it, got over it before I really needed to think about buying one for myself. Not interested in the image or doing it just cos and don't find any other attraction.
Shits the same or worse stuck in traffic and if you park outside you come back to pajeet sitting on your shit taking photos. Who can be fucked?
Yes. It's fucken overdone. The guy with the lambo often enough doesn't need to give a shit, ask about his boat though and you might elicit a groan.
0%, just live next to work and hire an uber for anything else