Event Period: 2017-12-01 7:00 - 12-11 3:59 UTC December 1st (7:00 UTC) - December 11th (3:59 UTC) 5* Jack the Ripper 4* Marie, Nursery Rhyme 3* Robin, Jing Ke
>lily almost maxed >Saber Alter grailed to 96 I'm set.
Christian Morales
>even after you are done with the apples >natural AP regen will continue The greatest Christmas present
Jack Powell
>Farming 50 AP cleanly >Suddenly Carmilla survives NP+ attack chain with barely any health >No problem, I think >She crits Santa Alter. Both hands crit Santa Alter. >Santa Alter is full to dead, and the support is a lvl 40 shitter that I used because of MLB CE
RNG is the best. I love RNG. It makes everything much more fun.
Juan Perez
That's a very hayai Mode Red
Austin Myers
Which free 4* will you pick in 2 years, /alter/?
Parker Lee
Doing 40 AP until you clear just the lore = casual Doing 40 AP to open boxes for about 20 apples = normal human being Doing 40 AP to open boxes for about 50 apples = depressive state and you hate your life Doing 40 AP to open boxes for about 100 apples = on the brink of suicide Doing 50 AP to open boxes for about 50+ apples = Will turn to be a psychotic murderer.
Jonathan Thomas
You're like 6 hours late, buddy.
Levi Evans
I love you all!
Xavier Anderson
>only Sabers are d'Eon, Lily, Sumanai, and Caesar. Shieet.
Austin Morris
What part of "I FUCKING LOVE LOLIS" did you not understand from that user?
Grayson Collins
Titty Alter.
Alexander Hernandez
I only like Elder lolis.
Austin Sanchez
Banana followed by Gordon followed by Saberlot followed by Titoria Alter, whoever I don't have going down the list
So ready for this I'm gonna beat my dick during the event.
Nolan Perez
umu, if i get her before the smug assasin not shitstheno
Jason Ward
Picked Banana on my JP account. Will probably pick Helena or Lobo on my NA account.
Adam Lewis
Nero or Fran.
Camden Lopez
>Doing 40 AP to open boxes for about 100 apples = on the brink of suicide Can confirm.
Bentley Wilson
>tfw Fran is cute but I already have Cat(berserker) I don't need that monster anyway!
Jonathan Bell
Marie Antoinette or Gorgon
Juan Bailey
Henry Watson
Connor Scott
I want Mordred, but I want to start saving for MHX.
Sebastian Foster
>all those non event servants
Adrian Robinson
Matthew Reed
Just put your friend code in the name of your support party, a lot less annoying than having to doctor an image like that whenever you feel like posting
Oliver Young
Isaiah Campbell
>have Altera NP2, Saber OG, Salter,Caesar and Lily already maxed Guess I don't need to worry
Sebastian Taylor
Why, we are still farming the event, it will be full of fat fucks, robins, jews, etc.
Jordan Reed
I think I'll make it.
Adrian Clark
>putting any servant other than santa on the support list Why even bother?
Robert Young
Do you honestly think anyone is going to take a Robin or David, or any of the 3 stars for that matter?
Brayden Davis
Nathan Long
Everyone is literally only using Santa as a support you fat stupid fucking fuck. I love you
Dominic Clark
We here at /alter/ are adverse to affection due to a bad relationship with /fgog/-neesan
Alexander Lewis
Adam Ortiz
Liz Love!
Jace Bennett
It's because Onii-chan wants to ram us up the ass.
Dominic Ross
>he hasn't reverted all of his supports except Santa Alter already Nobody is going to use anything else.
Reminder to be blasting this max volume while grinding for the best experience.
Wyatt Moore
Are we even gonna get anything for christmas, or is this event it? Because GBF is giving a ton of freebies but dunno how FGO works.
Jose Scott
/feh/ pls go
Leo Ramirez
>LONDON SOON Time to waste all that FP from the christmas event to get best servant when it hits I'm not the only one who is going to do this right?
Aaron Martin
>Disturbed I remember being 14.
GBF isn't giving shit yet, you fucking liar. All KMR did was announce "the biggest campaign yet" and if KMR's announcing it you know it's going to disappoint.
Landon Campbell
Dylan Roberts
Lancer Alter or Suzuka Gozen
Jayden Powell
>The chafing caused by everything below her waist. Jeez Mash how can you be sexy if you'll eventually just end up uncomfortable?
Dominic Phillips
>Scat kills everyone but Caesar. >Her NP is fully charged >Evade is on CD >Phantom comes out >Charms her >Caesar charges NP and finishes her off next turn.
Thanks, Phantom. You're a cool dude. I'll ascend you eventually for this.
Daniel Gray
>I remember being 14. I don't actually.
Austin Wright
>Not saving for angry manjew
Jaxson Perry
Is it cannibalism if Altria eats Liz?
Mason Myers
You might want to see a doctor, that sounds pretty bad.
Ian Cox
>want mode red only for Sawashiro >want Titoria Alter because MUH
When is the soonest banner with a Titoria rate up?
Camden Reed
>implying I have space to add people
Justin Young
I did 50 AP consistently well and fast enough with Double Santa Alter, Robin (to nuke down Carmilla) and caesar.
Usually I can take down Altera before she can np, and could use a mystic code damage combo if it looks risky. And the heals are enough to make everybody survive
only non event ce i use is a dragon's vein
Brayden Morris
>Alter fully ascended >Lily fully ascended >Okita will be fully ascended >Siegfried at 50, Julius at 60 >Can also level Altera
Undecided if I want to roll for MHX though
Benjamin Evans
I don't need to farm 50AP but this is a decent guide. Good job, user.
Jaxon Lee
Jaxon Gray
>Sub 6K attack at max level
Is... is he even usable?
Levi Bailey
Jason Gomez
Benjamin Russell
force quit the game and then restart the game so you can start the turn again with a different card and skill combo for different rng
Parker James
Are you enjoying Christsmas?
Liam Adams
Depending on who I don't have, but >Suzuka >Nitocris >Nursery Rhyme >Kiritsugu >Ibaraki >Cute Dorado >Frank >Lobo
Logan Turner
Joseph Morgan
We are the padoru
Easton Cook
I got what I wanted so yeah.
Nolan Harris
You might as well.
Owen Nelson
Either Rama or Hessian Lobo, depending if I don't have them yet.
Dominic Ross
>like mordred and atalanta >fell for the apocrypha meme Nothing is worth watching this shit, not even seeing my favorite servants animated. Someone please kill this retard.
Juan Gray
We are all padoru. You too are padoru.
Thomas Reyes
>he isnt on day 165 Literally what are you guys doing
Brandon Carter
T-thanks, Fluffy.
Levi Morales
Landon Harris
>50AP is owning my ass
Adrian Perez
Not phone posting that's for sure.
Logan Jackson
Padoru is good civilization
Ethan Ramirez
Event Servants are a mistake.
Colton Howard
A hurricane made my entire city a lake interrupting my login streak, I'm sorry for failing you because of this, user.