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Tharja is shit
I want to Erk the living daylights out of Priscilla in bed on our wedding night!
Can we use this thread? This is a really cute op.
better thread
Post Ziguldos
Priscilla is still trash
This game needs more barefoot chicks
Picture This: Valor Seal
Feetfags need to die
Trip back on
I don't like them together, I like her and ME Peri!!!
I want to fuck Arvis.
>Veronica becomes playable
>Comes with a bunch of generics you can now play with as well
I can dream.
I'd be down for that and the EXP skill becoming available easily. Live For Honor/Bounty too
you wish
Milking dew!
Pinning him down!
Draining him dry!
New support skill:
>Forced March
>Target ally moves one space away from unit, who moves to target's former position.
Essentially the reverse of Draw Back.
Looks like Pivot.
Spic is samefagging hard in that other thread. Lmao.
I get wanting Veronica, but the generics... really?
Best IVs for Fjorm?
Would be really interesting for armor teams.
let me dream user...
But user, YOU are Corrin!
>Valor Seal
I would fucking kill for that. Goddamn that's hot just thinking about it.
Hell you wouldn't even have to upgrade them if you always team up with the three colors. And include a valor for colorless too.
This general needs more barefoot spic tripfags
Post your damn feet already Raul
I hate Ayra.
/feg/ friendslist/code sharing for anyone still in need of friends:
>three active fucking threads
Why the fuck are you guys so gay?
I'd be down to get the Generic Manaketes, they look really cool in the new maps.
Blame Raul.
Except that Pivot switches which unit is in front. This keeps a rear unit in the rear and just pushes the front unit forward.
I also imagine, like Reposition, it could be another tool to deal with cavmemes.
I actually came up with it thinking about a great movement skill for armors.
we can't stop the spic from samefagging and calling his threads /feg/
we can only report and ignore
Tell me about Thracia 776’s story, feg
So just shove but you move foward aswell?
It's not canon.
I blame your autism. You guys are retarded.
leif fucks up and jobs, the game
based seliph saves him because leif is a fucking jobber shithead who can't do anything right
also based dorias dies
and that gives me great comfort!!
They're cute.
Don't you want cute things?
There's a tripfag and he has a circlejerk.
The people here are too retarded to push him out.
>forcing another thread just cause you guys have autism
I mean I'm just gonna post in this thread anyway so I don't get the point.
There's nothing wrong with the other thread.
>an entire thread dedicated to the NA release of a game that already has a thread just because the japanese thread couldn't contain your autism
I blame your autism. You guys are retarded
It’s ok Shannan, I’m sure Balmung will grant +3 attack or something.
I feel so bad for the nameless mook units
Kill yourself.
>So just shove but you move foward aswell?
Post your feetsies pls
Trip back on.
man, there's too much peri on this thread
fuck it
reported, I hope the other one lives
>spic shitposting and using the same buzzwords as the /alter/ namefag
>random /alter/ post in the other thread too
Trip back on
why are you so angry user? Post your waifu too!!
Ok /feg/.
Close Defense 3 seal or Atk+3 seal?
I only have 400 great badges.
there is nothing wrong with being angry
>not liking big tits
Watch me work
Who can stop her?
>The only thing I have to look forward to until the 12th is Bercuck's rerun and more >>>>Voting Gauntlets
Worst timeline.
>calls other people autistic
>tripfagging for 4 years
>begs for blacked pics and throws tantrums
>posts some shitty OC made with an anime character maker on a to beg for art
>begs his discord buttbuddies to have fake conversations with him everyday
>doesn't work or go to school
>lives off family welfare
>insults others
The world would unironically be better if you killed yourself you attention whoring faggot. Reminder that this was (You) 3 years ago and you've only gotten worse
CD without a doubt. Much more utility.
Just go farm badges.
Atk+ is better on most units but CD is much better on the units that want it.
It depends on who you plan to put them on.
He's coming along.
Felicia is the cutest! Nobody could ever make me feel as happy as she does! She is truly perfect in every single way to me! I want her to always be happy and smiling! I could never ask for more! I love Felicia!
Thanks. The indecision was killing me.
Why doesn't he want to draw for us
If Priscilla loses I'm deleting the game.
Close defense. Much more pronounced effect and better for inflating your arena score.
Love you too babe
He doesn't like fire emblem
She's no match for el caballero negro
Because we're shit.
Does DM actually help with that Res?
Felicia user is cute!
Love your feet too, babe
I want to fuck Sigurd, Lex, Jamke and Lewyn
Imagine being butthurt over a guy on the internet for 3 years.
Seek a psychiatrist.
Is Feh going to win the games awards?
how do you become a young
>Young (Young)
What was meant by this?
>l-look how not mad I am
>took the time to read, single out and reply to my post in this half assed attempt at saving face
(lol you really do never change. You're going to be this same predictable attention whore your life.
That's gay user.
>have to leave for work and miss the end of the voting gauntlet round and also the game awards potential FE Switch trailer
H-have fun without me /feg/!!
well uh, wow
that was most certainly a thing you did
He's a free whore who does work for any slut that pays him. No loyalty at all.
Feh always wins
That dumb little bird has had it too good for too long
This is the best Fire Emblem map of all time.
Say something nice to it.
and then post other great maps
Feh deserves to win everything! Because Feh is the cutest!
¿Irás sobrevivir?
I just heard Mia's voice for the first time thanks to the Voting Gaunlet and it's uh... interesting all right.
I don't think it's as bad as people make it out to be but it's very unfitting.