Jesus Christ, ever seen this stuff they sell on the Darkweb? What's the point of even working or investing when you can just literally print money or buy it at a fraction of the cost?
Jesus Christ, ever seen this stuff they sell on the Darkweb...
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Because it's very illegal? All the government has to do is want to make an example out of you and you're facing YEARS nigga
youre so fucked if you get caught with those
Then how do they sell it on the Darkweb? There's lots of these guys selling counterfeit money, and they seem legit because these sites have a review and feedback.
They even have euros too. How the hell did they do that? Euros have holograms and special paper that's not like US dollars that are supposed to be impossible to fake.
you just have to be the one idiot who gets caught. the people doing it are seasoned vets. the guys at the top of this are some serious players. they're not getting touched for shit.
Not reliable, questionable quality, not repeatable
>are some serious players
do you think it's more likely that they're government officials or members of untouchable families/drug empires?
ok if you're not smart enough to understand what i mean by 'serious players' you should probably not consider counterfeit money
>what's a serious player
someone knee-deep in the underworld, whether they're a government official or just another gangster.
this is too easy boys....
1. buy the counterfeit money
2. mix it will a few real bills
3. take to a drug dealer
4. buy drugs with mostly counterfeit money
5. sell drugs for real money
or do the same thing with used cars on craigslist or something
i'm not op nor am i asking because i'm considering buying counterfeit money. i'm just curious what your opinion on the average serious player in this scenario would be. are you not smart enough to see i have a different id from op?
lolz nah didn't bother to check.
not really sure what sort of person it'd be, desu. definitely have to be someone with a lot of capital. you're not doing this without very decent printers and enough insulation that no one gets caught. also somebody with some inside information. for this reason, i'm not sure whether it'd be a government official (unless the entire government is corrupt and the corruption is very deep. for something like this to happen in the States, for example, there's a razor-thin margin of error since the only thing investigators would need as evidence to deduce you're in the center is basically minimal contact.).
more likely than not, there's numerous different types involved. government officials leak the information to the gangsters who have the printing presses and shit. then there's the engineers, who operate the presses and make sure they're actually able to work (a lot of scanners/printers will track ya. thus, very necessary to have people with the technical smarts to operate a high-level printer that can reproduce all the minutaea of currency).
so probably not a high-level government official. not like a senator or something, anyways. but would likely be somebody who has a low-mid level role.
My friend recieved some counterfeit euro's while he was travelling.
They have scanners in lots of places, that's how he found out. He lost several hundred euro but luckily the shop believed him that he didn't know and was duped.
i'm just too scared
even from the low res screenshot that shit looks fake as hell.
> drug dealer finds out
> drug dealer breaks your legs
> use your remaining non-counterfeit money on a wheelchair.
IF, and I say IF because carrying counterfeit money knowingly is very stupid, you are going to do this don't use Euros, or USD, or AUS or CAN, or YEN, or SING. Everyone is copying that shit, instead by copies of some 3rd world toilet paper money in large quatitites and have it shipped to that country, fly there, pick it up on arrival and transfer it into USD or Euro there.
At least that way if you are caught you may bribe you way out if youve been successful already.
Also some countries will shoot you for life imprison you for this, and rightfully so, for example in China north of the Viet border there are factories running 24/7 printing huge amounts of fake Viet dong to destabilise Vietnams economy. If you're caught carrying large amounts of this they will accuse you of being an agent or spy for China and you are in very very deep shit once that happens.
Also in your own country if your mail is intercepted this is instantly a high level federal crime
>map out all snacking vending machines within a five mile radius
>use exactly one counterfeit five dollar bill at each of them
>load up on some cheap snacks
The perfect crime
do they do pounds? I could use them in paki shops and theyd never know
aldi never seem to check either
I JUST read a story in my local small town paper about the cops busting some kids with fake movie prop money.
I've read quite a bit on counterfeiting. I was reading a book currency, and got hooked on the part regarding North Korea. They took a bunch of Soviet printing presses and began printing off massive quantities of U.S. Dollars.
They weren't 100%, but good enough that even banks wouldn't know without looking for it.
The US. knew they were doing it but didn't intervene because they didn't want to lower the public perception of the security of U.S. paper money. Mexican drug cartels were taking them as payment (take 1 million in real currency vs. 5 mil in funny money that probably won't get detected).
But yeah, it's interesting because U.S. cash is so easy to counterfeit (relatively).
Oh also - the book claimed you needed state backing to get the equipment and personnel to do it to a high quality and also the reason it wasn't popular within U.S. borders was that the treasury department would DESTROY you if caught. Like drug dealer sentences.
Norks or Ex Soviet States. East Germany used to pump out fake money for multiple countries and distribute through embassies.
Literally rival states and then down through ethnic criminal organizations.
There was a case in Germany not long ago when somebody tried to buy goods with fake euros from the darkweb at a big electronics retailer. He got busted a few hours after. The quality for Euros seems to be pretty shiet.
Euros and especially Australian Dollars are fucking ridiculously hard to counterfeit.
U.S. money is easy and the treasury department refuse to change it for branding reasons.
I found a counterfeit fifty at my work one day.
Took it to a bank to get it verified and possibly switched out and they took it from me without giving me anything back for it. It sucked, but something tells me that fighting them for it would have got me arrested for fraud.
I've seen a bunch of these, but most make me feel like it's a scam. They just wanna get my 1/8th of a bitcoin.
I think I saw this on The Wire
they beat the shit out of one of the junkies who did it
Because they probably knew who the junkies were. Like they were regulars.
If you take the fake cash, go to a different city around music festival time and buy like a key of blow off someone there then it's easier to get away with that.
Bubbles got away lmao
Better yet:
>buy counterfeit money
>use counterfeit money to buy more counterfeit money
>enjoy your infinite money
>exchanging btc for memefiat
>exchange btc for fake memefiat
Wow, Mr mugabe I didn't know Zimbabwe had Internet
but who was honeypot?
You couldn't tell it was fake from the feel? Real money is made from cotton linen, not paper
I don't think it is. I did some research and apparently it's a very big problem in Peru where they make almost perfect counterfeits.
> I did some research
>youtube video
great analytic skills, mate.
You're from Iowa.
>drug dealer doesn't find out, because he's just using it to buy more drugs anyway
This screams honeypot lol
The government cares fuck all about weeny college kids buying ecstacy on the darkweb, but this shit would actually piss them off haha
Because dw has been a honeypot for a long time.
How easy is it for any alphabet agency to post these sorts of things and run a sting on you? kek
name of book?
That's how I would do it
Would have a planned out conversation, (e-mail, facebook, text message) with a friend, say we are planning to make a video (music video, viral video, anything) and that we need lots of fake money for the video, but it has to look real, we're both searching online, I came across these on the dark web, I'm going to buy some
If I was to ever get caught, the facebook conversation with my friend would be "proof" that I had harmless intentions and only bought the fake money for a video
So you'd end up with a lesser prison sentence
Didn't the Silk Road guy get life in prison?
Like holy fuck how do you get life in prison for making a website.
Life isn't a disney channel movie lol.
They don't give a shit.
> cheating a drug dealer
this is an excellent way to end up getting jumped and possibly killed.
>What's the point of making lots of money legally when you can risk literally everything with no chance of recovering for some nigger money?
Go ahead and buy it, OP.
>3. take to a drug dealer
>4. buy drugs with mostly counterfeit money
unless that dealer is a high-schooler selling dime sacks of weed, prepare to have your face caved in. messing with dope dealers is not something you want to do, trust me on that.
>not buying from upper class white suburban drug dealer
fucking pleb