/assg/ - Asymmetrical Slasher Series General

Gross Tranny Leatherface Edition

>What is Dead by Daylight?
Asymmetrical multiplayer slasher game where 4 survivors scramble to fix 5 generators while 1 killer wants to sacrifice all of them.

>What is Friday the 13th?
A slasher game featuring Jason and counselors. 7 counselors with different stats try to escape the camp while Jason kills them one by one.

>What is Last Year?
In development. Class based with weaker killers. Beta Delayed yet again.

>Steam Group

>Latest Patch Notes (DbD)

>Skill Check Simulator (DbD)

old thred:

Jenny butt.

>tfw Hag daily
>tfw sabo daily
>tfw mori daily
>tfw Freddy daily

I'm gonna tell you guys a secret

Play With Your Food Leatherface

AJ hips!

Shit OP picture
Kill yourself

Shit opinion
Improve yourself

Who are the survivors/killers you can't help but want to bully? Pic related, both of them. Even if I bully them as killer I can't help but let them go in the end though

Sodomites go on the hook.

The hook knows no biases user. Everyone is equal on the hook


Is there ever a reason not to use bbq&c on billy?

Nope. It's a fantastic perk, especially on him.

Hook camping survivors

that's what leatherface is for.

Thanks user, I struggle with the knives quite a bit, the aiming feels very janky compared to the camera movement. I mostly use them for harassing and trying to get someone limping or staggering while I plod after them.

I do, but I'm in the UK.

>Hear chainssaw
>Dipshit hits the ground
>Run to hook
>Pull said dipshit off as Billy revs away and work on a gen until another dipshit hits the ground


Is Whispers a crutch?


You tell me how in the fuck you're ever supposed to find the last survivor without Whispers.

Face camping baka.

Stridor if you have ears

tfw you only have low level whispers. This is the worst because it's basically always triggered.

is there any worse feeling than having the killers attention for several minutes only to have your team repair 0 generators?

Do most of the generators yourself and then be the only one that doesn't escape.


yeah i can see it especially since generators award fuck-all points for how important they are.

They really need to up the objective points or readjust the other values. If I do 4 gens by myself and then get farmed by my teammate, they get more points for farming me than I do for helping everyone escape. This is stupid.

My hot take, pallet dropping Killers shouldn't award points. Being chased is a punishment.

Stridor is a crutch perk...

It's supposed to be a slasher game, not hide-and-seek olympics. I play stealth, but if running away wasn't a part of the game, they could just make you drop dead on sight.

Don't you mean nurse's calling?

Wouldn't know about worse but these rank up there:
>being unhooked with the killer nearby without BT
>teammate disconnects, kills himself on the hook or doesn't struggle especially if the killer is a camping one
>teammate sprinting in the direction you are trying TO SNEAK
>team gets pulled into playing musical hooks especially in the basement


>It's supposed to be a slasher game, not hide-and-seek olympics

People hide in slasher films.

They both hide and run away, you idiot, which is exactly what that user was saying. Are you a survivormain? You're so fucking stupid, I assume you are.

> try to heal another player
>they insist on using self care

Yeah, and people also run a lot and escape from with impossiblly close situations just to be killed later.

I do this when the other person did some stupid shit, like try to heal me when the terror radius was still in range.

I do it when idiots can't hit skillchecks.

I immediately run away when some faggot fails a skill check while healing me. If I see that punk motherfucker again, I drop every pallet near him for the rest of the game.

you ever heard the phrase, "Don't cut off your nose just to spite your face?"

Eh, I'm not really mad enough for it to waste pallets or try to fuck someone over, but it does annoy the shit out of me. Healing skillchecks are so big, if you blindly press space without looking at the screen you'll likely hit it.

I wish there were survivor offerings that let you mori people that fuck you over.
If some stupid cunt can't manage the, like, TWO skill checks they'll get healing someone, they shouldn't be healing anyone.

Is iron grasp or agitation more useful when needing to make it to a hook? I don't see the point of having both unless doing a basement build and I don't have TI or Insidious.

but they're doing the best they can user

there was a glitch where survivors could equip moris which were usable by the killer. I used to swf with a cunt who would do that and then sandbag us.

I like Agi better personally.
>less time spent on carrying
>bodyblockers can't get in front of you in time
>you can chase down hurt cocky teammates because you're a rocketship

wtf is this shit.

with bond, I watched one dwight literally crouch around and hide behind the rock all game. he didn't do a single useful thing, just immersed himself right off the bat while I ran circles around him doing every objective.

Guess which one of these faggots killed themselves on the hook after I denied their DS twice?

What's a solid "team player" build? I wanna be that guy that everyone is thankful to have by the end of the match.

Right now I run Bond/Leader/Adrenaline/Kindred. The last two are real nice if you can get hooked before the last gen pops. I've actually started trying to bait the killer at that point in the game just to make it happen.

>Survivor burns an offering for Lery's of all places
For what fucking purpose


When Microsoft/Sony pull the dicks out of their ears and certify the patch since the frogs don't want to hurt the console players' feelings.

Reduced lines of sight? Trolling? Just clearing up their offerings page? I think there's also a cheevo for that map, maybe?

Do I gain any sort of advantage for playing with a high ping?

Agitation is objectively better but they both kind of suck.

I've had games with high ping where skillchecks were easier.

That's it

Not worth it

I just faced a camping nurse with thrill, ruin and nurses calling.

And, best part, once we got all the gens on she had noed.

Of course, it was a fucking spic in the end.

>be me
>rank 18 killer
>new to game
>face a bunch of prestige 3 rank 1-5's for some reason, probably SWF
>kill one guy because he was AFK for whatever reason
>killed another guy and he DC'd when I got him down on what would've been his final hook
>they all call me shit

well ok then

>start game as doctor
>almost immediately run into a bloody jake
>he tries to juke me and i flick my mouse as i swing and catch him
>he tries to double back around a pillar and i double back and down him
>as soon as I pick him up he dcs
>a laurie and claudette come sprinting up to me and let me down them
>they both dc as soon as I pick them up
>find the last guy five minutes later because he has given up and is just standing there next to a gen

what the fuck is wrong with this community


If you dont let them win, they cry

>wonders why survivors are so salty
>plays doctor


>start game as survivor, one person dc's during load screen
>oh well it's just a hag, what could go wrong
>by the time one gen is done my teammates dc/die on their second hook
>hag finds me moments after and kills me too
>says gg post match

i love this game

Really, Ruin needs to be nerfed. Tier 3 is far too strong as it is.

>Avoid killer all game
>Do majority of the gens
>Safety pip
Glad they're actively encouraging shittery


>Spend entire game doing generators while one guy hookbombs the other two
>He gets caught eventually after leading the trapper on a merry chase across the map
>Even decisive struck the poor guy
>Escape after doing literally every generator, breaking two totems, and healing one idiot who goes back to save the hookbomber
>STILL make less BP than the "bold" Laurie with decisive strike and pallet loops
Jesus fucking christ

>too strong
>clicking rapidly to avoid skill checks is hard

camping insidious bubba's need to fuck off with that autismo shit.
Fucking leave the game with nothing because someone sets the crows off on the pale rose level making him turn around and run right into me.

He could be farming blood points.

>facecamping huntress running Lullaby, NOED, TotH, & BBQ&C, with insta-down hatchets
>claims her build & her facecamping is okay because me & some random I didnt even talk to pre-game had BNPs
Just admit that you’re not confident in your own skill. She attempted to slug me under someone she was facecamping but i managed to get away & get healed.

I mean, I'd be ok with removing bullshit BNP and other survivor perks if we get rid of bullshit survivor perks too.

I just want to go back to the days where the game was less about this arcade shit and more about avoiding the killer and the chase.

>My horseshit is okay because they ran horseshit
you literally have the same mentality as that huntress. Both of you get some self-awareness

>I just want to go back to the days where the game was less about this arcade shit and more about avoiding the killer and the chase.
Its literally never been that.
Its always been run to the infinite/loop and be a faggot with objectively broken builds on both sides.
We can't go back to a state we've never been in.

>on both sides


There was in beta.

Though to be fair, that was more about all the survivor bullshit perks not being in the game yet and people not realizing what infinite loops were.

I'm not saying my shit doesn't stink, although it stinks slightly less. With how the match went down at the beginning and the speed of the gens went, she would literally have never known about the BNPs until post-game. Using those as a reason to camp is a shit ass reason.

>On both sides

The only killer perk that was ever "broken" was probably OG Iron since you could carry someone from the other side of the map if needed, maybe the original NOED, as it stands the games always been survivor sided.

Going to assume you weren't around for super fast sabo squads destroying all the hooks, we'll make it being so fast you could heal before the killer finished his weapon wipe animation, among many, many other things. The game was more fun in the beginning yes, nobody played with it with this ridiculous e-sport mentality that everyone does now.

I'd say the Halloween chapter was when the game started going to shit with the introduction of decisive strike(which stunned you for a full 4 seconds fyi) in its original incarnation. Since that point, its just been a parade of crutch shit and more get out of jail free cards for survivors.

>Machine gun wasn't broken

I love matchmaking.

It was five seconds originally, and you could use it at any time regardless if you were the obsession or not.

Sprint Burst was the real bullshit. 20 fucking second cooldown, by the time you finished a loop the fucking thing was already back up.

Or self-care, where you could heal yourself in half a second with a brown medkit.

Sabo was bullshit, too, but at least Iron Grasp countered that shit.

So i've noticed a lot people in assymetric games tend to develop really tribal mentalities. Often times both sides of game are pretty dedicated to the notion that the other side had it easier.

Do you guys think the developer releasing statistics regards escape rates at each rank would help settle this? Or do you think people would just stick to the notion that the other side has an unfair advantage?

Further more, what do you view as the ideal average escape rate? How many people in the typical match would you have escape vrs. get sacrificed?

I play both side and survivor is piss easy. I legitimately don't understand how meta shitters die so easily.

We already have those stats, I think they give them on streams.
The root of the issue is that the various killers have such a wide disparity at various ranks that it's impossible to balance.
Trapper, for instance, is insane at rank 20. At rank 1, though, he's basically a free escape.
On the other hand, despite the perception of her supposed skill level, Nurse is bad at rank 20 and pretty mediocre at rank 1.
The only killer that's consistently good at all ranks is Hillbilly. By far and away the best killer, actually.

Compared to the myriad of broken shit survivors have and STILL have to this day?

No it wasn't.

I honestly find killer easier, but that might just be difference in our skill sets.

Ok so what I've heard is that an average of 2.5 survivors are sacrificed per match, which seems relatively balanced, maybe a little bit biased toward the killer side. You bring up a valid point about the variability between killers and there performance, but I think that gets to the heart of the unbalance in the game being in between different sets of perks/killers, rather than being between killer and survivor.

Well if a killer wants to pip it has to be 2.5, killing 2 people just safety pips.

Well a 2.0 kill ratio the win rate would be 50%. If the killer saftey pips while he gets 50% kills, without pipping, that would keep a killer at a rank in which they host games at a 50% winrate. I'm guessing that's the goal of the matchmaking system.

The killer pipping would be a temporary measure to get them to a rank in which they would be playing against better survivors.

Survivor matchmaking system is less clear to me, in which they can get sacrificed, but still pip. I'm guessing this is to encourage teamplay, but it still seems a little iffy.

no wonder Angrypug is an annoying cunt

he's a fan of the Patriots

A good chunk of non-escapes in higher ranks come from shitters refusing to leave once the exit gates get powered so they can try ebin hook saves. Then 2 or 3 get sacced as a result but they don't care because they easily pip by teabagging in front of the killer.

Not really.

The only thing that matters for killers is map presence, which is the reason Hillbilly is such a great killer yet Cannibal (arguably a better Hillbilly) is a mediocre one.

Hag is another great example of a great killer because of map presence more than anything else. The only thing is, she's fucking boring to play so she has hardly any stats.

The best killers are those that can keep survivors from completing gens, that's all it really comes down to.


I believe you get more points from escaping then getting hook saves, even if you do it the max of 2 times for each survivor.

So such survivors would be playing against their own interests. Do you think there should be some sort of penalty for sitting in the exit gate? If so, how harsh do you think it should be?

I'm actually not sure if you replied to the right post, I don't know what in my post your disagreeing with. I'd argue that theres some other things killers have to deal with, but yeah map presence is probably the biggest factor in a killer wiping a group of survivors.

Not him but I would love a timer on how long the exit gates will stay open. A generous one of maybe 5 minutes but enough to encourage survivors to fucking leave.

Or perhaps the door will slowly close again as soon as people stop holding it open.

As someone who plays both sides equally, this sounds fucking perfect. It stays 30 seconds 100% open but if someone doesnt touch the switch, it closes up again.

>Survivor opens gate, runs inside and lets it close again
>Survivor then stands in between the "leave" area and the closed gate, thus being completely invulnerable and letting him stall the game for as long as he wants, as long as no other survivors show up to open the gate from the other side
