So anyway I really, really like British Sovereign coins. I like them so much I am considering selling the silver bar and getting more Sovereigns. Do you think that would be an incredible mistake? Is silver going to increase so much more than gold in the next ten years that I will want to punch myself in the nuts for doing it?
So anyway I really, really like British Sovereign coins...
Don't sell silver
Buy more sovs anyway
Silver is going to be to this generation what property was to the last.
I decided against doing it. Silver could go back up to $45 an ounce pretty easily but I doubt gold will be going to $3000 any time soon. The only thing bad about that thing is it's a bitch to lug around.
You can buy silver Britannias if you NEED to collect silver UK coins
However they are generic with a high premium
This is now a "post 5 of your sovereigns" thread
The premium is not an issue if selling to the millions of collectors. You only lose a tiny amount of the premium
That's why I like Sovereigns so much, the premium is lower than almost anything else when buying. The way I have it figured the price before taxes or shipping is about 42.91 per gram of gold for the Sovereign and about $45.56 per gram for a 1/4 ounce Eagle.
It's about $42.75 per gram for a full one ounce Eagle but I don't have that kind of money right now.
Is gold/Silver a good way to store my money? I have a gambling problem, and want a way to store my money. I feel a little more confident in Gold. I'm worried that Silver will go down to like $5 an ouce, and won't recover much.
If you have an addiction what makes you think you will have the willpower to not sell the gold or bet it directly when you're low on cash?
maybe do some, i dunno, research or something
i hear books contain information
I have seen others do this with great success.
I myself stack because I have an issue saving. I love eBay and shit.
The real value of silver / gold coins is you get to release the spending urge whilst saving. It doesn't matter if the price does up or down a bit.
Most of the gold and silver products on ebay are fake.
I don't think he ment buying silver and gold on Ebay. If he did...
i just bought 1 100 grams of silver coins for 200euro on ebay hope i dont got jewed
Pretty sure you got scammed. I've bought tons of kg lots silver coins from reputable sources and could take a look at the pictures of yours to possibly confirm or deny. Make it as high res as possible.
99.9% of stuff being sold is genuine.
If you are buying and can't test for fakes then shouldn't be buying.
1oz gold bar for $600 from an account with 2 feedback from 2001 will be fake.
He got it at less than 50% of spot unless the coins are mexican tier in silver content. There are many ways he could have been jewed, so I'd like to check it out.
i've been collecting kurgerrands
up to 4 1oz krugers 1 1oz bar of gold and 370oz of silver coins/bars
how do you even sell this stuff?
Online to other private individuals for more than spot, or to your nearest coin shop for a few % under spot.
I'm hoarding silver but it's a satisfying to put together small themed lots and sell for 20% above spot. In that way I get to think of it as essentially getting paid to pick through silver coin lots for the best stuff for my own collection. I'm the only one in my country to offer lots like this though so YMMV.
Is buying precious metals a good way to keep up with inflation?
no you will lose money on it, real estate on the other hand will usually gain 1% above inflation. but if you consider the costs owning any building is suicidal. just buy land if you want to keep up with inflation. you have to spend money on that too, but it will be less painful.
silver don't resist time as well as gold
silver has worse wealth density than gold, which makes it worse to handle and derivative costs way higher
to make you think this, think about electricity or oil, it's useful and yet, parking it is a pain in the ass
>silver is not bad, but can't compete with gold, just because of weights/volumes, vault services, transport and anything will always be cheaper on gold, which makes it more competitive than silver
btw, gold coins are the shittest form of gold
no, it's a way to beat everything else in the following years
>gold coins are the shittiest form of gold
I remember a story about a guy who had started heavily investing in gold bars back in the 60s or something, all bought from the same dealer. When he died his relatives found out they were fake and they couldn't do anything about it.
Now that's pretty bad
well there it goes, there has been gold sellers with bullion vaults that went bankrupt keeping the clients with poker face too
well, it must be vital to check out the health of the bussiness of your service provider to avoid that kind of shit
but well, confidence and added utilities should be valued more than cheapest offers when dealing with PMs
Is Silver worth the buy? It seems like more of a risk than Gold. Gold is never going to be worthless, but Silver seems like it might be.