League of Legends General - /lolg/

Poro ranching edition!


Fuck the police.

xth for my wife Syndra

>People let lulufag win again

who is this man-goo mancer?

I love Riven! My cute and perfect wife!!

do people genuinely like her?

just pink the thread

>tfw no qt petite gf

she has a dick

She hates Tahm Kench

Tristana is a good girl, anyone claiming otherwise is a dirty liar!

Levi 1v9

>almost 20 posts late

Why would you ban Tahm if Zoe is going to be banned?

I want to mating press Sejuani poster

Would she ever date a human male?

What do you like about Ribbon?

>still can't check the runes on Riot's web match history
come on riot opgg had this in less than a week

Hopefully so.

Not really, but he is one of the last champions that weren't classified into a well defined class in that first class definition post and still lacks a real way to fit into the game. Who would have guessed that even Singed would get out of that limbo before him.

I wanna cuddle Jinx and curl up with her while watching stuff

>not liking lulu
reddit everyone

>xerath getting permabanned as he deserves
Good, fuck that infinite mana infinite poke piece of shit.

mating press me

>friend finds this in a box
>plus at least 3 Kata skins
>meanwhile I get that fucking Olaf cuck and Mundo
My only waifu skin yet is Dynasty Ahri and I already have two other better skins for her. Fuck this shit.

Imagine being this salty

I was talking about the dyke
I like looloo



As long as the man is a proper christian and asks for her fathers blessing first.

Tristana has been known to give into temptation before, so her dad is a bit suspicious of the boys who come around to see his precious daughter

>sejuani is getting picks

Does her opinion even matters?

This is Major Tom to ground control,
is Corki mid any good?

>My boy

Xiye don't let me down

xth for breast metal waifu

>PBE Grasp

SG Jinx was the first waifu skin I got from a box. God bless RNG

Why not, she was strong before and the meta in the jungle didn't change that much aside from stupid shit like morg jungle.

>Not wife

>calling anyone reddit
nice joke lmao

Yordles doesn't even have fathers you insensible fuck.

>faggot friend """"""mains"""""""" urgot
>always shit himself and feeds
>try him once
>pic related

praise riot for they have decided to bless me with another single fragment, my one a week ration!

engage is needed in poke meta

>having a wife that has no pussy

2x4 wife is my end game!

How will this motherfucker be with new grasp.

d-do they bud like jellyfish

>nid into braum, azir and sej.

>Casters are making fun of SEA monkeys?

>Marrying a LITERAL semen demon

Why is riot trying to push Mogana as a jungler? That sounds fucking stupid.

w-what are they doing to it user...?

good, very good

She got nerfed for like four patches in a row AFTER WORLDS PATCH.and then I stopped seeing her.

Probably this and junglers being already used to her and afraid of testing out stuff too much.

>enemy Yas is complaining in all chat about getting camped
>our jungler has only ganked mid twice
>tp mid and ult him under his tower because fuck you I'm Malphite
>get an easy assist
>he blows the fuck up in all chat
Been quite a a while since I had this much fun in League


>having a wife with no pussy
>having a wife with no cock
>having a wife that doesn't have both

>meanwhile she wasn't banned at all in this match
>casters and chat kept screaming MUH ZOE the entire time
>ignored by both teams

>gnar starts dorans shield
gay shit

My ryze is bad...

Perkz isn't in this game

They wanted her to go mid.
"oh wow shes a jungler now? Okay cool lets pretend that was on purpose haha"

>SEA was already likely to get their shit pushed in hard
>visa issues made them even worse

But it's azir vs ryze, perkz meta.

>Take Leona
>Ban the champions she counters
>Ban Rek'Shit

Is there a more aesthetic bot lane

I want to bully her.

Perkz has to be in the game for it to work you dumbass.

i want to put lulu on a semen only diet

As much as I love petite girls I would NEVER marry one because I don't want to have a manlet son. 5'9 is the minimum I need for a woman

Bjergsen win vs a shit mid lane and people is freaking over "muhh insane damage" yeah no shit his team was winning really hard BR is just shit.


Everything! She's strong, independent, cute, and chuuni.

It took a little over three years, but I'm finally done. I finally have them all

Do you think they'll ever bring back Urfwick?

You can be married and not have kids.

>post not about region-dickwaving
>EU makes it about region-dickwaving

>tfw missed half-time buttposting for pic related
I promise to make up for my absence. Sivir is such an unholy level of fun

>Having sexual relations with a girl without marrying her first
>Pursuing a woman romantically without intending to make her your wife
Absolutely disgusting.

I want kids though

China #1!!

Honestly due to people not having mr anymore most midlanes are fucking retarded in damage. Try playing Annie in soloq, she straight up oneshots midlaners with just tibbers and ignite.


Will Ryze ever leave the meta?

Also Azir's like the only counter to Ryze because he can fight back while rooted by the point and click root.

>parents were tall
>get cancer and have to go on chemo
>lose a lot of weight and stop eating so much
>end up not growing as much because of horrible malnutrition

what version is allstars on?

I suck

Are we watching all star?

>ward goes missing
>not alone
>ask about it
>copy and paste so fucking basic its like theyre using mail merge to process it
remember when real people answered this shit?

Being a manlet isn't so bad user.

don't you mean on a cuddle diet?

Were you playing Morde by any chance?

Lmao china losing to a bunch of sea monkeys

Yeah. You get to crossdress and be cute

>Zoe is going to be permaban posts on reddit

Real people aren't going to make a new answer for every time they need to answer a question that they have already answered 15 times.

Nice. My jungle girls are all great. I A+ patch.

>Being a manlet isn't so bad user.

How the fuck is this game so close, i'm pretty sure these guys arent even from the same country

not him, but where do you see anything about eu in that post?

China is going to get fucking deleted by NA

I'm BR tough?