/hat/ - A Hat in Time General - 10


>Latest News
A Hat in Time is now available for consoles, but the camera captures option text and the game itself is an earlier build that what's on PC, complete with bugs. Nothing game breaking has been reported, and it's still an excellent game.

>Official FAQ

>Unofficial FAQ

>Modding Guides
To play mods, go to properties on the game and opt into the modding beta (currently steam only, GOG soon™). A mod option will appear at the bottom of the pause menu if it's working.
If you want to start using the modding tools, download the Hat in Time editor from the "Tools" section of steam library.
Beginner UDK Tutorial! - youtube.com/watch?v=9KsLbUYwF70
Importing Assets! - youtube.com/watch?v=me8ARBf6wHU
Dyes! - youtube.com/watch?v=19FMpNtN0pw
Hats! - hatintime-mods.net/index.php?thread/2-how-to-make-a-new-hat/
Dialogue! - hatintime-mods.net/index.php?thread/15-creating-custom-dialogs/
Language Packs? - youtube.com/watch?v=7MUe1HVmX8E
Console Commands! - steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1163274530

>Art Rips (Shouldn't look at these til you beat the game)
Subcon/Vanessa Manor - mediafire.com/file/ajcm6b5ib5fmfns/
Hub - mediafire.com/file/668r6yp9ln7jkwn/
Dead Bird - mediafire.com/file/vet0538dbs5kj5r/

>Other Links
Official Manual - hatintime.com/public/AHatinTime_Manual_Official.pdf
Diary Entries - pastebin.com/mNyPzbrM
Official OST (MP3): mega.nz/#F!4GQggJjA!-S4M9tawFGHBdjjbVBGOIQ
Ripped OST (Ogg, has more tracks not in the official one): mega.nz/#!Qn5XiZpK!Qxunhpru1y9d5QMRMvydUHqJzv-PNOs7mgearp4Mcl8

>Official Discord

>Previous Hat:

>Talk About Modding
>Post Modding
>Hope for more Modding
>Protect Hat Kid
>Share your photos

Other urls found in this thread:






Streaking Hat Kid with only a hat and cape!




reminds me of the cover of blood meridian

Gotta run. See ya /hat/

See ya!

why don't you take a seat over there...



we MLG now

fjnowlsehginehnih Oh DEAR GOD djiapowjdf fucking get THIS GUY OFF MEEE!!!

Excellent title

> last thread hit image limit in just over 24 hours
everything's coming up hat!

Scooter is invisible in this part

>invisible scooter

Has anyone actually recorded Snatcher or Vanessa killing her?

Yeah, about half the people who stream the game Kappa

I just beat the game on Xbone and that was one of the best games I've played in recent years. It's refreshing to see something so clever, charming, and cute this day and age.
Custom levels when?

When you buy the PC version

night hat

more lewd kid

On my way to steal your hat

/hat/ I keep seeing people bring up in reviews "wonky camera and controls"

Is there in a later level or something? At which part is the camera wonky..?


some optional parts of subcon forest has bad camera angles but the controls are fine.



Reposting this cuz it's so gud


And some people said it wasn't going to happen.

Ohhh fuck!

It seems fucking obvious, as literal no name youtubers open up small shops with little stupid mugs and t-shirts with just there name on it, nothing else and make a fucking bucket load off them, why not some really nice AHIT merch?

Please make AHIT Hats available
Ones from the game not ones with the logo

which one(s) would you get?

> page 10
come on, /hat/!


Just bought it, is it easy to get into? how long approx is the main story if you play slow

If you play slow? Do you mean the "meticulously searching every level instead of keeping your eye on the objective" sort of slow?

Hard to get into? Ha, come on user! It's a 3d platformer, ain't some eve like space simulator. If you take it slow, 12 hours, more? I mean I've been playing levels in parts, so breaks and things and its lasting for quite a long time, still haven't finished it.

>Do you mean the "meticulously searching every level instead of keeping your eye on the objective" sort of slow?

Pretty much yeah. I just dont want another super luckys tale were you can breeze through everything within a few hours

Ah great.

Is this by any chance similar to yooka laylee? Ive been looking at that the same time I was looking at this and both seem fun


I'm going to go kill Snatcher, need to find a way to unlock the finale because I've done all the acts. Do I need to finish the time rifts?

I can't outrun her anymore, as if shit wasn't spoopy enough to begin with.

re-do a level and find snatcher, if the finale isnt unlocked theres still a contract left

I was just about to do this, thanks user. I'm having trouble triggering him however, will see...

look for a circle of purple spikey stuff sticking out of the ground

As -soon- as I read this, he appears, you triggered it user, ty.



Snatcher and Hat Kid's relationship is so cute.

no idea how hard I tried to get this shot without the text on the side anons, sometimes you just gotta bite the bullet. damn it.

Wait for the patch to fix it you tripfagging blogger

I was going to get rid of the tripname after I finish this game, because I thought people wanted to follow along at one point from previous threads, only learnt how to use tripnames yesterday as an user requested I do it, is all.

if you dont like it you can filter it, peckneck

So the mail level is just a filler mission, right? Still fun though. I feel as if that slo-mo throwing packages thing can be utilized even better.

Off to go see this boss music, hopefully Snatcher is as fun as Grooves.

Snatcher is even better.

he has the trip for a reason dumbass

I'm going to voice an opinion on this boss in a moment, and I think we were -all- thinking it at this boss fight, holy shit.

This is Undertale as all hell. If this game had more marketing this would of 100% turned into Undertale lite fanbase, I can almost put my damn soul on it.

I was on your side for a moment but no more. Filtered.

To be fair the song totally reminded me of Asgore's boss theme about a minute in.

user, I've never played Undertale in my life, only watched certain parts on youtube to see what it's about. Whatever you say about the game, as we have all learned, just because one game has a small toxic part, doesn't mean that -ALL- the fanbase is toxic, I am whatever about Undertale but you cannot say that this game have zero similarities. Little girl main characters, zany wacky characters, Snatcher alone would push this game into that "side" of the gaming world. Take the spooky creepy bit in a real cute game, the younger fanbase LOVE that kinda stuff. See Five Night's at Freddies, how everybody loves Majoraas mask and haven't even played the fucking game. I'm not -comparing- in game styles, all I'm saying is, for what it's worth, we may have missed a bullet, a blessing in disguise with this, 10000s of HAT Oc's being made and cringe out the ass.


speed hat

You was right user, holy shit, just finished. Music was absolute beast tier. No way in hell final boss battle is topping that.

also the contract bit was absolutely hilarious, Hat Kid has more personality and charm than video game characters who can talk. Was also great to see the shadow kids, creepy little shits.

Is there a mod play as mustache girl now?

NO FUCKING WAY. YOU GET TO PLA--THAT IS GOD TIER. I've been browsing these threads since the begigning, how on earth did I not get that spoiled for me? Don't spoil it for others.

Is there a time piece here, or is it just straight up free roam? This is one of the unfinished worlds, I imagine?

what the fuck is going on

You're in for a surprise.


new user who said he just started playing, do not open this spoiler image, genuine spoiler.

My fucking god. BRUH. /hat/ it just wernt full fucking Journey/Spyro, what is this kino shit? I hate to compare it and I really don't want to start some kind of flame war but....there wasn't a single moment in Odysseys that made me feel like that. Before anybody rips my god damn hat off, I love both games, I'm just saying, there wasn't.

Hat Kid, finding new life in this region, decides whether or not she should slaughter this creature where it stands.

holy fuck you wasn't fucking around when you said they sounded cute, what kind of accent is that..? Scottish mixed with something..?

Swear to god if Spyro remaster doesn't get announced at PSX this year I say the P word loudly, and in caps.

Starting to realize I'm nearing the end of the game, and don't want it too end /hat/


This is the pain we all have to go through.


I nominated AHiT for the contrarian award

Where do you vote?


>the /v/GAs
Why does this keep coming back? I thought even /v/ hated it.

/v/ hates everything

Can someone explain why you are blocked from using the camera badge during certain animations, such as mid-attack or while taking fall damage?

>The variants of the hats other than the default one don't get recolored when you recolor your clothes



Are you fucking kidding?

I'm telling you fucks now

yes there isn't a mod a day being made, but there are people working on GIANT mods that obviously is taking them time, give it like... one month, watch. Watch somebody drop a mod with like 4 brand new fucking acts in it.

At the very least there are some people with ambitious ideas.

Now this is shitposting.

i cant do this jump, reee

jump jump dash jump climb

i've been doing that for last 5 minutes, that block is too high for that to work


Is that why I can't find the map anymore? I was just about to subscribe to it.

we'll see, it will be probably added to the workshop again soon if that's the case

You two seem to be lost. Lemme guide you home:

Are the events of AHiT just Hat Kid hallucinating her own personal hell as she is slowly killed by a combination multiple brain tumors and food poisoning caused by improper radiation shielding in her ship and leaving the refrigerator open, respectively?