Frost edition
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>went to the objective room to reinforce
>pick a wall, start reinforcing
>Frost is there placing a trap behind a shield
>my palms start sweating and I get nervous
>Frost asks me if I have another reinforcement
>reach into my pocket to check
>barbed wire falls out
>everyone stares as there is barbed wire all over the floor
>I try to pick it up with my jacket but it doesn't work
>I run out of objective
>armored flower
That will be the name of the first season of year 3 and will have gay ops from Argentina.
>the van says "Mira flower delivery" now
Mira confirmed best girl once again
do you think there will be a year 3 or no
You think Fuze is into the Soviet Union stuff? He is Uzbeki after all
they already announced it
Dumb caveman
I hate that they fixed the peeking spot from bar stairs to bakery in Kafe..
Like what the fuck Ubi, that spot wasn't even overpowered but it was good to hunt shitters
>4 countries we already have
>No Ireland
>No Scandanavians
2 fucking maps.. 2
What the fuck is wrong with this fucking ubi shitters.. Mark my words.. we're getting 6 female ops next year.
>mom won't give me allowance so I can't buy siege while it's on sale
All I want is some fucking new ranked maps rather than playing the same 6 or so over and over. fuck esports.
>outbreak event
is there any info on this yet? is this going to be some zombies bullshit?
>We are also launching our third year of post-launch content with Outbreak, the first major coop event in Rainbow Six Siege. Outbreak will take place over four weeks during Season 1, and will be free-to-play for Rainbow Six Siege owners. It will feature an exclusive collection of cosmetics, which will only be available during the limited time event. There will be a full reveal of both Operation Chimera and Outbreak at the Six Invitational 2018.
its going to be a re-skinned TH shit I guarantee you.
I only ever had a problem with Favelas because half the time, most of the fighting takes place outside before the Attackers even get inside the building.
>promote Tower as being all about verticality
>vertical gameplay is actually fully confined to the catwalk/atrium area
>not a single destructible floor outside a couple of hatches
shit doesn't make sense
dude everything the devs do is retarded
don't expect any logic from them
Not who you are replying to, but Blizzard has
>made an okay game, it does what it wants to do well
Just remember we are playing a completely different game. It would be like saying Chess is better because Texas Hold Em is just retarded. We need to attack Overwatch on it's goals / merits, not because it's not a realistic FPS.
>Been responsive to feed back
They openly communicate with the communicate, and signal changes.
>Been responsive in identifying problems and trying to fix things
Unlike Ubisoft, which took almost half a year to fix Blackbeard, Tachanka is broken for 2 years, Thermite has sucked compared to Hibana who is objectively better for over a year, who nerfed Thermite to nerf Glaz(wtf?), who added a useless character like Vigil who they expect to stack up to characters like Ela and Zophia who are OP waifus... Who keeps trying to force buff IQ by adding people only IQ can counter, after the first DLC had a character meant to counter IQ when IQ had a 0% pick rate? And none of this shit is getting dealt with in timely manners or at all? It's shit dude. Atleast Blizzard admits when things aren't going their way, and they are looking for solutions.
>don't outright break the game from time to time
I'd rather have characters added to the game who are fun and totally competitive in a casual settings, than multiple OP characters who break the game being added combined with characters who handicap your team even in casual settings.
To Sieges credit they have had some home runs with the game - Valk, Mira, Jackal. All these people drastically changed the meta of the game. But given how many are uninspired (Buck is good, but lets be real, he's basically just a ranged Sledge), outright OP for the sake of being OP, or just simply bad... Ubisoft loses here.
Siege is a game where the designers simply throw shit at the wall and sees what sticks, and even then can't really tell what stuck at times.
>Doc is Algerian
>Jackal is fucking Moroccan
More like 5
More like what the fuck is wrong with you? We already have 18 maps. That's a lot for new players to learn, especially the callouts, objective locations, and angles. New operators that change the meta every season makes learning the maps more difficult as well. A lot of people bitch about the DLC maps being shit anyway
>we're getting 6 female ops next year.
What does this even have to do with the maps and why would this be a problem?
two theories
1) they say this shit and then realize that although there are a few ops that rely on wide horizontal space (mira, castle, kapkan to an extent) there are currently no ops that have an advantage in vertical play other than like, maybe smoke. By making a map totally reliant around verticality all you're doing is making ops that you basically can't play and not leaving any ops that are good strategic picks.
2) the concept art gets made for the maps and the developers go "FUCK YEAH HELL YES LETS MAKE IT LIKE THIS" and then ship it off to get made and it gets lost in translation somewhere
surprised they haven't done ireland yet. seems like a super obvious pick
the amount of maps is actually fine at the moment, reworking existing maps is all they need to do
some maps just do not play well, such as house, plane, kanal, and bartlett, but have some potential to be changed to still be recognizable and familiar but not as awful for both sides.
I made a new frost guide
>no gurkha ops
>no Aussies
There has to be a reason why they used the same four countries right? Operator gadgets and utilities barely have anything to do with their countries anyways.
question what do you think would be some interesting operator gadgets that they should add?
I think some thing that has to do with sound would be cool like something that releases fake gunshots or running could be interesting
So they can give Russia and UK females. They basically confirmed it when they said the UK one is Interpol
I've never seen the 3 traps at the same spot
Sounds like it could be fun
Plane is the one that hurts the most for me. Its the quintessential terrorist scenario. And they wanna fucking remove it.
>see a camera similar to the game cameras
>first thought is that I should shoot it
I've played a lot of this game, haven't I
If you fuck off during the droning phase and avoid getting identified a lot more cheeky spots open up imo
Everyone i know who plays does it the worst is that theres one ant the gamesworkshop i goto and i always want to shoot it
I can relate, too
boring but fine IMO (maybe rework kids room?)
Literal crime to remove considering history (just fix runouts for fuck's sake)
maybe fix the whole "shoot from one side at the rappeling" thing?
remove because the community is dumb
love ur vids sheepy
Rework kids room and living room, make upper hallway less of a death sentence for defenders, give people a reason to use different approaches instead of just blasting directly through to the point.
Fix spawn peeking, add more ways to transition between floors, massively increase the number of destructible walls. Plane sucks because EVERYTHING is bulletproof.
Don't even know where to start. I have a lot of issues with this map.
Too symmetrical, too open, too few entrances, too few cameras. Probably best to just nuke it.
This is breddy gud.
Might've played against/with you a month or two back?
I had a cropped "Cross Platform" pic.
neat, just got frost and her gun is amazing
good guide
Great video. I love the editing in the beginning when you transition between the frost mat placements. Gave me hearty keks.
hey /r6g/ i have a joke for you
melee hitreg
I have 25k renown, Lesion, and all of the Year 1 ops
Who buy
thanks but who the fug are you
perhaps, I'm on the seamonkey servers
thanks friendo
Jackal if you like to clear rooms.
tell me /r6g/, what do 'those' people get out of the game. you know the type, they go 0 - X (where x is the number of rounds passed), run around aimlessly and just generally seem like they have little to know comprehension of what exactly the point of the game is.
I just took some ranked games and got the same guy in 3 games on either my team, or enemy team and he was as described above.
Really makes me think what fun they are having from the game when they just mostly watch other people play because they are dead.
Lol i killed a player with Twitch drone in casual. i just went in and out, one hit at a time, until he died :3
>when i walk in the obj during shotgun rush
Lol, nobody cares :3
Because your hypothetical bullet damage is so low, your example is invalidated because the threshold would be surpassed in almost all instances with a an actual projectile. It doesn't hold up in the actual game.
And besides that, headshots are an instant kill anyways which makes the armor even more useless.
Well as someone unskilled in the ways of Rainbow Six I can tell you most of my enjoyment comes from the "idea" of Rainbow Six. It's fun in my head when I think of being an operator going in to take out some baddies and because of how rare it is for me to get a kill, it makes it all the more special when I actually DO kill someone.
Tower is such a fucking garbage map
Plane is unironically better
just someone who has known your channel for over 2 years now ;)
>play tower
>fall down a floor while peeking
>takes a minute to find a staircase
It's me explaining the basic mathematics behind the armor mechanics using a simple and easy to understand number. The math isn't magically invalidated because I picked a round number at the lower end of possible round numbers. You are aggressively stupid.
>The math isn't magically invalidated because I picked a round number at the lower end of possible round numbers.
Well your numbers are wrong. 10% is base damage reduction. Armor adds 20% on top of that. It also guarantees DBNO status from normal damage. I'm not sure where you got your "20 invisible health" figure and I'm not sure why you're resorting to name-calling.
>10% is base
Did you even bother to look this up, or are you just typing shit to try and seem authoritative?
BOSG is actually so fucking bad, holy shit.
Don't fall for this meme.
>still has the old arm damage multiplier
this shit's old nigga
The best operator from Year 2 is...?
Zofia. Everyone knows this.
Ok, here. Have an updated image that proves exactly the same point of 3 speed ops having 0% damage resistance.
I actually absolutely love tower, one of my favorite maps if not just hands down my favorite one.
I don't get why some people hate it. it's a bit big but it has only two floors and it's easier to understand the map compared to themepark.
I think the people here who dislike it are just a loud minority desu
You gain 10% damage reduction per armor stat, starting with 0% at 1 armor. That's the base value when performing damage calculations.
As the other user mentioned you're also displaying the old model which included the arms in the .75 damage strike zone. It has since been updated and arms now take the full damage amount.
At this point I'm convinced you're either baiting or just attempting to nitpick my (correct) statements.
I'm gonna etch another tally into my tablet that records how many internet fools I've slain.
>I'm not sure where you got your "20 invisible health" figure
I'm not him, but this is like... a well known thing about the game right now. If you don't know this you are actually playing the game suboptimally
>starting with 0% at 1 armor
Which is literally what I said. You stated that 10% damage resistance is base. You can't even present the same argument consistently across your posts.
I really love this game, have almost 600 fucking hours in it. BUT JESUS FUCK does it give me a fucking aneurysm sometimes.
>Have an updated image that proves exactly the same point of 3 speed ops having 0% damage resistance
wait what, I didn't look at your discussion, just wanted to chime in and say that chart's outdated. is that nigga really arguing that 3 speeds have damage reduction?
>Well your numbers are wrong. 10% is base damage reduction.
Yeah, he is. And he also said that ops don't have 120hp.
Here is your original post:
Before anyone complains about it without understanding how it works, it's pretty simple. Operators have 100 visible health and 20 invisible health. Any damage from 100-119 puts someone in DBNO instead of killing them. Rook armor bumps the armor value of the operator up by +1, which reduces the damage of each incoming bullet, which makes it much more likely to fall within that 20hp buffer zone.
>theoretical bullet that deals 10 damage
>1 armor op is hit twelve times, 0% damage resistance means 120 total damage, op dies
>2 armor op is hit twelve times, 10% damage reduction means 108 damage, op is DBNO
>3 armor op is hit twelve times, 20% damage resistance means 96 damage, op alive with 4hp
>4 armor op is hit twelve times, 30% resistance means 84 damage, op alive with 16hp
Armor matters, probably a lot more than people expect."
Here is why you are wrong:
>Rook armor guarantees a DBNO state via its own mechanics. This makes your 20-hp buffer explanation irrelevant.
>"4 armor" is not a thing. Rook's armor simply adds an additional 20% to the damage reduction you have normally based off of your operator's armor stat. Your process of simply incrementing by 10% per armor is wrong in the case of rook armor being factored in.
This'll be my last post on the matter.
zofia just came out choke yourself
great video m8, very good editing too. how the fuck do you get so many shotgun kills though, i swear they're totally useless when i use them
why are these backstories shit like "when he was a kid he got really hurt now he's the top fighter in the sonic military"
Who should I cop next?
Hey, I like her quite a bit. Her grenade launcher is fun and I like how she's a very well rounded operator that can do well in most games.
Of those only really Banana, Lesion and arguably Mira are useful
Lesion is really fun, Mira's gun feels good to shoot , Ela's gun feels bad to shoot because it's so good, Echo can give really good information but don't expect to get a lot of kills just because you'll be sacrificing your utility if you don't use the drone to give calls for your roamers
You could also wait until the White Noise operators are available for you, Zofia is seeming to be pretty good so far
Post mains
Why do people like Ela's gun so much, it has a lot of recoil for me even with a grip
You can't main a character who's only been out 3 days, user
Come back in a month and see if you still play him as much as you do right now
I player rs6 on ps4 and now I got a new pc, I want to get rs6 on it as well. There is a sale going on steam currently, should I get it now or wait for the winter sale?
is it on sale rn? if so buy it
if not wait for next sale
It's pretty cheap right now, better to get it now instead of taking the chance that they'll put it up for sale again, because it's been on sale a lot lately
Ok I'll buy it this weekend. Thanks guys
>what is TTS
Theory: During the autumn sale the game was 50% off and the pass was 30% off. Right now the game is only 40% off because they increased the discount on the Year 2 pass from a week ago to 40%. They're going to remove the Y2 pass from the store next week so they're trying to get the last out of it.
I'm guessing the game will actually be 50% off again during the winter sale. Basically extra $8 savings on the Complete edition if you care about that. They also didn't put Starter up for sale this time around.
it will probably be 50% off at winter but you need to wait a few weeks for that
i want to drink IQ's foot perspiration!
>rook armor guarantees DBNO
Except for all of the thousands of deaths whilst wearing Rook armor where I didn't enter DBNO. Methinks someone may be full of shit.
okay then but that still means you've only been playing him for a couple of weeks at best, my point was he's new and has that "fresh" appeal that might not last, you might end up back on your old defence main before WN is even over
Because the game got popular and talentless hacks started applying for writing jobs as an easy way to pad out their LinkedIn pages.
You'd be wrong, unless you're headshot, rook armor guarantees DBNO
It always seems to DBNO me unless I'm headshot