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Nezha a cute
mag is best girl!
I want to die because of this Nidus ult bug.
SpiraP is a crit weapon. The best CE are Fusilai (the alt fire) and Hikou (Prime or not)
>Fall asleep with Game awards twitch running
>Wake up two minutes ago
>Reboot PS4 and launch Warframe
>Nothing new in inventory or inbox, figure Twitch has it under prime loot or whatever
>Not there either
What the shit
Nidus 4th ability currently ONLY heals you. It spawns the three tentacles, but nothing else will spawn. No Flora, no Maggots, nada.
user, Warframe probably unlinked your accounts. Go check the status.
>building spria P for gimmicky CE build
>calling the best throwing knives trash
do you even play the game bruh
rip nidus
Just got 120k in Adaro, my highest focus run yet. Anyway to go higher so I can do the day's focus in two runs?
Best throwing knives are Fusilai
I just so happen to have all part for a wyrm prime, is it worth building and keeping around or should I hock it for plat?
fusilai has only 6 in magazine which makes it a super pain in the ass to use at higher levels unless you get a riven to offset that
Who cares? High bleed status and fast reload make up for it.
If you're feeling lucky, jew it since you might be able to farm a new one in January.
these look so fucking terrible, though? taking that long to kill corrupted heavy gunners only at 105?
Whats cookin good lookin?
spira has fast reload too bruh. All the throwing weaps have fast reload.
a pure crit build with no armour stripping and no buffs, thats amazing
it's dogshit, mate
too bad the thrown projectile looks like vomit
Rhino, forma, and soonTM, wukong
playing on xbone, and we finally got a sale on plat, so, I stocked up on slots
Enjoy those. Really good weapons, especially with a Riven.
The point is that mag size isn't a disqualifying factor for thrown weapons because of fast reloads. Fusilai can be built for status that can strip armor or bleed, which is way stronger than raw crit.
Does that even matter?
Is there a full version of this track?
>that original closed beta lineup of frames
>Does that even matter?
the only real reason you'd use throwing weapons over an *objectively* superior weapon like the akstiletto prime is for the style ninja points. And fusilai look like pieces of plastic, no thanks
Still linked. I guess I'm fucked for free shit.
>Actual spinning knives rather than bullshit 'muh ninja darts'
And Spira Prime looks like a dragon dildo
I want to try this.
so what's a good fast firing crit primary that's not starved for slots?
*spinning pieces of plastic you found in the parking lot of toy-r-us*
Sounds like something on yoru end, working fine for me.
did you check twitch or the warframe site? Mine was unlinked on DE's end but twitch still showed it was linked. I didn't get shit until I relinked through the warframe main site. Either way I'm sorry for your lots, user.
thank god i didnt bother to wake up early for that mexican cape
For the last slot of a standard Tigris Prime build, should I run Seeking Fury or Vicious Spread? I've been using Vicious until now, but shit seems like it'll die anyway from the initial burst even without it
Lenz Rivens: +100 Heat/Cold -20 Grineer damage OR +121 Crit chance, -74 Weapon Recoil, +71 flight speed, -31 Mag capacity
Right. Don't be retarded
seeking fury
get sweeping serration instead of meme spread if you are doing that
I already use Sweeping
>sweeping serration
>when vigilante armaments exist
Really? Slower firing lower magazine crit over extra blast?
It's better than your dumb PoE meme mods.
Just checked DE's site, I was still linked on that. Unlinked and relinked to try, no dice. Guess I'll make do with my shit from the plat sale.
>slower firing
Where the hell'd you get that from?
Either way, it's because the left option doesn't have a flat damage bonus. Elemental damage is nice, but crit chance always beats it. If it was like damage/heat or something you'd have a case, but crit chance beats them both out, and flight speed isn't awful on a bow with a slow projectile like Lenz
-2 ammo max isn't a huge deal as long as you've got vacuum. Either way, keep rolling
What's the best bullet jump mod?
Lightning Dash I presume because it's got the best cc potential?
Bows have no fuckin magazine
ok man, if you say so, im just gonna enjoy my armor ignoring crits over here if you dont mind
Nobody uses them, it's a waste of a slot.
Thank you for a real answer. That asshole was just acting twelve. My issue with Lenz tends to be number of shots when in an interaction where ammo can be scarce.
off memory the heat one has the least visual impact of the elemental ones, but mobilize is extremely cheap and has basically the same effect so just use mobilize
>going slow
Don't reply to my posts ever again unless you have a relevant answer
Not him, but munitions is confirmed for getting its ass nerfed, you realize? Why even get used to something that's about to get gutted
If I had to pick one I'd use the ice one because of the cold proc making the blast/knockdown from bullet jumping really slow for enemies to recover from
Otherwise the one that gives the most mobility but no element.
Sure, sure, nice to see that people still have no idea how the fuckin status chance works with IPS. No worries - status rework soon and then nobody will.
So what was that warning about changing the way of focus farming I saw some threads ago? Any time soon or focus 3.0?
>confirmed for getting nerfed
>he doesn't know
god i want to lick her asshole
Why even play any videogames when technology and market forces will make them unplayable in the future?
Kraken, Saryn Prime with 1 day left
>he thinks he knows
They literally said they were nerfing it basically the day after it came out
New frame: Stargazer
has one giant eye in the middle of his head
focus on weapons with zoom
passive: double multiplier damage with zoom weapons(snipers arca scisco, etc), increased accuracy and zoom with normal weapons
ability 1: telescopic sight
can zoom in and out with scroll wheel, can have increased/decreased accuracy, drains energy while in use
(only affects when youre zoomed in)
ability 2: tazer rounds
depending on the fire rate of the gun, stargazer either has a counted number of shots or a set time limit when all of his bullets proc 100% stuns for several sevonds
ability 3: biofilter
everything that isnt alive becomes fuzzy and loses contrast, while everything thats an enemy becomes more stonrgly colored and glows through walls (to some extent) for several seconds
ability 4: trespass
bullets gain infinite punch through (except for walls) and have increased crit chance for several seconds
op? up?
Fuck off with your shitty OC.
I misspoke, I was referring to the speed of the projectile. Go see a proctologist. You seem to have a capslock up your ass.
Care to literally source this? Should be easy enough, unless you are talking out of your ass
>recruiting now has a way harsher 'duplicate message' filter
>it will filter anything even remotely close to an old message even if you edit
For what fucking purpose
It's bullshit mate it's working fine.
Didn't read, but DE is always open for crap ideas so might give it a shot.
Oh, thank Helminth!
>even more zoom for the seer
This was taken around 25 minutes ago.
4 is literally Zenith
3 has been implemented several times in game terribly; it won't happen properly to say the least.
2 stun is terribly vague, if you mean electric procs they're pretty shit stuns and enemies regularly ignore them.
1 I don't think anyone in the game actually likes having to zoom in for benefits, Warframe does not take place at ranges that need zoom.
Double damage is kind of silly on a class of weapons that broadly speak, are complete fucking overkill for most of the content the player faces and are terrible due to their other characteristics.
I can think of at least two cyclops helmets already, Mag/Volt.
Basically, it's isn't the worst shitty OC I've read, but it sure is trying.
(Why the fuck is it even called Stargazer?)
They probably mean the "IPS rebalance" which has nothing to do with munitions
probably not with the tigris, but munitions would no longer work for weapons without ips like lenz or plasmor
Did the kraken get buffed?
It seems popular suddenly
I don't know about other whips, but the atterax has new sounds and seems to light up enemies on hit
People are taking a piss out of it cause it's shitty, kinda like they did with Tiberon prime
Why the fuck would you even use munitions on the Tigris? Arguably, the best weapons to use it with were mainly non-IPS.
Some shithead like Mogamu must have made a video about it. Prefaced by I'm not going to make a build because people sometimes write to youtubers after a nerf to say they made a bad build.
idfk, comment chain was about the last slot on the tigris prime
Steve wishes Rebb would light his ass up with a whip.
I'm making it for the MR mostly.
An autist got a Kraken riven and has been bringing up the kraken as often as he can, justification to himself, an attempt at some fleeting sense of validation or something silly such as that. Just another wave of ___posting that will pass all the same.
How can Mogamu be autistic and also black?
Actually I was inside of a fucking echoing room for the sounds, my mistake
I don't remember the lighting up as energy color thing though
My first guess is something to do with the exalted whip ability they were talking about
Just check the vid, nothing about kraken.
Should I bother potatoing/formaing NekrosP if all I'm gonna use him for is loot?
>hack the drone bounty
>bounty zone in a coastal area
>drone does not spawn at all, no indicator in the minimap even
>forced to abandon
absolutely fantastic
Yes, you quintuple nigger
Just use blaze then
>should i potato a prime frame i'm going to use
Was probably in one of the new caverns
I was referring more to the bit about please don't hurt my feelings and say my build was bad, look, I'm not making a build.
>no indicator in the minimap even
yeah, that's happening, though it's there somewhere