I know this is technically and somewhat related to recent events, but it's a genuine question. Has there ever been a crazier presidential election then the one we've seen in 2016? Are there any other presidential races that are on par or even comparable with the insanity and ridiculousness in this most recent one?
Crazy US Elections
Sure. Bobby Kenneddy was leading in the primaries and then got killed by sone camel jockey, I think that's way more crazy than Trump dropping memes.
Lincoln led us through the worst war in US history.
Though that wasn't really because of the election, I guess.
Adams vs. Jefferson, Grover Cleveland sex scandal, Lincoln v. The South, Taft vs. TR, the list is massive.
There was the one where Teddy Roosevelt went rogue, ran against his old buddy Taft, got shot, and then Wilson fucked them both up.
This one was one for the ages desu. It will at least go down as the biggest upset in American political history. Even bigger than Dewey-Truman, back then we didn't have accurate polling and computer modeling.
>implying it wasn't an inside job
>itt people going through their first election aged between 16-24
Adams vs Jefferson was about as crazy as this election, right down to the shit flinging and the nonstop attack ads.
Honestly, nothing compares.
Even the Lincoln vs. Breckenridge election, which literally led to the South seceding after Lincoln being declared the winner was a much tamer and more civilized affair. The amount of mudslinging, personal attacks, conspiracy theories, and breaking away from norms in this election is historical. Clinton being a female candidate was something historical enough, but Trump's actions during the campaign is what really made the whole thing very strange (excessive personal attacks, refusal to disclose tax returns, mocking a disabled person on live TV at a rally, telling Jeb Bush to shush, bragging about the size of his penis during a debate, insulting Ted Cruz's wife and insinuating his father was behind Kennedy's assassination, Twitter rampages, etc.) As was Trump's upset victory at the end; literally nobody, not even his own campaign, expected him to win and all the polling data predicted a Clinton win. This will go down in history as the craziest election in America to date, by far.
Trump VS Kanye in 2020 will blow it out of the water.
The meme wars have only begun.
>not even his own campaign, expected him to win
I'm only 25 but I
m pretty sure I don't remember past winners forming their cabinet after the election as if they were interviewing for jobs.
Don't most of them decide who goes where during the campaign, so the appropriate people can start the transition immediately?
I think obama was the only one in recent memory that got his cabinet sorted out before the GE was over.
Clinton for example didn't appoint anyone until the second week of December when he won in 1992.
Alright, thanks.
That's irrelevant
Trump has broken every norm in American politics since the 1960s... and won
>insulted literally every GOP senator to their face and then later demanded they endorse him
>insulted Ted Cruz, his wife, his dad; later demanded he endorse him
>insulted the family of that dead soldier
>mocked a disabled guy
>made up some story about thousands of Muslims celebrating 9/11 in New Jersey
>insulted a Federal judge for his race
>bragged about *avoiding* military service
>claimed he would not accept election results if he lost
>muh "locker room talk" (although that was mostly SJW bullshit exaggeration), but he should have at least apologized instead of doubling down
>refused to release tax returns
>implying that we have accurate polling now
>biggest upset
The polls were right though. She won the popular election and did so within the margin of error. The race was very close wherein voters are concerned and that's what the polls measured. It was the electoral college that was one sided.
i could only imagine the hell that would break loose if a 2000 Florida situation had broken out
i was legit afraid of what would happen if Clinton won and Trump refused to accept
>>mocked a disabled guy
would have been the end of his campaign in any civilized country 2bh
>if it were held today
Seeing their ACA bill go up and the FBI bringing up more e-mail shit (even if it was just to say she wasn't guilty) not even two weeks before the election surely had nothing to do with it.
>people seeing etc.
None, because this is the first time internet had a decisive role in influencing the outcome.
>made up some story about thousands of Muslims celebrating 9/11 in New Jersey
that happened though
t. not a Trump supporter
This election was nothing, no one even got assassinated.
>no one even got assassinated
People are too apathetic now.
I can't link you to a newspaper article or anything but as a person who was a junior in high school in nyc with a lot of Muslim students on that day lets just say a lot of them were very happy. And when I drove through a Muslim part of Jackson heights later on that day a lot of them were literally dancing in the streets and ululating.
thanks for this verified anecdotal "evidence" champ
i'll be sure to put it in the trash where I keep all the other anecdotal evidence
Okay whatever. Firsthand personal experience will just be dismissed as anecdotal bs because you don't like to hear it.
Guess what kiddo if they were dancing in Iran, Pakistan and Palestine it's not a stretch for a person to claim they saw them dancing in Queens and NJ.
>dancing in Iran, Pakistan and Palestine
they were dancing in Palestine, not Iran or Pakistan. we have video evidence of that.
>it's not a stretch for a person to claim they saw them dancing in Queens and NJ.
no video evidence, so yes it is quite a stretch.
now go ahead, get triggered like a good little autist and call me a mudslime or a cuck or whatever because you can't handle simple logic
On a related note since they did it during his victory speech.
When did burgers first start chanting U S A? Did they just all start when they write the decleration of independence?
trump winning and probably fucking up the world are completely worth it just to see the lefts dummy spit post election
>Firsthand personal experience will just be dismissed as anecdotal bs because you don't like to hear it.
or because generally accepting the word of strangers on the internet who refuse to provide any supporting evidence is generally a bad idea.
ever watch any UFO documentaries? those hicks claiming to see aliens are relating their firsthand personal experiences too.
The only thing historic about this election was the vast amount of slanted information and blatant mudslinging the media put out that is still on going. It's like they gave up all desire of maintaining any credibility.
Its' from the Olympics IIRC
Whatever brah take it or leave it I am only relaying what I experienced first hand.
>Cletus being abducted by UFOs and Muslims being shitheads require the same level of suspension of disbelief
>This one was one for the ages desu. It will at least go down as the biggest upset in American political history.
It turns out the polls were actually correct. It was the pollsters' methodology they was fucked up. You see, pollsters publish other numbers than those that arise from polls. They modify their results on bssis of several assumptions, like poll underrepresetation of certain demographics or how many people lie while questioned.
It turned out that pollsters' methodology was utterly wrong.
>"i don't have any proof or anything b-but I was there guise! i swear! you gotta believe me!!"
Hey...wanna hear something cool? I saw them hysterically mourning the death of Benazir Bhutto when word go out of her assassination in the middle of the streets as well. Something tells me you'd take my word for it and not dismiss it out of hand if I were to share this with you.
considering there were mass protests in Karachi, Islamabad, and Lahore following her death, a large public funeral, and her mourning was well documented by multiple local Pakistani journalists as well as international press agencies, such an account would merely corroborate actual written and video journalistic sources.
now fuck off you triggered faggot
He did apologize for the comments which came out in October from 2005
How can you live with yourself being this brainwashed?
Iranians held candlelit vigils for the American victims of 9/11 in the streets of Tehran.
>“Iranian women light candles in Tehran’s Mohseni Square in memory of the victims of the terror attacks on the World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon in Washington DC. [see first picture above] […]
>Even the most hardline Islamic clerics, who despise the United States, have been shocked into silence by the attacks. President Mohammad Khatami set the tone for Iran’s reaction with a statement that in Persian rang with deep compassion: ‘On behalf of the Iranian people and the Islamic Republic, I denounce the terrorist measures, which led to the killing of defenseless people, and I express my deep sorrow and sympathy with the American people.’
he's a /pol/tard
logic, facts, and reliable sources are anathema to him
t. Ctr
But I don't have video proof of them doing it in queens so why believe me?
Meanwhile it's well known MENA was in a state of ecstasy on 9/11 and Muslims dancing in Queens is incomprehensible to you.
Even neighborhoods in Belgrade Serbia threw parties on 9/11.
Nice intellectual honesty.
#triggered one is you who can't comprehend that Muslims can behave like shitheads
>Meanwhile it's well known MENA was in a state of ecstasy on 9/11
see and fuck off to /pol/
Even Hamas and Hezbollah condemned the attacks and expressed their sympathies.
I'm sorry Abdul I don't know what your Imams tell you on Fridays but your people aren't exactly saints who are always on their best behavior.
Muslims were celebrating on 9/11 in the section of Queens I live in deal with it.
Sure thing cuck
Maybe they were mourning and you don't understand Arabic.
Don't forget the electoral violence that got so bad that both Jefferson and Adams had to go out and tell people to knock it the fuck off.
Abdul on suicide watch.
They fucked themselves up, that cracker wouldn't have had a Chinaman's chance if they hadn't split their own party.