Lewd bloodman edition
Lewd bloodman edition
I love my cute and perfect wife, Riven!
If you were given the choice to remove a keystone and replace it with something else, what would you do?
What's the most underused keystone?
What class or champions need a real keystone?
trynd mid actually destroys in high plat
Remove press the attack, lightning bolt, comet, and aery.
Literally the meta is now just poke and proccing runes then walking away because you win the trade if you proc yours and they don't proc theirs.
Literally, if you get 3 auto attacks and they only get 2, you've done 2-3x as much damage as they have because of the proc bursts.
Comet and aery because it's just long range AD caster meta to get the burst rune damage.
LITERALLY. I am very tired.
>Somebody copy pasted what I said in the last thread
Why though?
Remove Dark Harvest. Replace it with old Fervor of Battle,
>that peek of the top of the vag
this shit gets me so hard every time
glacial augment has no good users, its pretty garbage. Every champ that thinks about building frozen mallet wants a different keystone
Replace it with "you have an extra item slot"
Dark harvest is dumb, its the devourer problem all over again. Not balance-able, and better to just get electrocute for the burst.
Bruisers need a fervor replacement in its pla-
eyyy, my man
if I reposted the question I didnt want other replies to get lost
post full image right now
Just roll back the whole game to any season 3 patch.
Grasp is pretty much being turned into fervor of battle, that also heals you.
More like old atmas. Shits gonna be nuts on juggernauts.
>be good and eventually you will climb
>sillver IV
>be adc main
>win bot every match
>meanwhile other lanes always have someone inting, trolling, going afk for lack of ganks, etc...
how the fuck am I supposed to climb in solo queue with people being this retarded
you're not as good as you think
>20 seconds search
cmon guys
well, bruisers pretty much end up with 3-4k health lategame, thats 30-40 AD every 4 seconds that you stay in combat and can hit a champ.
Level 1 it's going to be 7-10 AD (10 on kled) per stack, so after two hits/8 seconds it's more AD than fervor was level 1.
>>be good
adc and supp are inherently not good
MicroCabbia. Look up LeBlanc on rule34 or gelbooru
what the fuck i love lb now
post op.gg
It won't stack as fast as fervor, some champs could get 8 stacks almost instantly. Either way, it's finally a proper bruiser keystone. I'm gonna enjoy having this on wingy bingy man
Don't believe that meme, when you're at low silver you honestly just have to get lucky and hope to get higher and then you can finally climb because your team isn't completely fucking retarded. At least not retarded enough to always throw away any kind of lead you provide them,
I'm going to practice Nidalee in some normals. Are there any combos I should know?
he thinks that winning lane should mean winning game
it's entirely possible to carry a bunch of shitters with proper shotcalling, even if there's a feeder
It was a quote
I don't think I'm good or anything, I'm still learning to play ranked properly, but when I obliterate botlane while the rest of the team can't do shit even with the help of the jungler which feeds himself, something must be wrong with my team
maybe I should roam more? or change role
q e w r e w q w r aa
dont listen to this retard
low silver its incredibly easy to get fed off your lane opponent and snowball to victory
>riot still treating me like im on a hotstreak
so how am I supposed to climb now? wtf?
that new grasp is dumb. Its fine how it is on live, but they're trying to smush two keystones into one and effectively deleting this preseason's grasp and making a worse fervor.
It still doesn't help champs like renekton or kled or fiora that could combo with a few autos in a second and like the short trades, and they're the ones suffering right now. Its a bad change if you ask me.
>didn't already want to fuck LeBlanc
when did you realize your taste was shit
if you
obliterate bot
take bot
take drag
take top
take rift
take mid
you will win 9/10 games
only if you promise to not bully me too much
When you take bot tower, which you should early on, stop farming like a retard and go get drag and push mid
nvm youre beyond help
>Extra item slot
This, but make it replace your trinket slot entirely. You have to choose between having vision, or having 7 items.
Replace Minion Dematerializer with Minion Charmer, which would make the next non-baron buffed, non-bannered enemy minion become an ally minion. (60 second cooldown)
And for fucks sake can we get a visual timer on Manaflow Band? Its so fucking gay trying to time your next spell for MFB without knowing when its gonna be up again.
Grasp is supposed to be an extended fight keystone. It's not like grasp was being used on Kled or Fiora or Renekton, all of whom have better options than bruisers did.
>losing with vayne on this patch
>in silver
you are absolute garbage, thats the problem
next minion you attack*
Honestly it'll help Kled a lot with his lategame because you don't go for short trades late, you go for full on all ins and he probably stays up long enough to get 3 procs off.
I'm not sure how I feel about it on Poppy, considering I typically build her Triforce, Cleaver, Gage, Warmogs, Stoneplate.
Like I'll get a shitload more AD but it'll suck losing a lot of my poke in lane and instead having a keystone that heavily emphasizes extending trades when I'm always paranoid of getting camped.
not mid
mid usually has waveclear and enemy bot will rotate to stop you
this is how low elo games end up as aram for 30 minutes
recall and go top after drag, try to ping your toplaner to hold bot or just 3-4 man dive top and then grab rift
also have fun watching enemy top tilt wtf 4 top team doing nothing and quit
I have a suggestion how you can fix Kled: Make his W active so you can actually proc it when you want and not just a dumb passive that procs on the first minion you hit and goes on cooldown, fuck this shit.
Okay fair enough, I just can't count how many times my adc stomps bot and keeps pushing and farming bot like a monkey then complains after we lose that his team sucks. Literally anything is better than that
is this satire? nigga youve played adc for about 3 days
Silvers are literal animals. You can 1v5 if you're playing the right champions and aren't dogshit.
I reinstalled after months and I was adc main before
xth for my wife Syndra
xth for expecting semen demon irelia
looks like u die too much and dont know how to transition kills into objectives
buy control wards so you can force fights near objectives
xth for YOUR EMPEROR Azir
ur cs/min is ass
looks like variance, you just haven't played enough yet. You're damage numbers are good so just keep winning your lane and it's just a matter of time.
That said the fact that you're still dropping games in silver 4, it's a really easy elo to 1v9. You've got a long way to go so don't think about your Elo, just think about improve. Or you'll get stuck.
If Irelia doesn't look TIGHT as all fuck in her updated visual I'm gonna be upset
Thank you Anons
>half-breed calling humans stupid
It's silver games dude, that's shit advice. CS averages don't matter until like mid plat, until then just embrace the fiesta. Win lane and outplay them in fights until you get to an elo where people don't just randomly fight with numbers disadvantage when no objective is even at stake.
How do you make a champion look tight? models,splash art,memes?
The reason they're chaning grasp is because bruisers dont have a keystone. And not all bruisers and fighters WANT those extended trades.
Fervor was flexible that way. Its that Kled Fiora and Renekton don't have a lot of great options NOW.
I think grasp is still fine on bruisers that want extended trades (Darius), but there are more bursty bruisers that scrap more often than electrocute is up.
And maybe with the exception of kled, those guys don't want the attack speed from the precision tree to take PTA.
something less strong than grasp that has that "quick gratification that you can keep up if you keep going ham" I think is in order.
mostly memes
Slender & toned midriff mostly. Body looks firm more than squishy. Good emphasis on her crotch area helps too. Dracozyra splash is a great example
What role should I switch to to at least maybe get G1 or P5 before the real season starts?
>Its that Kled Fiora and Renekton don't have a lot of great options NOW.
We'll don't bitch that they gave a keystone for extended fight bruisers because it doesn't work on everyone. They might change another keystone. Again, it's not like either of those 3 are using grasp now.
Also fiora is a pile of cancer and doesn't deserve anything
what did she mean by this?
>just afk farm top and buy zzrot to farm even more
>lose because im useless but have few deaths and lots cs
Urgot actually does alright as a supp
>get a huge lead in kills, end game with 1~2 deaths but 12+ kills
>land several crucial ultimates
>low farm tho because fighting all game long
>meet a fellow 4channer
>we both play like ass
I wont reveal your secret lee sin
>Damage meta
>1 auto + 1 skillshot removes 1/3rd to 1/2 of a champs hp
>Get ignited and you're dead.
We need defensive runes for squishies ;_;
Coinflip, don't bother.
I'm not high IQ enough to survive the fucking warzone that is midlane right now, but if you can go for it.
can carry but you feel the weight of shit teammates more than any other role.
Unless you've mastered the bot lane dance, not worth the effort.
probably at the healthiest its been for a preseason in recent memory, and you can play a variety of roles and feel good.
Normally I'd recommend Ivern or Nunu for a support main but I guess they're the ones who got hit the most.
Assassins are good, Kindreds good again, tanks are good, control junglers and farmers are good, heavy gankers are good.
Only outliers are Ivern Nunu being garbo and Khazix and Rammus running games over because they're overtuned.
>gooks lost to taipei chingchongs
>tfw the trap of my group -and- the one with the largest cock
>meet fellow 4channer
>it's the first game with azir that i'm actually preforming well
Feels good.
Christmas event + missions when
>meet user
>he/she calls me cute
>meet user
>report his ass
>meet user
>he sounds cute and one day will make another guy happy
it aint me doe
>be toxic shit head
>lose all my friends one night
>realize it means jack shit
>reform and make a new group
>teach other kids i run into about being toxic
how do you know
is it just like how autists can tell whos autistic
or do people unironically have Veeky Forums references for names or club tags
You just know
people unironically do, his was /pol/
he was playing lee sin though so I doubt he will show his face here
Is lee sin also hated here? He seemed pretty okay to me, or is he riven/yasuo/katarina/zed tier?
how to be the best ashe player in the world?
i wish i was a girl to make anons happy when i notice them
dunno about hated, but he is definitely meme tier
if he gets buffed though, oh boy you will witness some shitposting
>meet a fellow 4channer
>immediately starts spewing memes nonstop from champion select
>starts bming nonstop and flashing mastery every time anything happens
>dies once
>goes into autistic rage and gets more and more racist over the course of the game (with no indicator that the enemy team was even anything but white)
>teleport into teamfight
>team ends up retreating and I die
this right here is why I don't teleport to teamfights
the fight wasn't even unfavorable, it was 4v2 and all they had to do was land their skills
be this guy
you just have to look like a girl to make most anons happy
not me though, but in all fairness a girl wouldn't do the trick either
Any Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums on EU?
>he's still number one at 7 million
what a fucking hero
Holy shit. How can you play so much and still stand still while autoing?
>Draven 34 cs by the end of the game
i guess you have meant when you sleep with them?
Back when I played in S3 I really liked characters like Sej and Zac. Are they ok?