Imagine that suddenly your boss is gone and the workplace is owned collectively by the employees. Stacey in the adjacent cubicle has a girlfriend who's down on her luck and looking for a new job and she thinks you're a creep, and believes your white male privilege will help you get a new job effortlessly. Besides, you need to be taught a lesson about what it's like to have real struggles just like all the people your ancestors oppressed. Stacey tells this to Chad and he agrees that it would be better if you were gone.
Chad thinks you're kind of a stiff. After all, you're usually quiet at the meetings and don't talk about sports with the guys at lunch break. He thinks you don't fit the company culture and Stacey's friend (who happens to be single) is a better fit. At lunch, instead of discussing UFC, Chad approaches Tyrone about getting rid of you.
Tyrone says you're a wack ass cracker because when the two of you met, you didn't know how to dap. You never laugh when he jokes about girls' asses at work, Tyrone remarks; you might even be a homo. He also suspects that you might be a racist because one time you ratted him out for smoking ganja in the toilet.
Carter Johnson
Pt. 2/2
As the Tyrone and Chad continue to discuss your many failings, Lechaim Pretzelbaum listens to the conversation from across the room. Lechaim works in accounting, like you, but you have a much more senior position. He wonders if he has a shot at filling your vacant spot in case you get fired.
At the next monthly employee plenum, your termination is proposed. You are accused of sexual harassment of coworkers, rudeness, and racism; Chaim from accounting even accuses you of uttering antisemitic remarks under your breath as he walked by your cubicle. It is decided that you are to be fired with no benefits in a vote that is essentially a popularity contest. Stacey's friend Samantha, who graduated from her local community college with a degree in African Basket Weaving and English, is hired immediately to fill the senior position that you spent years working for.
All this happened because you couldn't make small talk about UFC.
Jason Hill
Now imagine your boss doesn't like the look of you. He'll find a reason to terminate you. You are gone. Dictatorship. It. Just. Works.
Elijah Richardson
Your point being?
Seems like a toxic work environment. You should all be replaced with pajeets.
Grayson Cruz
>He also suspects that you might be a racist because one time you ratted him out for smoking ganja in the toile You deserve everything that happened, you fucking narc.
All touts are targets.
Sebastian Myers
Pham i hate socialism as much as you do but creating a stale pasta riddled with absurd racial stereotypes is not gonna help.
Samuel Rivera
tl;dr another retard who doesn't know the difference between socialism and communism
keep your /pol/ shit on
Jack Carter
Why would you work at such a shit company and not get a job at a company that cares more about success and leave the shithole frat company that is doomed to failure and poverty?
Chances are, not only are you socially challenged, but you also have no useful skills.
Brandon Cooper
What a deeply unimaginative way to make a boring ass point
Juan Phillips
I'm sure there's a point here but I'm not finding it.
Ian Martin
Imagine you boss, Chad. Chad thinks you're kind of a stiff. After all, you're usually quiet at the meetings and don't talk about sports with the guys at lunch break. He thinks you don't fit the company culture and Stacey's friend (who happens to be single) is a better fit.
The next day, you're fired. Not even All this happened because you couldn't make small talk about UFC.
Jacob Sullivan
In that case, he could join the union, which would represent his interests and stop Chad from doing that. He could also sue Chad for wrongful dismissal.
In a communist-anarchist mobocracy, that wouldn't be possible. If you dared to complain about wrongful dismissal, you might be lynched for being a kulak.
Blake Rodriguez
Alright now do the ancap version where we all shoot each other with Dynamicon-Mastuhira Weaponized Civilian Anthrax pellets at the end because we all violated each other's NAPs.
Brody Hall
I am confused why you would want to continue working at such a shitty company.
Ian Evans
Your odds with the union wouldn't be better or worse than your odds with the cooperative. Actually, if anything, the cooperative might be more willing to push you out for good reasons (you not being as productive as Stacey) since they profit more from you being productive. The union has incentives to help it's own but it has less incentives to weeding out it's own weak members.
Camden Cooper
Where's the 'socialism' in this poor quality bait? All I saw was an exaggerated memetastic racial stereotyping copypasta.
Kayden Reyes
>Imagine that suddenly your boss is gone and the workplace is owned collectively by the employees.
He is implying that sanders endgame is some kind of yugoslavia style socialism. Its the same kind of shit the left pulls when they accuse trump of being on step away from erecting death camps to kill latinos and gays.
Chase Campbell
>sanders >socialist kek
Adam Lopez
>leftie nonsense won't work for the /r9k/ level spergs!
Most systems won't work for you fucking spazzes. Good to know just how pathetic the average /pol/ poster is though. Can't wait until we implement NEET cleansing.
Jordan Miller
>Can't wait until we implement NEET cleansing.
You'll be waiting a long while. The current system literally needs unemployment/neets to function
Blake Harris
>Can't wait until we implement NEET cleansing. The government owes me a living, that's what it exists for. This 'work' meme really needs to die.
Isaiah Jenkins
>Can't wait until we implement NEET cleansing. But the main character of the parable is obviously not a "NEET", he's just not a sports/MTV bread-and-circuses normalfag. According to leftists, people who are black or gay deserve rights, but people who you think are boring are worse than Hitler and deserve to starve to death.