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>Heroes FAQ and Links
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So why did we get an extra 20 orbs? The announcement only said 5 apology orbs, but instead we got 25.
I assumed it was a christmas present
Cum inside Cumilla!
Update yourself on the doc! Make new friends!
Come on guys it's on the Bulletin Board.
Because FEH was awarded best game of 2017 on Google Play in Japan.
I'm gay
Nono or Nino. Who has a tighter cunny?
>They ruined lights breath.
Fucking why dude. Almost all of the good shit has completely disappeared . The weapon refinery has gone from 10/10 to like 6/10.
Also why does siegmund cost 200 dew? And other prfs cost 150.
>another person that cant read the notifications board
We need to go faster. With +10 he reaches 55 speed and lancina he gets +10 speed to bump to 65 speed. With an Ally Support he reaches an overwhelming total of 67 speed. 71 with another spur speed. Where's your god now Innes?
I have a +spd/-def,+res/-hp,+def/-hp femui
Which one should I promote? And should I go refined lightning breath and fury,vantage or refined dark breath windsweep and distant counter
>friend request randos with neat builds in arena
>+10 Cherche, Fir, Fae and the like
>they almost always end up on my gauntlet team even when switching from a loss
help ?
>Faye SPD- HP+ in 15 orbs
Ahhh thanks based IS
>71 speed ephraim
Changing a prf costs 150
Refining one costs 200.
They didn't nerf anything. The abilities have been behaving as their current description dictates. Prior to this update, the description simply dictated behaviour that was not occurring in game.
Bowbreaker? Oh yeah...
Best IVs for Titki?
This isn't my usual outfit.
RIP in peace jewish cunt, this is for cucking me out of Sigurd,
Do it make the blunt big
So is dark breath objectively superior to light breath since the debuffs carry over to the next turn? And more importantly, is Dark Breath/Distant counter a good idea?
Rape Olivia!
Best A skill for Arden if not running brave build? Don’t have DC or Steady Breath, maybe Fury?
Anyone here has experience selling his account? How/where do you do it?
infantry sword are all shit anyway, unless they have DC.
Light Breath is fucking garbage now.
Sakura just cucked my pity rate on the Faye banner.
I've got 28 orbs left, is it worth diving in again and burning them all sniping colourless or is there a worthwhile banner on the horizon I ought to be saving for?
+Def/-Hp. Her stat niche is good speed/def, and her natural HP is decent while her res is imo unsalvageable.
Rest is personal preference. She's flexible enough to run a lot of sets.
Should I promote
+SPD -res Nino
+SPD -res Nowi
+atk -def Fae
+atk -SPD Lukas
+def -res F Corrin
Strassman did a much better job with PA Olivia than regular Olivia. That line is cute.
>not having a Ridersbane+ with the "fuck you buffs" enhancement on Effie
>running armor emblem in the first place
You asked for this. Also that enemy Oliva is going to fuck you over no matter what so I don't see any good options. Blame the boat cancer map.
>Wanting a massive wall who relies on being above half-health to slowly kill himself
>Res and Spd mean absolutely nothing for him as well
Normal Olivia's lines are grating to the ear
>Dark Excalibur
>isnt darker in color
Gives +5 all stats to all allies within 2 spaces. How is this not amazing?
It's not too bad. Just make the light breath user attack first so the other units get their bonuses when they attack. The bonuses still last during the enemy phase
Earth Boost
>"You know what gives me the confidence to stay in fine form? Well, the truth is...it's you."
Gets me right in the heart, everytime.
>wake up to 25 free orbs
>get my first Sigurd on my first orb
Today will be a good day
What upgrade she want?
I'm at a little over 200 orbs right now. I wonder how many orbs I'll have when my wife is the only red on a banner.
How did you only spend 1 orb to summon?
What's the best offensive A skill for staff users? Is there anything better than Attack +3 that doesn't exclude staves?
>darker excalibur that turns darker in color but corrupts merric and turns him into merric alter
That's my pussy.
same. 2 on the same roll and then a soleil on the second roll. -spd but hey cant complain
Atk/spd +2 could be better on some units
Oh,I literally just got a +def/-res. I think imma do fury 3, refined lightning breath and some bskill, maybe windsweep memes
Before the update, description read that after combat it granted the buffs, which implied it worked on enemy phase. Now you have to initiate combat. And before the autists get upset at me, I fucking know that's how it worked before. The point of the weapon refinery was to make shit weapons into not shit weapons. And with smoke being a thing and activating both turns, there's no fucking reason stuff should be gated behind initiation anymore.
>2017 feathers takes me off of the 5/0 feathers I was getting and now I'm on the 2/7 rotation
we better get 2018 feathers soon because my autism is flaring
You did use me for the Berkut GHB, right, user? No cavalry is match for me.
Wait till you get a good iv one
Nono,Nino and Lukas have almost optimal IVs but the rest don't really sound enticing
Why do you fags mislead people with this meme? Even a whale might take months before they stumble upon a specific unit with specific IVs, let a lone a regular player.
What a fucking slut.
No you don't you just have to attack.
So counterattacks on enemy phase works to proc it.
It does activate in the enemy phase. It just doesn't carry over to the player phase. This is because a turn is defined as
i) player phase
ii) enemy phase
You don't have to initiate combat, though. They can give out as many apology stones as they want, but they can't fix reading comprehension of brainlets.
sucks to suck
I wish BK could at least kill rein on initiation would have stood a chance, I'll try ridersbane it will score more than brave lance didnt think of this. Also fuck that boat map.
God FUCK this GHB is so fucking hard!!
what a time to be alive
>+def -res big Tiki
>+hp -res little Tiki
Which one should I build?
Olivia is pure.
How should I build Ephraim for the new Siegmund?
Your wife's breath smells of semen.
>never rolled a Maria
Did you start playing yesterday?
>still haven't touched Wyrs
Fuck man I feel you, Heard that shit is hard as balls and it scares me.
Heavy Blade
I just got a +def/-res one
What a disgusting image.
You don't like girls' mouths, user?
So if I have a unit with 31/31 Def stats does it matter if I use Ignis or Glacies?
Those are the best specials if I have a Def stat over 30 correct?
i'd post the picture of wrys yhvh but i dont have it saved
never did a nintendo account
my phone died and I had to do everything again
Extreme investment:
Gale force/Aether
Heavy blade
Attack smoke/if buffer hone speed.
Non extreme investment:
Step back world, this girl is on fire!
Ebay, or alternatively playerauctions.
List number of five stars and remaining orbs then put in a little extra effort like listing limited seals/characters you have to make it stand out. And don't be too outrageous with price since most players already don't whale but won't mind paying a one time entrance fee into the game.
Also don't be surprised if you get dicked by a bad buyer. Account recovery in this game seems pretty shit so it's risky.
I want to cum down Chloe's throat
That mouth is drawn really poorly. The way it points at the top like a teardrop is not how open mouths work. And the amount of visible teeth doesn't make sense.
Poor Sanaki.
I got you
>A million things do aoe debuff now
>Harsh Command is single-target only
Wonder when IS will make a better skill to combat debuffs.
good shit
>+hp -res Marth
>+spd -atk Eldigan
>+atk -res Chrom
i'm honestly not complaining about this at all, i'll gladly take these. but what even...
i'm a little curious what were in the other orbs, but i guess i'll never find out.
>tfw the two orbs could also be 5 stars, making this set the most luck shit jackpot anyone will ever see
Every time I see this image, I think Faye is doing pic related.
And make that shit reverse panic as well, otherwise it's only useful when Lyn rips a big fat attack smoke in the middle of all your units
How to beat Berkut with >Sharena?