/alg/ - Azur Lane General #68

Register your account and make a bind code if you're playing on JP

>FAQ and other useful links you should really read before asking stuff
pastebin.com/9TiJerdg (embed)

>English news and Wiki

wiki.joyme.com/blhx/首页 - Chinese
game8.jp/azurlane - Japanese
azurlane.wikiru.jp - Japanese

Previous Thread: Toot.

Say hello to my wives

>Construct 3 botes

I don't know why I expected anything else.

>Still no Atago in JP
I need my slut fox

Hello secondary.

Disgusting secondary shitters

Warspite is cute.


She's a dog you mong.
Her name on chink version even denotes as such.

I bet you don't even like Oklahoma and Salt Lake City you fucking faggot.

Reminder that this harlot was responsible for the worst war crime of WW2