late responses
hippy spacing
late responses
hippy spacing
let it die
de hippie spacing
*promises to get a 49 by 2018*
*grinds 70 star 18 hours a day for over three years*
*peaks at a mid 52*
*flees to an irrelevant no competition monkey memegame to (unsuccessfully) avoid the exposure*
*vigilantly watches the thread and polices any mention of said exposure*
*bird laughs*
*banshee screeches*
*bonobo howls*
Goku - god gamer. has a huge love and passion for his craft for the sake of the craft itself. trains efficiently and practices smart, constantly fine tuning and optimizng his ability. frequently learns new techniques and even improves upon them. always looking for new ways to become stronger and jumps at the chance for a new challenge to overcome.
Vegeta - grindmonkey. no passion for what he does outside of beating others. no interest in optimization beyond brute force. mindlessly trains by doing pushups in anti-gravity chamber for 10,000 hours. never learns new techniques, just spams the same shit forever. bonobo howls when things aren't going his way. doesn't understand why goku is, and always will be, better than he is.
lmfao extremely true posts
who's the grindamoeba? yamcha?
imagine promising a 49 by 2018 and then grinding 70 star for 18 hours a day for over three years and peaking at a mid 52
you would never be able to live down the exposure
your name would forever be midx52
Why is The Obsessed Freak AKA The Incorrect Freak AKA The Lying Freak AKA Dumber Than Reddit just casually acting like he didn’t get completely destroyed yesterday after he failed to give evidence for Squid still coming here and knowing who he is?
he's never able to live down the delusion
so what if it's just a hobby, it can also be competitive at the same time.
Dat nigga aint even got btfo or nuthin doe
Anyone who thinks that speedrunning is a primarily competitive activity is fooling themselves.
did I say primarily?
Competition in speedrunning is a joke.
t. butthurt no-competition monkey memegame runner
SM64 has no competition. Shit times do not = competition. Competing runners with close times to WR, does.
>tfw meme game runners don't understand the concept of tiers or skill gaps
>tfw their games don't even have tiers of skill, just "wr capable" and "not wr capable"
>that's how easy their games are lmao
>tfw meme game runners don't understand the concept of tiers or skill gaps
What? Other games have these.
>tfw their games don't even have tiers of skill, just "wr capable" and "not wr capable"
You can boil SM64 down to that too, if you want to get technical. There isn't really an inbetween. It's the same for every game.
>that's how easy their games are lmao
But you haven't proved anything. Why are you laughing? Are you insecure, again?
dropping a word on this, SMO has more competition by both definitions anyways
>14 hours a day
>worse time than mrpeedruns in 70
>cant bop sig in 120
>tells everyone else how to get "good"
>literal fag ;\
>There isn't really an inbetween.
lmao jesus christ
Not an argument.
Dat shyt aint even true at all doe
Yall niggas aint even makin no sense doe
thanks for the late response!
meant to reply to this:
meant to reply to this:
wait no thisfrick off
wait i meant thisheck off
what the heck did i just do
are you drunk?
please get some rest
No, he's right, practice is more fun than spamming attempts. Far more.
there is no debate. if people say this, its because they cant pb and cant compete, fact.
False. If you are practicing but not putting it into use with runs, you are literally wasting your time. If you did runs properly, didn't reset and get stressed over stupid shit, then they wouldn't be seen as this worse version of playing the game.
If you think practice is more enjoyable than runs, you need to adjust your run mindset, because you are speedrunning incorrectly.
>you are literally wasting your time
Not an argument.
what's the point in arguing with bait
Not an argument.
u must b playin a shit speedgame cuz all the good 1s have tricks that r fun with boring stuff between
urs prolly has nothing but boring stuff so you dont like practice
SM64 is the ultimate game to practice because every second of the game has something that can be done faster if you do it more optimally.
>if you optimize things you'll be faster
>implying even close to a majority of games have versatile enough gameplay to be able to save time in every 1 second of gameplay.
>you can't optimize gameplay
>Xiah runs SMO
SM64 is dead. Even its best player has abandoned it.
>Even its best player has abandoned it.
But cheese is doing runs right now?
Cheese has 2 wrs in long boring categories while Xiah's project is getting wr in 0,1,16,30,31,70 star simulatenously - something cheese couldn't even begin to consider doing. LOL
forgot 45 in that list
There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with putting a cute anime girl behind your splits.
which one of you did this?
based irrelevant tweets user
why didn't you sage?
didn't feel like it
why did you delete?
0-14 - low
15-29 - lower mid
30-44 - upper mid
45-59 - high
Is this Headcrab IRL?
don't let it die
why didn't you sage?
medieval is fucking back boys
Out of all the IPs to bring back, they choose fucking Medievil.
they should have brought back Cyberbots: Full Metal Madness imo
>mfw the very first segment of AGDQ 2018 has protomagicalgirl
why didn't you sage?
The God Gamer Stigma
LIterally all false lmao
>Best player
so all we have in this thread is sm64, zeldo, goldendye and lowest common denominator speedrun streamers.
I hope this is a parody of reddit or you're being ironic. There's no way anyone can lack this much self awareness.
like this post: Like, is this for real? I could find it funny if there was some hint of him not being serious, but I see no evidence to suggest anyone in this thread is joking at all.
thanks for the late response!
Sorry, the few freaks that post this shit are genuine. They are truly delusional.
who is we?
No one will get a sub-1:05 in SMO in 2018. Pick a game with potential instead.
Reminder that the hatelist was good but became completely retarded when people started adding absolute bullshit on there that isn't even true. Probably the work of The Obsessed Freak.
the hate list needs to be revised and updated
It needs to be started again and not full of shit. Actual reasons like cheaters, shitty things etc
You're retarded, aren't you?
why didn't you sage?
We have the tranny list and the cheater list already.
who is we?