Can Islam ever be changed? Was it always like this?

Can Islam ever be changed? Was it always like this?

20 years ago, it would have been easy to point to Turkey and Indonesia as examples of how to get it right.

Incidentally, the Saudi royal family needs to be Auschwitz'd.

Why is that Islam's fault?

You're right, it's obviously monkey's fault

>Was it always like this?

It isn't like this even now. It is odd people only ever post about North Africa and Levant issues with Islam. You never hear about the Muslim issues in Malaysia, Indonesia, Tajikistan, etc.

Maybe [maybe] it has to do with the cultural practices in these localities, rather than Islam itself.

Also, it's the monkey's fault.

Arabs are cruel and barbarous people by nature. Nothing can change that.


with gaddafi gone libya when to shit

They are a little people. A silly people. But that's only as long as they fight tribe against tribe.

You do know two perverts threw a monkey at a group of girls

>Tribal clashes
>Can Islam blablablabla

>actually reading articles


Nah just kidding, he'll make exactly the same thread tomorrow until he gets the echo chamber thread he's looking for.

And that justifies the bloodshed?

>real islam doesn't exist
In their fucked up mind it does.

No, but the escalation based on tribally-driven grudges apparently did.

Not muh eeslams.

Stop replying to your own posts.

I come from Montenegro which is mostly Christian and in a village 18 men killed each other because one of them killed another's dog.

This was long ago but still, I think it shows that ignorance and poverty are bigger reasons for this kind of behaviour than religion. There are still blood feuds here.

It's as if Islam is "Christianity for tribal dummies".

Christianity is just as tribal though.
Feuds tend to be a thing in isolated areas with no central force and rough environments.

It's obviously tribalisms fault. If you study tribal society, shit like this happens all the time.

>Maybe [maybe] it has to do with the cultural practices in these localities, rather than Islam itself.
>religion and culture are hermetically sealed and don't influence each other, especially in MENA
nice try Mohamed

>Feuds only happen in Islamic places.

>guize why do poor, uneducated third worlders fight when there's obviously a powder keg waiting to explode between two tense tribes?

>It's obviously their religion causing this, right?

Islam wasn't like this until the 60s, 70s, and 80s saw a rise in radical conservativism in response to the cultural encroachment of the West. It's actually only going to get worse and worse from here out because we can't keep our hands to ourselves.

It was from, so there's a hope.

Was/Is the Deep South really that terrible? I heard something like tribe/clan gang wars happening back then.

It got nasty. Like I said before without a central authority to dish out punishments/justice people will take stuff into their own hands. Of course if they have a law system of their own this can be avoided or heavily mitigated but only if they really respect it.

>it's white people's fault a religion based on tribal politics and violent expansionism reverted to tribal politics and violent expansionism

>one of the last remaining places in the world where religion is still taken very seriously and dictates local laws has people acting like savages
>heh religion has nothing to with I swear it's just some quaint cultural practice :^)
every fucking time

If you want (You)s that badly you could have just asked.

That's not just Islam, that's simply an average IQ of 83 in action.

Luckily we're importing both.

unironicly the practice of blood feuds in the balkans is a left over from when the islamic ottomans ruled them. So even your current mainly christian blood feud only exists because of islam

If you wanted a counterargument that badly, you could have actually tried.

lot of Albanians in Montenegro I bet my life it was them.

although in fairness most Albanians are pretty far removed from islam and are pretty atheist.

well old habits die hard I geuss

>Italian mafia feuds
>Balkan family feuds
>Family feuds in the Appalachians of America

Hell even in Australia we had family feuds where people died over who got to use a certain beach and who couldn't.

You're an idiot if you're whole world view is so narrow that you can't possibly see any other reasons other than one aspect of a person. People are one hundred times more complex than "hurrr religion" and have a hundred different motives behind things.

>muh whataboutism

guess what idiot Sicily and Appalachians are full of underdeveloped highly religious people too

I guess it's a coincidence

I am a well adjusted middle class man but rarely does a day pass by when I don't daydream about shitting on my own lawn and murdering my neighbours over sheep.

Even now I am thinking it. "How easy it would be," I think, "to paint myself blue and murder Douglas on my way to work tomorrow."

That's exactly my point. Congratulations! Maybe, just maybe, the feud wasn't due solely to Islam and its teachings!

And maybe, just maybe, Islam is partially to blame as well!

But no! Islam is the golden lamb of modern day orientalist liberal professors and is never to be blamed for anything!

Looks like you have an axe to grind elsewhere against some boogeyman. I have no interest in playing your identity politics games. I literally just wanted to make you admit it wasn't Islam's fault.

Yep. Islam dindu nuffin. Ever.


Not what I'm saying at all, but sure thing, buckaroo!

bhutan, cambodia, india, bangladesh, only off the top of my head have had issues with violence directly related to islam.