/wowg/ - World of Warcraft General

perfection edition


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im revered with bilgewater cartel and plan on getting exalted, but dungeons dont seem to award rep with the tabard

wat do

>should I level a X?
>what's better, X or Y?
>what should I reroll guys?

>1st: Retribution
>2nd: Frost DK, Arcane
>3rd: Windwalker

>1st: Blood
>2nd: Brewmaster
>3rd: Protection Warrior, Paladin

>1st: Holy Priest
>2nd: Resto Shaman
>3rd: Mistweaver


>Hordefags will ignore these concrete facts sincei t goes against their agenda.

what class can do the single biggest hits? I looked at warriors on wowlogs and some people had executes critting for 14m+
do any other classes come close? not bothered about overall dps, just whoever can set up the most damage from single ability cast

>tfw no proper matriarchal race
>tfw just want strong females and effeminate men
Western fantasy is so trash.

>western fantasy is trash because I'm a faggot


When I was playing Sub I could get DFA crits around 25m at ilvl 925.
At 950 that's probably a bit over 30m.

play Wildstar


that's not a nightborne female

>what are blood trolls?

Maybe because there's only one race in the real world? retard

LITERAL perfection

>monks in top all specs

wowg confirmed for experiencing transquility

>Horde has abominations that canonically are unstoppable killing machines
>Doesn't use them

You were properly put in your place, idiot

>He's a belf h8er


>roll on MG horde
>orgrimmar is so empty compared to MG stormwind

Well I expected it but I didn't think it would bother me this much... It feels like I rolled on a dead server.

Maybe we'll get playable harpies!

I like Wow though..

/wowg/ are mostly LFR running retards who don't know their own specs though, so what purpose does this list serve?

WRA is much better for Horde

>Bitches about this "issue" when Wildstar exists
You're the type that just manufactures drama and when a company gives in you move on to another soft target or make up some other shit to cry about huh?

>roll on any server
>orgrimmar is always empty

>he made a thread early to post his furry waifu

What race is it in Wildstar?
Never touched that game.

One judgement blast incinerates them with holy fire.

Last I checked you got destroyed by even though I despise how he disrespected Anduin the Chad.

God, I WISH we could play harpies. I want a harpy to rape me and force me to make babies with her.


since when

I wanted to be in moon guard though.

Are all the hordes in dalaran or something?

come on hurry up
i want to see the secret mythic phase

I forget what they're called cause I haven't played Wildstar in 2 and a half years, but the rabbit people

>qt harpy boys
Yes please

there is none

Every final expansion boss has had one since Garrosh they wont stop now
also there's a red Argus model surely it has something to do with the mythic only phase

double hammer inquirer from previous thread:
>hit em with everything except stormstike
>proc stormstrike and hit em with it
this about right?

but what about the mythic only sargeras abilities? is that just argus using his "this isn't even my final form"?


He wasn't, because time fuckery needs a) a power source such as Nightwell which is kinda dying and b) Eye of Aman'Thul which is not in Nightborne posession anymore.

Start playing Windwalker

Is it still more profitable to just vendor random greens/blues instead of DEing them?



haha that picture is funny

Are you such a mongoloid that you can't go to your AH and look up the prices of two items?

nothing will happen.

i don't fucking know how your auction house looks like
do some research faggot

I'm leveling and my bags are full and I don't want to hearth and check

But really I nearly mained Enhance this expansion but decided against it because the spec is shallow as fuck. Just keep up your buffs and mash whatever lights up.

>wasting your time on transmog items

What class/spec would Lord Varg roll?

do whatever gives you the 10 second fire buff, lava lash and stormstrike on procs. procede to murder things

Translation: Shut your shit whored mouth subhuman child learn german before you talk to me

Since horse lower body

lmao they sell for like 4k+

male vrykul warrior

yeah you're retarded

do i get less money on the ah if i post a bid for 1 gold and buyout 1000gold? if someone bought it out for 1k? besides me eventally geting sniped for a low bid

is the ah cut higher if my bid is lower?

I thought it was devil bat's shoulder leather piece


i like female pandas

>when your elemental blast procs overload and both hits crit and give different stat buffs

would you respect a blood elf male warlock?

do germans not need to breathe or some shit

nice, kys

You literally have a vocabulary of three words, kys irl


>when you don't play a shitty meme spec

>would you respect a blood elf male
No. Not under any circumstances.

The Horde consists of orcs, trolls, tauren, and goblins.
The Alliance consists of humans, dwarves, gnomes (reluctantly), and high elves (reluctantly).
Any other race should be purged from these factions.

french frogeater

i have blurry eyes and get tired + headaches from playing WoW all week. i consider myself casual and sometimes dont get all i want to do on a single character in 12 hours of play a day. alts get abandoned for weeks. mythics literally never have to end and 95% of the time you just get some AP and gold, then hope you win the lotto in weekly chest. i appreciate always having something to do instead of doing all lockouts on Wednesday, but i end up feeling guilty just for fucking about in old raids or on alts because i could always be pushing my main further. Legion, and using the 'Diablo loop' in an MMO, is a double edged sword.

the game is addictive + im paying a sub. its easy to say "just play less" but i want to do my 'chores' and stuff, i wake up wanting to play. but i just feel like im never done once i start.

meme specs don't exist in modern WoW. everything is viabl. the only difference is what color lights you want your screen to flash when you press buttons.

Outlaw and Survival are both meme specs.

Yes, I just like to post german named items
Sorry, can't hear you over my Instabile Schlackeschulterplatten

Eat a dick moron
end of discussion

>i have blurry eyes and get tired + headaches from playing

fix your desk setup and posture and get an actual chair and not a stool

I'm ashamed that English is even related to this pigspeak.

Reminder that elf ears are made for molestation.

forums literally full of children crying that they can't play a night elf
alliance 50% high elf

ackshually the literal translation is before you talk at me

>would you respect a blood elf


t. single digit iq brainlet

They should add Defias humans to the Horde

Only if alliance gets the Venture Co.

Nah, Defias would probably be even more hostile to the Horde.
Alteraci humans, on the other hand, could fit the bill.

meme specs exist, but people generally don't play them since there's no reason to, generally being about 5-10% below similar specs with 0 benefit, but logs tend to not reflect this as only the really dedicated players of the specs will play them
the 5-10% isn't worth losing for no reason unless you have some stupid shit happen in relation to a spec's gear or you significantly prefer the gameplay of a spec
and the people that play these specs in mythic raids generally tend to be incredibly skilled at them, making up for their general worse potential

>eating half a cup of Tigule and Foror's cookie dough iceream
who /panda/ here

I miss HFC
does anyone else?


i think you meant MFC

Fuck off, ralph

in regards to meme specs, I was referring to the whole specializations rather than people who take strictly questionable choices regarding their talent picks. of course you can make bad talent choices but it's not like any class/spec combo is really bad

So who here plays horde on MG?

Hey guys how are the class hall storylines in legion, im thinking about leveling alts to see them but want to know if their garbo or not

I do, won't be playing for a week or two because of computer problems
If you want to friend me, I'm HoochParlor1906

I do

i miss it just for the voicelines
the boss's lines were all so overdone and cheesy
i loved it so much
will always have mythic mannoroth's opening monologue stuck in my head for the rest of my life
i was also referring to specs, not talents
there are very obvious and clear cut losers of spec performance on certain classes/roles
objectively there's 0 reason to play them when you can play other specs and be better off in every regard, but fun or nonsense or ease generally tends to lead to people playing them anyway
people that play the non-optimal specs generally tend to be completely awful or completely amazing, leading to a playerbase that either makes the worse performance even worse, or completely mitigates it, performing above and beyond what the better specs would do
people call them meme specs because they're comedic/amusing in nature, people do absurd dps, either absurdly high, or absurdly low

DK is all right but a bit too edgy at times.
Paladin is somewhat ok.
Priest is underwhelming.
Rogue is good.
Warlock is ok but kinda meaningless in the long run.
Warrior is mediocre.