Today is the death anniversary of Franco and Jose Antonio
Nationalist Spain thread
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Spanish civilians say goodbye to the Blue Division soldiers
An illustration from one of Jose Antonio's propaganda pamphlets
Good riddance.
Republicans being lead to the firing squad
A giant fucking cross Franco made with commie slave labour
Pinochet at Franco's funeral
Commies being exiled to Latin America. Most of them were sent to Cuba
>That thing will probably be demolished in your lifetime like the rest of the monuments to Francoon.
Republicans being arrested by Franco's men after the battle of Irun
>Implying the Catholics wouldn't chimp out if they tried that
Franco is named supreme commander of the Nationalist forces
Franco liberates Toledo from communism
Franco is proclaimed as the head of state
>Political rallies in celebration of Franco are already illegal
>Most of the monuments are already demolished.
>Spain probably has the most radical leftist opposition in Europe
Soon, lads.
Kids play during the battle of Madrid
Tanks in the background belong to Franco
>Political rallies in celebration of Franco are already illegal
There are rallies for him every year, m8
Commies being ordered out after Franco takes Barcelona
Illegal rallies perhaps.
Commies attempting to flee to Spain after the Nationalist victory
If it's illegal then the police don't give a shit
A man talking to two prostitutes in 1951. Many of the prostitutes in the 40s and 50s were the widows of Republican soldiers.
A statue of St. Franco in a cathedral
Victory parade
Pilar Primo De Rivera at a memorial service for her brother
Someone in Franco's government wanted Pilar to marry Hitler so they could start some sort of fascist monarchy
Salvador Dali presents his portrait of Carmen Franco to her dad
But seriously, good riddance.
María del Carmen Martínez-Bordiú y Franco at her wedding
Wait, fuck the painting is actually of Carmen Martínez-Bordiú y Franco, not Carmen Franco
Carmen Bordiú with her boyfriend
That was her husband, but they divorced and he later died in a skiing accident.
It was actually taken the year before they married, 1971
>muh anarchy
easily the most cringiest ideology there is
That girls going to get gang raped by a bunch of Muslim men and never do anything noteworthy.
>those who fail to learn history are doomed to repeat it
>Recordatorio que Suárez vendió al pueblo.
>Recordatorio que el Borbón irá al paredón.
>Recordatorio que a la tercera va la vencida.
A image for spiders! For spiders!
Mono chavista.
Spain needs to be a republic of free communities. If we can't have that we'll dismember the country. Down with fascists and kings! Down with the corrupt monarchy. Down with the clientelist oligarchy!
>Spain needs to be a republic of free communities. If we can't have that we'll dismember the country. Down with fascists and kings! Down with the corrupt monarchy. Down with the clientelist oligarchy!
Ahh. Franco, useful dog of Nazis. When soviets defeated the Nazis he decided to be a useful dog of USA
Also how can you even be fascist when you look like a Kurd
>Realpolitik is bad
t. kaiser wilhelm
Good thread the "anarcho"communist kddie autists got triggered hard
What youtuber is that?
LibertarianSocialistRants, really sad the mental disorders he has. (no joke)
Ppepero homosexual
So what exactly is it with socially misfitting geeks and glorifying authoritarian strongmen? Is it their pervasive sense of anomie leading to the hope of a strong father figure that will reshape society into something that's forced into meaningful association with; something they can feel a sense of stake in rather than the society that has spurned them?
Or is it just young boys trying to be edgy?
They are just ignorant tits
Explain to me what is Franco and franquismo.
Retarded wannabe fascists which have no distinct or common ideology other than "Im an aspie and want to LARP as a nazi without getting called a nazi". Franquism is African tier fascism that stemmed from an African mentality.
>belonging to Franco
What makes you think that?