full of bugs edition
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DPS calculator and weapon build planner: github.com
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CURRENT UPDATE: Plains of Eidolon (Update 22.6.0)
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My kat just got downed in midair and I couldn't revive it since it was floating.
So what are trhe tiers for elemental damage? I know top is corrosive, but how does everything else fare?
So Steve should be incredibly drunk right now after losing and Rebecca is probably licking her GF's pussy right?
Thank god these cunts didn't get anything so they pull their heads out of their asses.
Can I get someone's kavat end game build? With the new hunter mods.
my warframe is strang
they knew they weren't going to win, since they took that Overwatch win pretty well
there are no tiers, it just depends on what you are fighting
Grineer: Corrosive and Radiation for armor, viral for stripped
Corpus: Toxin, Magnetic if you cant.
Infested: Gas or Blast
Whichever damage is appropriate is the top tier one.
>ninjas play free
how I hate that stupid phrase.
also I cant believe that's a thing.
I literally have to spend hours and hours to farm for lens for a greater lens? Or I have to spend 40p and still farm for the upgraded lens? Cmon how does everyone have this setup? I just want to make an equinox sleepy focus build. Should I spend 40p and only use the greater?
Any tips for farming bounties all day so its fast/easy/ and not boring?
you were expected to have already farmed that crap for mods and breath of eidilon. your not really expected to want to get those faggy lenses since every one got a million of them from sorties already
dumb goy
I fucking hate POE i don't wanna go in there at all. so boring. and I started playing like right before they took them out of sortie rewards.
>5 sculptures and 3 endo's from the last 8 dailies so far
I hate this fucking game.
Why doesn't Energizing Dash work anymore? Did they break that too?
And therein lies the problem with warframe.
How do they expect to attract new players when you can't acquire a dozen important items anylonger because they're fucking time-limited events or outdated mechanics?
If only for elemental damage and not status effects:
Heat+Corrosive or Radiation+Viral vs Grineer
Toxin+Magnetic vs Corpus
Gas vs Infested
If for status effects:
Gas (Poison cloud) is number one, since the cloud scaling can be pushed to absurd numbers
Corrosion is really good, since it reduces targets current armor by 25% and armor scaling is retarded in this game, but only against Grineer
Viral (Virus) also gets more useful in higher levels
the other effects are memes
Bounties spam lens in industrial quantities. The fact that you can't get rid of them effectively enough is what problem with them is.
Is this insane or what
Why's this more effective than sleep banshee? I don't quite get how this isn't losing stealth modifier?
So I need to farm rifts, to farm primes, to farm the gentiles of their ill-gotten plat?
They spam small lenses.
Which are required for greater lenses, which are required for eidolon lenses.
yea it was a reward from sorties for a long time. shitty reward and random focus school that you would get them for
What is this new faggy scam people try to run on trade chat? Offering more arcanes (Energize and Guardian) than a trade can hold and then trying to put the cheap ones in for the thing? Who's stupid enough to fall for that fuckshit?
Yes, and eidolon requires just 1 greater lens.
If it had a Plague Bokwin and a status link maybe.
Plague parts are just made for status builds. being able to go Viral/Corrosive/X or Viral/Rad/X is insane.
>tfw still don't have Valkyr prime
Only one part to go though! :)
how do i repeat sands of inaros? i need my kavat genes
You can get them int he orokin derelicts, take the heliocor and you can get dna from smashing them to bits.
good job man. You will love her, by far the best frame. Makes the game ez modo and is fun to play.
Don't listen to ember etc. shitters that think just pressing 4 will carry them through high lvl missions
So we still don't have anything that shows the fucking stats of the Akbolto prime?
You can't_______________
Isn't that all you do with Valkyr as well though?
>energy overflow
Is there anything like Deathsnacks but that shows Cetus bounties?
Not necessarily bokwin, you can get a pretty decent status rapier.
Still tempted though to go crits
And yet I still need to get Condition Overload.
yes, but it scales better
I'm going to forma Saryn Prime for melee.
Does slide attacking increase the range of your melee at all, or just increase the angle you can hit stuff in?
New player question here.
Do they ever rerun primes for purchase? I really hate this gay vault and relic system, and really hate socializing and making new friends so fuck that dumb trading shit. I just want to throw my money at it instead.
Who cares, you will be a mediocre faggot being a dead weight for your team.
who's the faggot now
yes, next one in January
When will ivara catch a break?
Yes, they will be doing it sometime in early 2017.
>I just want to throw my money at it instead
If you do this you will burn out
>He doesn't have a selected group of competent people to run shit in the game
Must be painful being you FAGGOT.
Next new one you mean? Because I'd like to actually just buy some of the older prime warframes. I heard the relic shit is changing in January, and I really hate these fissure missions.
Well what should I do to get old prime warframes then? The relic shit is confusing and tedious and too fucking random, and I refuse to trade with strangers or make new fake friends just to buy some blueprints off them.
next older ones, the new prime is on the 12th. The older ones probably loki, frost and Nyx I think
I am just warning you
The duck glyph is great.
But do you mean older ones in the relic fissure missions? Because I don-t want to do those missions is what I'm saying. I just want to buy a few old prime warframes.
But you're suggesting an alternative I can not do. So I have no choice but to buy them from the market or just never have them.
both in fissures and to buy with some accesories and weapons.
>he need other faggots to handle the piss easy game
jesus christ dude
oh boy
does this syandana look good
Ah, okay. I'll just dish out a bunch of cash then for platinum. Really getting sick of trying to get them through this goddamn stupid fucking fissure bullshit. Oh boy, another burston prime piece of shit part. Fucking stupid.
>He never did events
>He never got high scores
>He never run more than 3 hours back in old void
>He never got the Brakk when it was event drop
>He never captured 5-6 eidolons per night
How to detect a low MR newfag ladies and gentleman.
Orphid sucks, m8
>linked a car in tradechat by mistake
>someone actually responds wanting to talk about it
Is it worth running Kuva Siphon (not flood) missions?
it looks ok
Jag kittag prime when?
Amp primes when?
Got a a Lanka riven with 104 CD, +2.2 Punch Through, 67.5 Heat. Is this any good? How the shit do I fit this on a radiation crit Lanka?
>he thinks all that requires 4 man teams
you must have a scrying orb to assume I didn't do all that, the only things that benefits from having a group is defection and eidolon caps, 10+
>He never captured 5-6 eidolons per night
oh, so we're dealing with someone who captures ONLY 5-6 eidolons when playing in groups, what a shitter
youve got one good stat
keep rerolling
By just putting on crit and electric I don't see how that's so hard to figure out
Rebecca prime tits when?
>be leveling new sentinel
>be going into axi endless
>forgot to put on vacuum
Show your stats on your profile if you're pretending this much low MR scrublord :^)
Just by knowing that you haven't even slapped a forma on Saryn and that you want to use her show how trash you're at this game.
None of them look good.
They all look either tryhard, fedoredgy or just plain shit.
>3 day affinity booster from sortie
>have a few things in need of formaing
>really don't feel like running hydron
Operators dont have univac tho. I've been using her exclusively since focus 2.5 dropped
I don't know lately I'd rather fuck the redhead
no IMO, only with booster. but it might be if you have nothing else to do and have a couple of rivens
So -impact is good for a status build. But for a weapon with such high attack speed, does it really matter to reduce the impact damage? The one on the right has more multishot so and no negative damage stat so I'm inclined to use that
oh here we go, PLS POST PROFILE PLS
we both know that ain't happening bud, you're just a pussy terrified to admit you need a team handholding you through the game ;^)
you are late
Holy shit mining is even more of a tedious chore without a resource booster. Time to buy plat.
Which elemental damage is best? Combo elemental damage excluded (no corrosive etc).
>Not showing the stats
>Trying to move the goalpost
Try again retard.
blast is a combo elemental.
Stop being a fucking bitch, you fat, lazy cunt.
>not showing stats
yea, people who manage to fall for bait are pretty dumb
>moving the goalpost
the one I started by saying you don't need a team to do shit in the game? stop playing dumb or maybe that's just you normally
Heat seems to be the most popular of the 'pure' elements. I don't know if being most meta means being best though.
god damn can you people get your heads out of your asses for once? even the overwatch players thought that warframe should have won
Is it just me, or are void fissures in the void just silly?
Where are your stats kiddo, do not tell me you're afraid of it and trying to dismiss it as a bait.
Grow a pair shitter, being MR24 means nothing if your stats are dogshit.