Raid Lair is LIVE
/dg/ - Destiny General
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xth for inefficient but oh so wonderfully large exo tits
>cucked out of WF again
I can't decide if I want to play more of this or PoE. I might have more fun with PoE but they nerfed my build.
Also should I even make a warlock? What would be the best build for PVE?
You forgot to add Zur being in the EDZ with the Lens
reminder that tap firing prometheus is better than holding
That's some shit tier tie tying skills.
And the pocket square is the wrong colour and horribly messy as well.
Have you ever been so cockblocked?
Any cool new EoW weapons?
Aw yeah FIRST for inefficient but oh so wonderfully large exo tits
>expansion is called "Curse of Osiris"
>titular character is rarely seen or heard
>shows up at the end as a deus ex machina
>"my job here is done"
>disappears into the void forever
Classical-42 vs Sins of the Past?
more dps
say something nice about CoO
The boss fight was pretty cool.
Morena Baccarin is the tits.
Prometheus Lens actually makes Crucible fun
best d2 raid
eater of worlds is the best content destiny has released since the taken king
Nice raid fags
>there has been at least ONE guardian in canon that has shoved their ghost up an orifice or two
How does this make you feel?
felt pretty good actually
Thalnok was a nice surprise
Uhhhhhhh, it gave me a new unimportant background npc to get strangely obsessed over?
Has anyone found any raid secrets in Eater of Worlds?
What the fuck is up with the rings in the cannon drop?
Beat it. First time I did Crota took like 12 hours. This was less than 3. Fuck you autists who shit on Crota over this.
I want to rub Sagira all over my cock!
EoW is quality content. CE was half-assed and filled with bugs and glitches
Sagira is NOT for lewd
Post raid loot. I wanna see the new titan set.
you only get one drop
>Don leads fucking PC autist nibbas to beat Alpha meme
>Xur is selling Prometheus Lens
I-its just a bug guys. We promise we'll fix it soon (buy our dlc)
What new Warlock exotics are there now? Are they useful?
>grinding PEs for radiolarians shits
>been 5 events in a row without getting one
>looted 5 chests in a row without getting one
>need 30 of these shits for the muslim pulse rifle
how do i kill myself
You can use Prom Lens without the DLC lmao
what's this alpha team meme? can I get a quick rundown
>alpha meme player beat alpha meme
So Alpha Team did it again?
How was this "quality" again? Because it had one interesting descent part? Otherwise simple as fuck umping puzzles and a boss almost ripped off from Aksis? Please. This was so easy. Crota was better.
Leader of alpha team confirmed APEX?
>Only Alpha Teams own can defeat Alpha Team
Is there anything they can't do?
Wow this is meta as fuck
zippy and noobish arent going to take this well
I appreciate this post
They seriously haven't fixed Prometheus lens yet?..
>/dg/ elites back in Y1 try to beat crota
>literal who group beats them
>this group is known as alpha team
>/dg/ elites take 6 hours
>team six hours created
>shitposts ensue as alpha meme has had at least one of their members in the first completion of every raid release since
So if everyone in pvp is using the best weapon in the game, doesn’t that make the game purely skill based now.......
Well, if we're Strictly talking about /dg/ raids
Alpha Team history from their beginning
>CEHM - 1st
>PoE - 1st
>KFNM - 1st
>KFHM - 1st
>KFCM - 1st 1st 1st
>WoTMNM - 1st
>WoTMHM - 1st
>WoTMCM - 1st 1st 1st
>CE:R - 1st
>VoG:R - 1st
>KF:R - 1st
>WoTM:R - 1st
D2 Era
>LeviathanNM - 1st
>LeviathanHM - 1st
>EoWNM - 1st
Current Lineup in Alphabetical order -
You can buy it from Xur, they're not gonna fix it until next week at the least so have fun or fuck off.
Does the raid drop weapons too? I've only seen parts of armor sets.
Wow now that's what I call dominant
here we go...
I predict Hunters will be useful and in demand for the final part. Golden gun is just going to be clutch so much during this fight. Maybe hammers will be good now too. Otherwise other classes really can just do roaming shit.
Post and rate Guardians.
Sunbreaker kills the frame rate during argos on console
It sucks that striker got hit so hard
Anyone on PS4 up for trials with me and Pandox?
I've always kinda wondered if I'm fucking over someone on a toaster when I go hammer time on PC
The pulse is shyte too
>want to level and gear up alts
>don't want to suffer through that campaign two more times
I'd pay 300 dust just to get leveled up and skip it if we're being honest.
Because of the memes you get, you join me
Heres what I think an initial strategy for the boss is.
Three guys start on vex cannons. They will go to the elements needed to shoot the boss. The others will grab the other three and if possible pump all of them into the rally point element. If they have more then allotted space then they will have to hold. The moment the cannon team picks up charged cannons, anyone holding on immediately drops their in. Everyone does as much DPS with the cannons.
Might be a good idea to save 2 for the inside shooting arms part though. That I am still unsure about. Point is, cannon management makes or breaks this part.
>Prometheus Lens on xur
ayy lmao
Just made two new characters and made it to level 20 and completed the campaign within 5 hours. If you skip all story content and run through the missions, you complete the campaign fast as fuck.
It was bad enough with normal story
anyone have any high quality PC screen shots of the raid?
Secret chest is during the descent part. There are 3 vex rings you have to fly through Star Fox style.
anyone have any high quality PC screen shots of the Amanda Holliday?
Raid stuff
The part where you get shot into space and are falling, there are three rings you can fly through.
anyone have any high quality CONSOLE screen shots of the raid?
No, but what would you like to see?
too busy to play myself, best i could do
So who is this boss lorewise? Is this the Greek boss you fought in the story missions?
>There are people who have not completed the raid lair yet
Low ttk prometheus lens pvp is amazing. I want every weapon to be this strong
>says the coward without posting a name so we can look up if he's just shitposting
He's something that the world eater ate, Calus sends you to delet it from its stomach, he even saves you from being eaten after you defeat it.
>Vex can't simulate Guardians because the Vex can't comprehend how light works
>We see a full Fireteam of them simulated in the opening cinematic
Nah that was Panoptes, this is Argos, Planetary Core and is something else. Calus launches you into the boss arena because he wants you to clean up the mess the vex have made in his ship.
But then we would be playing Destiny 1!
i guess it's not a full on simulation just a big guess based on previous encounters?
It could be a proxy set with all it's parameters to "bullshit".
>that arm
Big tiddy drawfag is the best thing about this general
saint-14's helmet might be shit but I like the way it looks
I've owned Destiny 2 since launch and have never completed a nightfall or a raid. I've never been in a fireteam either even though I'm in a clan with 30 people. I have no friends.
I dont understand. Whats wrong with Chunni's arm?
When your ghosts says "These crystals ... they're guardians." in that one Strike, does he mean that Guardians light was extracted and put into crystals, or do the Hive actually turn Guardians into crystals?
A bit of both, I think.
I love the growing field effect on the Prometheus lends and kinda wanna spend the dust to get the gold ornament, what are the chances the nerfs will make this thing completely unusable?
one of the guys says ''I swear if you try to turn me into one of those damn crystals'' but then Taeko says ''watched a Wizard rip the light out of my best friend and funnel it into some kind of crystal''
i'm guessing it's the latter since the former guy doesn't seem to know much about what's going on
>another fuck the Prometheus lens post
fuck the Prometheus lens