Yuri is the best! edition.
Old thread! eyosongive.us
Yuri is the best! edition.
Old thread! eyosongive.us
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xth for my wife Syndra
Yuri is gay. Delete this thread.
>tfw no qt petite gf
nth for the best daddy Sion!
>its an 'enemy yasuo thinks I dont deserve the win because i intentionally lost lane' episode
why do people not understand the concept of late game?
Would Riot ever think about Shifting the meta so Melee champions could work as carries?
Riot's really overdue for new poolparty skins.
Hopefully they'll make an event out of it when they do like SG or PROJECT/!
>movement speed buffs and point & click gap closers require skill
>but skillshots are braindead
xth for breast metal waifu
Did he get fired?
Yeah they're called assassins.
Some fighters can carry as well.
he got very fired
They tried that with Mordekaiser
It didn't work out too well.
I want to breed a Jannafag or Rakafag!
>Yuri is gay
No user, yuri is lesbian
I just got 4 honors playing Yasuo ask me anything
>season 5 flashbacks
You can't really breed men
I wanna cuddle Jinx and see her get buffs
that's my main problem with leveling up a smurf. You just can't end the game because no one fucking pushes objectives. A guy gets a kill and then just backs for his item even though he could easily shove the wave to the tower and take it. It gets especially bad at 30-40 minutes where people should be sieging towers or contesting drakes.
Instead you see a bunch of retards farming their jungle while the enemy team does the same. I've had moments where our entire jungle was just completely empty and the enemy team was not visible on any fucking lane. They were just waiting for camps to respawn, kill them, recall, buy items and do it over and over again. And you can't fucking push a lane because even if you are fucking Challenger 1 because you are constantly alone with no vision.
It's madness. I don't understand how anyone could ever handle leveling a smurf except for spamming bot games.
Medieval Jarvan sounds like the "big knight" as it were to Little Knight Amumu and Sir Kled.
Probably a good skin. I'm not really sure how you'd make default Shyvana MORE of a traditional dragon unless you go for a legendary in which she has no half-dragon form, only small and big dragon forms.
I guess you could make her green and give her human form a tail and make her dragon form look a bit more lumbering and lizard-like.
Coincidentally, green is about the only color Shyv doesn't have yet.
If we get a traditional European knight Jarvan though I want Taric and Garen in the set as a team of 3 knights rescuing princess [any female champion].
Mostly I just want Taric in knight armor.
Straight porn is for straight men, gay porn is for gay men.
Why is this such a hard concept to understand?
What's your favourite anime?
Skillshots are poke, Poke is by it's design safe.
Gap closers are engagement, and more dangerous.
Though champions with a dozen dashes are obviously less skills than others.
I wonder
What is this even in reference to?
>when the enemy takes your jayce so you take his lane
noob jungler ks
>13 days for winter
is this good? is there a way I can get more out of these runes? The tower damage one feels kind of weird late game as yorick since I'm usually able to kill a tower before it has time to activate
>been 4 days now
>still haven't gotten those discounted 2 for $30 chibi figures in the mail
I thought the shipping times for these were relatively short? Or so I've heard.
Hope some nigger or cracker in the local area didn't steal them while I was at work.
>waking up next to her
>not waking up still inside her
Just got a 25 game chat restriction WHOOO
nice, now you can start winning, post logs please
Yuri isn't straight porn.
I have only watched GTO, Cowboy Bebop, Lain and Azumanga Daioh
>Sona player
>13 days for winter
>not being Australian
Well I'm not saying do it right now, but it's been like more than a year already.
Thise are classics, so it's not lile you're in big trouble with the /a/ police
>Taric and Garen
Where's Xin Zhao you fuck.
>livimg in a H*T country
>OW unironically won best esport
this just confirms blizzard pays others to shill it's shit. the game is completely stagnant, has redefined toxicity and is furthermore unwatchable garbage that no one gives a shit about
it's just blatant at this point. I read an article the other day from a big vidya news site saying it should be considered for GOTY even though it wasn't released this year. it's fucking trash. it's like when WoD launched to universal acclaim even though it brought WoW to it's lowest ever point
Alright, /lolg/oys! Spit it up, whatcha getting this weekend?
Demolish is only worth taking if the enemy team has no stuns or slows that you’re worried about. The tower damage is nice but actually getting to/away from enemies through cc is so much more important.
Overgrowth vs. Second wind is also debatable depending on if the enemy has heavy poke.
>muh kills
>muh kda
>muh damage
in the end, the only thing that matters is destroying the nexus.
Post more VI feet.
Cutest couple! Best carry and best support!
No because I'm not contesting it was an unfair ban, It was stupid. I thought the they at least didn't ban shit in context. Apparently calling the CHAMPION not PLAYER Jinx a slut in my term chat is an auto ban, or saying "Man Lucian is some bullshit" Bot literally bans without context
I know right now I can be even close to my waifu via silence :^)
I don't care about Xin and if Jarvan and Taric were part of a set it felt wrong to have anyone but Garen tie it together
I don't spend money on virtual costumes
>Jayce and Poppy
Are you me? I want to get Battle Regalia and Brighthammer. I realized a couple days ago that they'd look really similar with them.
I'm a blizzshill who liked WoD and I hate OW
>naked lizard-girl Shyvana with Evelynn-like censoring
>Giving a shit about Goy Awards
overgrowth is a meme, second wind is just better
demolish is there so tanks can splitpush, you don't really need it as yorick but get it regardless since more pushing power is always good
>has redefined toxicity
Strange, I can't remember ever being screamed at by 13 year olds calling me a faggot in Overwatch but I haven't played in a few months.
>this just confirms blizzard pays others to shill it's shit.
As if this wasn't obvious enough already.
Didn't know about the toxicity issues since I stopped playing it after 3 months. Is it really that bad? Worse than League's?
How did this dumb retard ever get Masters, let alone D1?
>is the year 2017.94154
>I am still living a normal life instead of being milked dry 24/7 by a pair of tight dominant dragonladies
what the fuck is this bullshit
What do you spend money on then, user?
Literally DT Zyra.
Sorry buddy you've already gotten that fetish.
God knows we'd like more but you know how Riot feels about releasing the same skin twice these days.
>makes a single misplay
Post your rank you little shit. Put up or shut up
Holy shit that's amazing.
>Tobias Shitter
>Being a shitter
Color me surprised.
Dragon Sorceress Evelynn when?
Gangplank used to be the best hyper carry and could one shot people at 4 items
t.former high diamond gangplank abuser
that fucking lee
who? and what happened?
>Are you me?
You wish.
which is more efficient for xp, spamming normals or spamming aram?
>Dragon Sorceress Zyra
>Dragon Sorceress Evelynn
>Dragon Sorceress Elise
>Dragon Sorceress LeBlanc
>Dragon Sorceress Syndra
the ultimate dragongirl harem
Are posting shitter webms now?
who dis
maining gp obviously
busted as fuck design that has no counter and depends exclusively on how good you are at him
main him autistically and you don't need to know how to play the macro game, just your matchups then do you thing because your design is retarded
>Dragon Sorceress Elise
But being a spider girl is what makes Elise so god damn hot.
Spiders are the best monster girls unless you count Vampires and Demons.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
I don't know what I should do with my blue essence. Should I just buy Ezreal so I can get this free skin or should I get two M6s? Just leveled up last night and got enough key fragments to open a chest when I logged in (was a Urgot shard that I dusted) so it will be a while until I can get more blue essence or champ shards.
Don't bully Meriipu
>tfw I started playing like this
for some reason I find it a lot more satisfying to take a tower fast instead of dominating teamfights and skirmishes, having 3-4 people chase you around the map is hilarious
>Best monster girls
>not foxes
>wanting that shit skin when best skin for best girl is available
can you explain this?
I mostly just thought of champions that make my dick hard and Elise is already a monstergirl to boot.
I want her to milk me dry whether she's a spider or dragon girl though
buy champs
mastery is a waste imo
Mastery is worthless
Okay, so you expect me to believe that you were the very best that your generation of Navy SEALs had to offer? I highly doubt that. If you were as good as you say you were, i don't think for a second that you would be browsing Veeky Forums. This is mostly a place for jobless neckbeards that still live with their parents, and nerdy high school kids that don't have any friends. It really isn't the place for highly-trained assassins to be hanging out in their spare time. Even if it was, something far worse than a troll being mean to you probably would have set you off a long time ago. What about the slew of gore and child pornography that gets posted here on a regular basis? Isn't that something that deserves a person being hunted down and made to regret their actions? Yeah, you're just not the Veeky Forums type. Sure, there's a wide variety of people that browse here, but you're far from the core demographic if you are who you say you are (which isn't the case). Even if it were true that you're an incredibly talented soldier, I think all the military discipline would prevent you from getting mad enough to murder some random idiot on the internet. I also doubt that even the best SEALs have a "secret network of spies across the USA". Why would all of the most expanisive Big Brother network in the world be willing to help a troubled PTSD-sufferer hunt down some random kid on the internet? That doesn't even make sense. If you're gonna try to scare somebody, make it more believable than "IM A SUPER SOLDIER HURR DURR". You might frighten a thirteen year old who doesn't know any better, but to must of us you just look like a kid with an anger problem and a very active imagination. Hopefully things will be easier for you when your puberty's over. Best of luck with that... kiddo
>t. Meriipoo
Correct. Glad you can read, user.
Not that I wouldn't get off to dragon Elise but it would definitely dial back some of her allure for me.
ikr? i have no clue why people give a shit about kda when the only thing that matters is destroying the nexus. like i understand you gotta get kills to prevent them from stopping you but just killing for the sake of killing makes no sense
Sorry but spidergirls are tighter, more dominant, and milk more cum from you
Tell me a secret...
Spider Girl or Snake Girls. It could go either way really.
>implying foxgirls are less tighter