Remember who? Edition
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Remember who? Edition
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damn TSM roster looking weak compare to other NA teams
POE is dogshit
Imagine being an NAbab
xth for my wife Syndra
I wanna cuddle Jinx and keep her comfy and warm
1170 days without a new Jarvan IV skin.
/waiting for halftime yellow fever/ HERE?
>Check after the game
>D5 Yorick
I want to cuddle Jinx so my dick is comfy and warm
Good, maybe Riot and others will stop dick-sucking this overrated team already.
what runes
i thought this specific shitpost died
Both NA and EU cant get out of group.
Honestly I prefer the 2D fap-baiting halftime shows.
>fucking zoom in on the wards
Lost it
Is that what she says when she makes me cum so hard I pass out?
Post Garen.
Standard issue Aftershock tank runes.
Triumph always nice in the middle of a fight. Tenacity is underrated as fuck
>free 20% CC duration reduction on top of the 35% from Merc Treads
Should've stick to the dogchamps, dogshit.
I'll post Azir AND Garen.
They always drop the ball when it matters most.
Why is Soaz either the best western top laner or the worst?
And again
Ive been running the tenacity legend and unflinching, too. It's fucking stupid how free it is.
holy fuck soaz is so fucking awful
What are the chances rekkles actually making a swing at soass after the game?
jankos is actually so fucking useless as lee wtf
Power of Evil is literally useless. 0 damage, even if he hits anything, which is rare enough.
Has rekkles done anything?
I'm biased as fuck towards tenacity (obviously because of account name) but I still think it's underrated as hell
best due to longevity
>Jankos is shit now
It hurts lads
Is he stupid
2 hard teams , LMS and Korea
China and fucking Vietnam
is sOAZ literally fucking inting?
Should I play a different champion, /lolg/?
he'll be too busy crying in his seat lmao
>jankos and poe do absolutely nothing
>rekkles afk farms
>soaz cant fight anyone
why the fuck didnt you eutards bring perkz and maxlore
It's hilarious how Riot keeps giving NA the most free groups in the world and they still manage to fuck it up every time.
>5 out of LMS's 7 kills have been sOAZ
1/2 All Stars
Didnt make quarterfinals
1/2 All Stars
Didnt make quarterfinals
DID win RR
>this was the only thing stopping us
that fiddle knew what he had to do goddamn
Is Liandry and Rylai good on Shen since his kit scales off both Health and AP?
poe was voted in because of he actively campaigned for it and because misfits performance at worlds
jankos i have no fucking idea what the fuck they were thinking
>Have to play champions I hate just to get chests
>And get Ss on top of it
is rekkles the hottest lolbad out there?
>Made Semis or better at 5/7 worlds
>Made semis 1/7 worlds
Really doodles the noodle
It's not even Vietnam. Literally Levi and 4 subs, communicate in 3 difference languages.
>NA is saying that their all-stars team didnt have a lot of practice when GPL literally had 4 last minute replacements from different countries
> ywn abuse lulu
Do you actually think EU is just sandbagging when they lose when it really matters?
i'm na but
won worlds s1 and always performs well at the most important tournament
none of those
it's your kind of smugness that gives na fans such a bad name
>support picks blitz into leona
>does nothing but hook said leona
>player is mastery 6 blitz
GPL allstars literally use comms by pinging soloQ style
that's it
>cries like little bitches on stage when they lose games
>lol w/e back to streaming
this EU squad is sh-... not very good
post best login screens
Best girl.
Best friend.
Best wife.
>when they lose when it really matters?
Are you seriously implying Rift Rivals and All Stars matter more than worlds?????
"I agree Zoe is fun and uh...I don't really agree with the last word." - Phreak
Haven't watched League esports since season 3, does Riv still cast?
>EU vs. NA flinging shit over who's the worse third in groups
Like two bald men fighting over a comb.
Its half-time folks, time for lewds
>EU voted for this guy unironically
>POE instantly accepts NA contract after begging for votes to represent EU
>rift rivals really matters compared to worlds
To this day one of the coolest logins.
Aurelion Sol is a close second.
na Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums when
would you bully her
wait wtf is going on with dash's head
i thought those memes floating around were a joke
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums is LIVE on NA!
Password is vidya
>Watch the NA vs SEA game I missed
What the fuck was NA smoking. How did Hauntzer die so much on Jayce of all things.
sure am glad worlds is over now we can watch LCK the REAL event
>Z E R O P E R C E N T
post lewd rivens
NA Jayce is one my favorite memes
>losing to LMS and KR is now as bad as losing to a wildcard sub team
how much mental gymnastics do people go through to convince themselves of this?
anyway, both na and eu sucked today. hope none of us go through
>the entire highlight reel was Soaz deaths
Damn thats bullying.
those faces are shit and theres an uncensored asshole
>5/6 of the high-lights this game are Soaz dieing
Do the impossible and post Taliyah lewds.
Honestly, I feel like there's more people that fap to Rek'sai than there are to Taliyah.
>TCS was more entertaining than this
>Riot rigs everything on NA and TSM's favor only short of directly paying their opponents
>they still manage to fuck it up
So, for EU to have a chance turks have to win over KR? inb4 that actually happens.
I wanna FLY with Lulu!
not low enough