Fighting Games General /fgg/
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Best gouk.
What guest characters do you guys wanna see for SCVI? Platform-specific or otherwise.
play Cummy
Play Marvel vs Capcom Infinite
Waifufaggots really sleep on Juri. She is truly /ourgirl/
>Alex has real oki now
is it time to switch?
>BATTLE OF THE STONES literally happening in front of 5 people
Lightning (PS4)
Juggernaut (PC)
>man is fully clothed and using a practical weapon
>woman is half naked and using stylized meme weapons
Why do devs always do this
I play every single day my man
With strange, too
>2 random ex straights in a row
>wolfkrone talks shit about him publicly on FB than apologizes in his private messages
is wolfkrone retarded
Why is krone such a little bitch?
brian f is hot
Make it happen Bancops
>this triggers the infraudtration dickrider
only off of sleeper choke, he's still bottom 2(probably worst, considering all the Ryu buffs) until proven otherwise
Do you want every character to look like the ugly Horizon chick?
>woman is half naked and using stylized meme weapons
But that's not Tira.
might be an inferiority complex
>sword and board
>meme weapons
western shields would break that nigger dagger in half
>mfw BrianF wins capcom cup
phuck all y'all
>little Asian girl can't take a GIAN PIPE
Maybe he's an Injustice fan
>only 2 marvel matches until I can switch to the LCQ stream
MVCI is probably the best fighting game released this year but goddamn they made this shit boring. All the previous Evo Champs are boring shitters and all these new cats just play the same braindead teams, and the stones aren't nearly as exciting as I wanted them to be, mind and reality might as well be "forfeit the match" stones, space is completely useless at this point, time is only useful if you're going against someone else who uses a stone, and power is a literal joke.
I really hope this game gets on the pro tour next year so we can see some actual competition. That is if the game even lives that long.
Play Weiss
Katana is a meme folded over 1000 times.
Black Canary looked pretty good
Geese in Tekken gives me hope
[drains you're meter] what are you gonna do now fuckboy
>Broad sword +Shield versus Katana
Mitsurugi wouldn't stand a chance in real combat
You can also play Hilde and Maxi if you want the opposite.
Spinal from KI & Hunter from Bloodborne if they are exclusives. A Dark Souls character so he can be tournament legal.
Neutral jump.
Superior MOBA
who is this literal who brian f. unga rog masher and why isn't he losing
What should I do as a PC player to get ready for Soulcalibur VI?
You gonna forget than man is half naked too?
Blame Capcom for thinking the best time to patch a game is 3 days before it's biggest tournament.
Genius. Holy shit. Perfect. I was trying to think of an Xbone character and Todd McFarlane wouldn't leave my brain.
>implying there wont be a shit to of half naked skins for faggots like you
Women don't have much muscle and testosterone, there is no way they're winning a fair fight against a stronger man. So by giving them stylized meme weapons and making them fight half naked you can at least justify the guy losing due to unfamiliarity and distractions.
What's the stream schedule?
If Menat was a boy there would be no controversy that she is black but since she is a female it triggers the cognitive dissonance of identity politics retards.
You can emulate the older ones.
marvel might end up being a dante/zero mirror match, also if chris g loses it's a top 3 dante
also lmao if brian f wins this thing, evne more dumb shit to laugh at
No yeah I love BC, I really wished they didn't use the Margot Robbie and Jared Leto Harley and Joker though.
>video game
>real life
>Dieminion's face
Plase, although Valve would probably br okay with Juggs being multi-platform
Some KI characters could fit very well in this game. But yeah, Spinal is my favorite choice, he could make a great rival to Cervantes.
hes good though
I want Juri to drain my dick bros
but what about yang
Brian_F earned it if he does. Not a fan of rog myself but he's a cool dude and puts in the hours.
Can't sleep on that dude he's a true master rank.
Tusk and Thunder would be good from KI too
Wasn't PSX supposed to start now?
someone like arthas would actually be fucking sick, but blizzard would never be that cool
shakz looks like an 8 year old with a moustache
Aloy is a cute! A CUTE!!!!
Not sure what one would be best to emulate since V can't be.
What's worse is that it won't mean shit now that Dante is nerfed into the ground
It's like this whole tourney is just a historical reenactment
I saw more people come but sure
11pm EST
Where are:
punk, smug, nuckeldu, jwong, daigo, kazunoko, nuki, tokido, kbrad
bring samsho to sc
in half an hour
The fuck is that retarded Ed mk anti air
At the actual Capcom Cup you dumb cumskin
This is the Last Chance Qualifier for the 32nd spot
I'm constantly getting relay servers when I verse my friend in SFV.
Is there any way to force P2P or a way around this? It's making it impossible to play.
go back
In about 35 minutes.
Yang is shit
fuck that, bring back samsho and bring sodom to samsho
They're all qualified already
IIt says "CAPCOM CUP 2017" right on the stream you losers
fuck year
Ed has more strong AA moves than some characters have dedicated AA specials. I don't know why more Eds don't AA more.
Why did they choose this ugly ass Comic Sans font for this Laura costume, is this supposed to be a joke or something
Did she always have a scar?
open your ports retards
Yeah, Tusk as the immortal swordsman works. Hisako and Maya, too. Too bad Aganos is too big and Kan Ra doesn't have a weapon.