I understand the whole cryptocurrency circle jerk happening right now...

I understand the whole cryptocurrency circle jerk happening right now, but does anybody here live in the real world of business?

I'm getting certified as a Project Management Professional (just need 300 more hours of on-the-job project management). My company offers Six Sigma Master Black Belt and Lean Six Sigma training for free, and all i have to do is pay for the test ($500).

Anybody here have any experience with Lean, Six Sigma, Lean/Six Sigma, CAPM/PMP or Agile? What has worked best for you? What did you plan on doing with it and what are you doing now?

Sorry, but this is a normie thread.

Other urls found in this thread:


>project management

I guarantee you've never actually worked a day in your life
>muh consultant

can't wait for you wageslave fags with your fake jobs to be pruned out by XML parsers

I have 2300 hours of project management, and I'm already a certified associate in project management. i'm a performance improvement specialist at a hospital, working on quality assurance and process improvement for clinical and financial analysis. my job is to identify gaps in patient care and payment processes and come up with a resolution by creating task forces of different teams.

Over the past three years, I've decreased spending by $3.2m, and have actually worked to increase revenue by restructuring our coding process, allowing for priority payments from third party health insurance vendors.

never consulted, used to be a paralegal and fell into this job.

So do you have any experience with any of the process improvement certifications I mentioned, or are you strictly here to make a quick buck in dogecoins?

Wagecucking at some makework job soon to be replaced by an algorithm is not "the real world of business"

You're going to feel like one stupid faggot for even having a job when BitBay PoSW and BITB make me a multi millionaire

The problem with relying on an algorithm is that it's useless in the moment. For example, I'm working with a group of MDs and RNs to reduce transfers out of our ER. The RNs gather the data and review it together to classify the transfer as appropriate or not, based on medical factors that a computer might not be able to comprehend. The information is passed along to a medical peer review process, where a group of five MDs review the file and deem it appropriate or not. The RNs have hands-on knowledge of the patient's specific comorbidities, while the MDs have specific knowledge of the disease or affliction and whether or not our staff and resources are equipped to handle that.

There's no computer that can handle that much data quite yet; i think i'm safe for now.

I really do hope you become a multi-millionaire. I have no reason to believe that you don't deserve every penny coming your way.

best of luck in your future endeavors.

Your language is so foreign to me. No idea what any of this is but six sigma was referenced on 30 Rock so i know it's a cheesy 80s business thing

Dude, the crypto circlejerk is happening for a reason. People are making BIG money on this.

If people were making big money, you'd hear about it outside of a Japanese cartoon porn board

>making thousands of dollars with little to no effort

>wanting to tell anybody

think user think.

Virtually no one knows about underground crypto trading, especially coins on the cutting edge that are just starting to rise.

This is like buying up .com domains in 1991.

Nobody on Veeky Forums actually works. It's all meme and undergrads. If you want real advice then go to reddit's subforums.


I genuinely believe that you genuinely believe that.

Just what the world needs, more fucking middle managers.

I can't shake the feeling lately that I'm ONLY talking to 12 year old kids on here. On this board in particular, even more than /b/, it's like.. 12-15 y.o. boys, living off their parent's money, who think that making a few hundred bucks in a month's time is a Big Fucking Deal. It's like pretty much every OP seems that way to me.

I'm sure you'll get out of community college with a senior exec position...

> dont tell anyone about our secret commodity, we wouldnt want demand to go up would we?
> btw, buy shitbeans right now!

I also work in a hospital on the business side. I just popped in to say that no one likes Performance Improvement, you're right under HR in terms of uselessness.

Just for clarity, project and program managers are not people managers.

They don't count as middle managers; they're more akin to the whiny girl who tries to tell everyone what to do during group projects.

What do you do? Thinking about making a change.

Sure sure nobody likes quality until one day your surgeon performs on the wrong limb and you have the joint Commission and department of public health moving in and dining you tens of thousands of dollars because you failed to follow the protocol that quality put into place. Then they hate quality when they realize their mistake has lead them to have to perform a corrective action plan for and monitor every single procedure for 100% compliance for six months. I get the hate. Just stop making mistakes lol

I was a PM for 14 years OP. None of that lean, PMP or six sigma applies in the real world, and it especially doesn't apply at the at the top level of project management.

Project management success is based on personality. No amount of training or experience will help a person be good at it if they have a personality that isn't a good fit for doing it.

The reverse is also true. People with certain personalities will be able to perform at the top level of project management with minimal training and experience.

It's one of those jobs where you either got it or you don't. There is no inbetween.


TL;DR - If after a year of project management it isn't super easy for you to perform at a high level, then that type of job is not for you.

What industry were you in? PMPs very recently started entering healthcare en masse due to increased regulations. Thanks obama...

Large commercial construction. I managed a million dollars in projects every three months (4 million a year).

Most of the PM work in healthcare could be automated out of it by computers. The regulations make it easier to take humans out of it and automate it all, but the baby boomers aren't going to admit that to the companies they work for because they are hanging on until they can get social security.

Within 20 years, most PM's in every industry will probably be automated out of it by computers, frankly because computers can automate the decision process (there are only so many solutions for any given problem), and they can assemble workflows from scratch without any human intervention needed. Even in ordering and sourcing form vendors, humans aren't really needed anymore. The jobs are still there now, but within 20 years those jobs will be gone, and quite frankly, they should be gone because computers can do it better than we humans can.

We created the machines, and soon the machines will render a lot of people as unneeded.

I'm not buying it, but i have no evidence to back that up. I just think that things like infection prevention and risk management simply cannot be automated, especially as more antimicrobial-resistant bacterium start to become more common.

I'm still trying to get into executive administration, hopefully the financial side of things.

I'm working with a lot of analysts in our finance dept to scrub some data for major joint replacement, just because that aspect of healthcare is booming. Should be an interesting few years ahead with Trump's plan.

I can't see lean/six sigma working in anything outside of the manufacturing industry.

six sigma alone doesn't really translate to healthcare easily, but lean and lean-six sigma does. lean-six sigma was created for service industries, and it's a lot of the same principles to identify and reduce error. Lean works in any industry that makes money.

>I'm getting certified as a Project Management Professional

It's not just him that believes this though


>According to a report from CNN Money, during his talk, Novogratz declined to disclose how much his net worth was, but said that investing in the digital currency space, was: "The best investment of my life."

The stuff has legit applications, and cuts out the middlemen in some instances. It's the wild west right now, and you can make crazy amounts of money fast, it's better than gambling, or investing in penny stocks.

>risk management simply cannot be automated
Risk management is largely automated, you have actuaries that are involved, but a lot of it has to do with probabilities and outcomes of decisions. I do agree though that it will likely take a while for it to go away.