How much have you made from crypto?
How much have you made from crypto?
started this month with 100 bucks, now have 2.5k thanks to biz
Started with 900 now have close to 9k
a couple millions, mined a lot of bitcoins back in 2009, poured my weekly salary into bitcoins aswell, made 10x my money with ethereum, 5x with ripple and almost 20x with pivx
high risks, but high reward
im going to ride the bay wave now and cash out in a couple of days
this is about 40% of my holdings, the rest is in ETH cold storage
What timeframe?
1 month.
ITT: lies and liars.
I mean, maybe the guy with 3000 btc is lying, but why would someone lie about making $9k?
Here's proof.
Why not lie? It takes literally no effort. Reasons? People want attention, they like to role play, they're out to scam and misdirect others into putting their money in..
Or they're telling part of truth, but leaving out important details, exaggerating, manipulating the facts to fit a narrative, etc.
Taking anything you read here at face value is a mistake.
Nice inspect element you dumb larper. Write non whole numbers next time as there's always a fee.
i bought $100 worth of posw last week and now it's worth over $250...the suckiest part of this all is that it takes so long to buy btc on coinbase otherwise i would've put in close to $5k and it would be worth close to $20k now.
made $7k off $5k eth purchase @$22
About $25k profit if I sold all my coins now...but I am perhaps stupidly holding for more gains. 25k is an insane amount of money... but not life changing enough
i poured my life savings into beans but then my family was abducted by giants
5-10x is bretty easy
2016 tax season I only 'realized' losses ~$100
Right now my blockfolio is worth about 2x what I put in.
Roughly 8k over the course of a couple years with $500 starting capital. Could have had 25k+ by now if I knew how to read warning signs and not be greedy.
300% in terms of value, started with a modest BTC mine to help determine viability of going large, cost me big time vs buying coins at the time but shuffled into some alts earlier this year just in time to see some solid increases. I only bag hold and consider 300% outrageous, I did miss out on a lot more by refusing to back things like ETH earlier on and not using my mine more aggressively by directing to other coins at the time.
>Taking anything you read here at face value is a mistake.
Succinct /Biz
$0.00 Mr.IRS
$16k since buying ethereum last year.
from $600 to $2500 in the past two weeks
Started 3 weeks ago with $600, currently at about $1350
Guys I got a question, I'm using bittrex and after I sell, I send it to coinbase and sell the btc on there? Or is there a way to sell btc and bank it directly from bittrex?
Teach me wise man
Started in nov 2016 with $200. Have since sold back some btc for cash... $350. Still have about $1100 in the exchanges.
I started last year, put in $40, and have $108 as of now. I wasn't really that serious, and I actually lost a lot of money in it.
Please respond.
Approximately $40,000 CAD since 2013.
Majority of holdings are in BTC, with some LTC for futures trading and some RNS as a super speculative play that's done well for me so far.
How much one's "made" is bullshit though until you cash it out for fiat. I could lose everything overnight if the market tanks
The easiest way would be to sell on Coinbase.
I see.
1xmr = 1xmr
Fiat numbers don't bother me. I alreadyknow I'm part of the next financial elite.
Have turned minimum wage pay checks for last 9 months from about $7k to about $11k and a $3k down payment on a car
The only way to not lie is to sign an image with your btc privkey.
I was about to drop 10k into eth last year when it was around 3 or 4 dollars but my wife stopped me.
140% in 5 weeks
divorce her
if anything this proves your lying by how shit of proof it is
About 25k. I scam Runescape gold.
how does that work? (what's the scam)
Current holdings. Started with 10k
300k math major here. 4% grow every week
Buy runscape-coin, and go to the moon senpai
I want to feel that feel
I lost all my btc shorting dash
I'm not going to sit here and lie. Around $15k profit, from an $8k investment and that's through the safest buys possible. I always followed pic related and only went for stable, or low priced coins in bullish markets, while holding long term in bear markets, which was literally the last 2 years. I held onto 5 BTC for 2 fucking years. I bought it at $500 in 2014 and saw it crash to $200 and never spoke of or checked on it again, but damnit I kept it, knowing it would rise again some day, and it fucking did. I only have 2 BTC right now, sold most of them at $1000. Litecoin I sold long ago at $8, I knew that shit was tanking with no end in sight. Luckily I bought back the same amount last year and just in time. It's going to be a great reserve currency to bitcoin.
$600 is not much to invest with in any traditional sense, but cryptocurrency is young and quite volatile.
The gains that certain cryptos have made in this day and age are a rare opportunity and many have stood to benefit from it immensely.
Long-term benefit is truly a mystery given the risk but I believe it will be a great plus. In a generational sense, the crypto market can be likened to the eventual founding of towns and cities.
The 1st generation of crypto ended in 2014. The people who were mining in 2010 were the frontiersman with the hardest entry barriers and risk and their rewards are now of legend.
The 2nd generation of cryptocurrency appears to be an infrastructural settling phase. We're the ones setting up trading posts along the frontiersman's trails, living in log cabins and fending off Chinese bears. Survival is a bit tough but the pioneering spirit and rewards are still high because there is a lot of "land" to be had for dirt cheap, and - with a sharply rising level of interest - it appears it won't be like that forever.
My guess is that the 2nd generation will end as a gold rush, while the 3rd generation will start an industrialization phase: proto-urbanization, stability, growth. When a clear sense of identity, practicality, and use and a growing buzz that crypto investments make better gains on average than traditional fiat ones, the audience of investors will grow rapidly and on both sides of the spectrum (low inc / high inc). The level of reserve investments ($500k-$1M+) in crypto have been rising. It is still in the early phases of attracting wealth. If this continues, expect the size of the market to grow as more entrepreneurial types with millions in crypto reserves develop systems of value for the market that attract the investments of a much more general and casual crowd.
how the fuck is everyone so rich in here. I barely have enough money to pay my bills. FML MAN
Because we trade crypto.
Put in $1300 since the end of February. Up $700. Could be worse.
We're wagies that save up and put everything into get rich quick ideas
Started with $659 one month ago.
This was when BTC ptice about $900.
Then I gain massive profit from this coin :
and plenty other coin I can't remember but making me modest 10-20% gain.
I always withdraw my gain for following real life utilization ;
- I bought 1 year's worth of electricity voucher (In my country we use voucher for electricity).
- Paid off 1 year's of my health insurance, which billed monthly.
At the moment, my portfolio is about $2600.
But it's going to be $4K after :
- PoSW gain traction and hit close to $0.5
- Verge/XVG long awaited announcement regarding the huge update of the coin (see bitcointalk thread on XVG)
- RCL will compete against golem and people realize it's superior than GNT
By the end of this year, I should've had 40BTC or $50K
I've been basically living on buttcoins for the past few years after I had a small job that paid in buttcoins. The way buttcoins rises in value constantly is great but I want out.
started with 250$, now have 1100$
what do you guys think of weedcoins then? Isn't that the next wave of the future? Been reading they have issues using banks. Crypto seems to be the answer.
>25k is an insane amount of money
>insane amount
Are you retarded? That's just a couple of cent to most of us here.
this guy gets it.
I think the proper question should be how much did you "cashed out" from crypto?
Show her what it's worth now
Maybe the dumb bitch won't interfere next time
>having a wife
what the fuck is wrong with you
What exchange do you guys use? does it take USD or BTC? I want to get into this alt coin game, please help me
>but my wife stopped me
Women are terrible at business. They can't take risks.
I guess there aren't many liars but the ones who lost thousands with these coins are not gong to post about it. So the thread is really useless.
Nice try IRS, why don't you ask my lawyer
What exchange do yoy use, or how do you go about trading?
invested about 8K € a year ago was at close to 20K two weeks ago now back at 9K due to some stupid trades.
I constantly lie whenever I post to confuse whoever is keeping tabs on me (government, banks, ayy lmaos etc.).
Invested $4000 a month ago, have made $3200, currently playing with a $5000 roll on the exchange.
I made $0 because shitcoins aren't real. SELL SELL SELL
Nobody here is rich
They LARP. Rich people don't spend their time on mongolian fingerpainting forums.
Spent $60. Now at $128.
Am I doing good?
Started this week