ive seen everyone say either nero or caligula or commodus, but at least nero and caligula were interesting people. idk.
Who was the worst roman emperor? like ever?
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Julius Caesar.
Nero is most likely not as bad as he's portrayed, at least by Tacitus and Suetonius who were biased or just wrote down gossip
There was almost total peace across the entire Empire during the reign of Commodus.
My brother. His name is Roman and his friends called him "the emperor of drugs" because he had almost every type of drug on him.
This faggot.
He sounds like a great emperor.
Literally means nothing
>12 years of peace during the third century
>Literally means nothing
Well if he there was so much peace and it was so great how could these results be attributed to the reign of Commodus and his policies?
Commodus or Caracalla
Because he was in charge of foreign and domestic policy?
Right so where do you trace the connection between specific decisions of his administration and the result of peace in the empire, as you claim are so invariably connected?
He made peace with the germans after the long war with his father
So that means Commodus was a more capable and effective emperor than Marcus Aurelius? Is that what you're telling me, since he cleaned up his fathers wars and all?
I will say having 12 years of peace points to a good emperor(as I think that is the standard definition) If he had not been assassinated the empire could have avoided the destructive civil wars that followed and if that is the case, he certainly would become one of the "good" emperors.
Caligula was proper fucked up and crazy, Nero was just a mamma's boy who wanted to be on stage, Commodus was . . . flat out not good at all.
12 years of peace doesn't point to anything if you're incapable of even beginning to identify the causes and effects
be careful buddy, remember to lift with your legs when you move those goalposts
Right and keep covering your faulty conjecture with accusations of moving goalposts. If you're gonna make a claim expect it to be met with skepticism if you can't provide a single piece of evidence to reinforce said claim.
Let's see:
1) Phocas
2) Honorius
3) Every Severan apart from Septimius
4) Valentinian III
5) Any Roman emperor during the Crisis of the third century who's names are not Aurelian, Diocletian, Claudius Gothics, Probus and Gallienus
6) Arcadius
8) Leontios
Other emperors sucked, but these guys (especially Phocas) ruined the Roman Empire either by being too power hungry or being derelict of duty.
A peace they agreed to because Aurelius had the war all but won before he died. Instead of finishing the job, Commodus just gave them peace, declared it a win, then went home to play gladiator.
The 12 years of peace were a boon left him by his father's administration.
This fuckin guy. What a shit show.
Literally sat on his ass and let the Western territories burn to the ground and get taken over by Germans.
Caracalla because he is the profile picture of every edgy reactionary on youtube, particularly ironic because he granted citizenship to masses of foreign plebs, and strongly devalued Roman coinage.
Domitian was the best emperor undoubtedly
Romolus Augustulus/Julius Nepos they lost the west!
Mehmed VI
he gave up the Empire
He stabbed Russel Crowe before the fight and still got BTFO
>Alexander Severus was as bad as Caracalla or Elagabalus
He was a kid who let competent people run the empire for him, why is he so terrible?
I don't get why he's so terrible.
>during the third century
Everybody laugh at this retard
Killing Maurice gave the Persians the perfect opportunity to invade. This itself wouldn't have been so bad if he hadn't fucked up by letting them invade Anatolia. That itself also wouldn't have been terrible if he hadn't fucked up yet again by letting himself be overthrown by Heraclius, who then had to somehow not only survive but win against the as-yet undefeated massive Persian armies rampaging around the entire Roman middle east.
Basically he was indirectly the cause of the disasters of the 7th century and onwards, allowing the Islamic conquests, etc.
Nobodys laughing fool, the third century was a chaotic era of plague, civil war and barberian invasions.
12 years of peace was an exception, and only occurred under superior emperors.
How dumb are you? Commodus wasn't even alive during the third century. Your original post makes no sense.
Constantino the 10th is directly responsible for Manzikert.
Lick it, my point still stands, Commodus reign was preceded by wars and followed by wars.
OP's question was who was worst. Not who was better or worse than Marcus Aurelius.
Antoninus Pius for doing fuck all instead of conquering Germania and the rest of Dacia when he had he best opportunity out of every emperor that came before or since to fix that shit
All the Angeloi emperors were clinically retarded
Theodosius the """""""Great""""""" was a fucking waste of space
Justinian the """""""""""""""""""""""Great"""""""""""""""""""""""" for destroying Italy, fucking up the Gothic War and crippling the treasury. He's basically responsible for why the Empire went down the shitter a couple of decades after his death
Also Nikephoros I for getting absolutely BTFO by Bulgaria
Augustus for destroying the Republic in the first place, destroying democracy and creating an oppressive autocratic patriarchal fascist imperialist state instead of a democratic and equal one. #RantOver
He was a gladiator-wannabe retard who completely threw away all of his fathers' gains and pissed away his entire reign wasting time and money playing gladiator and generally being a megalomaniac faggot. There's a reason why the empire went to shit the moment he was assassinated (which by the way was because he was as shit at being Emperor as Caligula and Nero were)
The Republic was a shitshow ran by corrupt plutocrats that were completley unconnected with the people, it would had fall on it's weight and get divided weren't for Julius Caesar and subsequently Augustus.
I 100% believe Aurelian would've been the second coming of Trajan had he survived longer.
I 100% believe Nero wasn't crazy, but mocked the shit out of the senate with his antics.
What % of this is real, What % of this is fanfiction tier?
I want /pol/ to leave
For Nero don't trust Tacitus or Suetonius, look more at other primary sources
>I 100% believe Aurelian would've been the second coming of Trajan had he survived longer.
That guy genuinely had the makings of an amazing Emperor. He even had the foresight to try and fix the currency by increasing the silver content in coins. He deserved a better fate
>completely threw away all of his fathers' gains
There was no loss of empire during his reign
>There's a reason why the empire went to shit the moment he was assassinated
That being there was no emperor anymore?
Interesting to note no-one decided to start a civil war til after his assassination
>which by the way was because he was as shit at being Emperor as Caligula and Nero were
Except the army supported him, which is borne out by his assassin being immediately killed by the emperors guards.
He is right, though. Great men for the masses got stabbed to death, it's just how the Senate rolled.
What in the fuck are you talking about you ignorant fool.
>Replacing a republic with a fascist Empire
Yeah, great idea. Maybe they should have also changed their national flag to a swastika while they were at it. Go back to your containment board you fucking stormweenie retard.
The Roman republic was an oligarchy run by a small group of landed elites. There was nothing egalitarian about it.
just ignore them
Troll harder.
>talking about fascism prior to modernism
I want to smash your ignorant fucking face with a hammer smeared in AIDS.
dude just ignore them ffs, /pol/ cancer will only go away if you don't respond.
Not an emperor.
Not an argument.
Not trying to meme, just curious. Why can't you conflate the ideals of fascism with older history? One could see many similarities in structures across history
took the bait a little far with that last point
Gaius Octavius aka Augustus
Augustus was the worst by far
Guy couldn't even take a joke without sacking a city out of butthurt.
Eh those cunts deserved it
>perfectly competent Emperor running things for 20 years
>Has the Persian Empire in his pocket
>"I know! I'll kill him, spark a massive civil war and give the Persians reason to attack us. Nothing can go wrong. NOPE"
Because he was a coward as an adult (he died at 26), at a time when Rome needed a strong military leader to check the Sassinids and the Germans. Lo and behold, it's those two forces that would nearly cause the empire to crumble during the Crisis of the Third century.
Wouldn't even say indirectly, he was directly the result of it. Because of Phocas's ambitions, the Roman and the Persian empires ended up exhausting all their military forces so by the time the Arabs come, there is no one to stop them.
The republic was never destroyed by him. The republic in Roman times is not the republic in our modern sense. The Sentatorial oligarchy was fucked beyond belief and was about to destroy the Empire had Augustus not assumed power and fix shit with his buddy Agrippa.
Gordian I
>The republic was never destroyed by him.
Agreed. This faggot struck the death blow which it never recovered from.
>pic related.
>BAWW why wont you let us back stab you in politics and abandon Roman citizens to die at the hands of Pontic invaders
>OMG !! IT DOESN'T MATTER that you gave up the dictatorship and let the republic continue, you were still too mean
While I agree that Sulla a shit, the point I was making is that a republic in the Roman sense and even up to the middle ages wasn't defined as a system of government with elected officials and a legislative body with some sort of "division" of power, but rather it was more of a system of government with derived its authority from and was responsive to the will of the people or public body.
Honorius, killed the one man who could save the west
>tfw Majorian got killed for being too good at his job
Marcus Aurelius was in the process of annexing a new province in Germania called Marcomannia and Commodus abandoned it as soon as he took the throne.
Eh, Stilicho was pretty overrated. He got BTFO repeatedly by Alaric and decided to waste a lot of the WRE's resources playing politics in the Balkans, actively depriving troops from the Rhine frontier.
He was certainly better than the alternative though, I'll grant you.
Valentinian III, who killed the second man who could have saved the West.
What about Valens? He lead Rome to the shitshow that was Adrianople, from which they never recovered.
Alexios III Angelos
Probably one of the later ones Honorius and Arcadius were both notoriously inept lazy and incompetent
This, I don't know what the fuck Theodosius was thinking when he decided to install them both as emperors in east and west to succeed him.
None of the early ones. Honorius is probably the one man responsible for the collapse of the Empire in the west.
>implying Tiberius Caligula and Nero weren't top tier meme artists
and he was very mean to Russel Crowe
Gaius Marius was the shittiest Roman empreor of all what a fucking retard, Sulla was by far the real hero of the time
Augustus was the worst.
Fuck Gaius Octavius aka Augustus """""Caesar""""", he was overrated to fuck
>m-muh eagles
>*autistic screaming and trying but failing to an hero*
What a massive faggot cuck, has there ever been a worse emperor than Cucktavian?
yes his predecessors were so good not even he could fuck it up
but damn it he tried really hard
Yea, but other than that he did a competent job, especially with help to mitigate the Julian's shit show in Persia
Can't not have your kids succeed you back in those days. Either your kids needed to die, or expect civil war. It's better to have a regency than five the throne to not family. Look what happened during the reign of Constantine VI, Irene had to maime and send his uncles away.
True. Julian fucked up pretty bad, too.
By the 1st century BC Rome was afflicted with a disease with no cure, disloyalty. Not even the old republican system with a few changes could stop a guy from taking his army and rebelling.
It's funny though, later Roman Dominate society actually worked theoretically... mostly ... in the Warhammer 40K fantasy. With the exception of Constantine saying emperor's were not gods.
You're one of those people who believe everything that's said on social media as well I guess..
Interesting how much it works when you define "worst" as "somebody who does the most long term damage", for even though Augustus was the longest reigning and perhaps the most competent Emperor who ever reigned, in the end he was the one who established the imperial precedent of permanently preserving the Roman economy in an autocratic, militarized state (even through one of the longest periods of peace in western history) thus setting into motion what would eventually cause the total collapse of Apollonian society, a level of cultural severing that didn't happen in places like China or India, which faced similarly severe conflicts at the end of the classical era.
The term emperor was never used by the Romans, The closest Latin equivalent, "Imperator" simply means general or commander. The reason we prefer the term emperor is because it's a hell of a lot easier to say than having to explain to people that in fact he held a complex assortment of titles and responsibilities mostly related to activity outside of, rather than within, the public government. His only permanent government post was High Priest, which helped him control the spread of information but was overall just another government post and sort of equivalent to being the food and beverage manager at a shady, mafia run casino.
Over time their share of the total control over the economy increased, gradually rendering the senate irrelevant, driving most free Romans off their land and into the slums of the urban working poor, creating crippling deflation which could only be staved off through massive public works projects (which couldn't be funded forever) and foreign conquest. When they ran out of people worth conquering about 150 years after Augustus, the military turned on itself and burnt Apollonian culture to the ground in an unrelenting tide of civil wars