English are English
Germans are German
Punjabi's are Punjabi
Han Chinese are Han Chinese
Americans are ???
English are English
Germans are German
Punjabi's are Punjabi
Han Chinese are Han Chinese
Americans are ???
really makes you think
Many ethnicities, which haven't had time to really blend together yet.
Wow, what a fascinating discussion that was!
>Many ethnicities, which haven't had time to really blend together yet.
>Implying they will ever blend
American neighborhoods are segregated, people like to be around their own kind.
American used to be synonymous with the original Dutch, German, and WASP populations that came to the US in the 18th century.
Of course the American identity started to be completely deconstructed sometime in the 60s now there are no Americans and calling yourself one is a faux pas.
>Americans are
>Many ethnicities, which haven't had time to really blend together yet.
That's complete garbage and you know it. Do you really think there's massive difference nowadays between Americans based on their ancestors from hundreds of years ago? Differences in culture are based on region here, not ethnicity.
I'm sleep deprived and I misread one line, "Punjabi's are stupid" and I thought this was an India hate thread
They'll blend great just like the balkans right?
Living on reservations.
t. Zhao
How does that strawman even work
Have you ever been to the United States? If anything, the Chinese migrants assimilate better in the second generation than the multigenerational blacks and Hispanics
fat and retarded
I was making more of a joke about the stereotype that Chinese never assimilate and make their own Chinatowns. I'm sorry user, I honestly just wanted an excuse to shitpost.
But in all seriousness, I live in the US. At least where I am, the blacks blend in pretty fine. Of course that's just my anecdote, but at least around here, the blacks and Chinese seem to do fine living among the whites.
I don't live in the city, though, so maybe being more rural had to do with it. Not an expert in this field tbqh
Different ethnic groups tend to blend a little easier when they have some elbow room.
>That's complete garbage and you know it.
I haven't the foggiest what you're talking about. It doesn't seem like a response to anything I wrote.
I'm pointing out that "American" is a nationality, whereas e.g. "German" is both a nationality and an ethnicity. What the fuck are you on about?
Your riddles are shit, OP.
>implying there is sutch a thing as an american etnicity
Yes but do we call these fat bastards they
They are imigrants so they cant be american
They don't live anywhere else and don't feel at home anywhere else. They're Americans. Take them to Europe and soon they'll miss their AR-15s back home.
And native americans are americans
Those are european imigrants
I can feal at home in russia but that doesnt make me Russian