They were an elite fighting force during world war 2 for hitler's Germany. Where do you rank them in modern military theatre
Where are the Waffen-SS in terms of best fighting forces
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Delta force x 1000
Dey used to be able to destroy entire Soviet tank divisions with their minds alone!
Now get your germanic asses to sleep!
You don't know anything about the SS
They weren't particularly above Heer in terms of training and equipment, but they were pretty fanatical and ferocious in combat, often to the point of suicidal missions. And most of them were volunteers.
Some divisions like Leibstandarte, Das Reich and Totenkopf were considered "elite" because of the amount of heavy action they saw and experience they gained. Note that some units had huge casualties because of fanaticism and recklessness, for instance LSSAH was basically annihilated as early as in 1942 and then relocated to France for rest and refilling.
Rhodesian light infantry were better even if you don't factor in the technological differences
But right now I'd say that the U.S. Rangers or some U.S. Marines are the best fighting force.
>muh muhreens
Every time
Well more than half of them were unmotivated foreign conscripts, so probably not all that high
By 1942 they were being equipped as panzer divisions and used as firefighters to be sent into the heaviest fighting, honed their tactical skills. By 1944 I'd say they were amongst the best troops the Germans had.
>well is Russia advances your nation becomes a communist vassal state
I think the Bosniaks and Turkmen were the most intriguing ones.
Some troops like French and Finns were ridiculously good though. Himmler said Finns always defeated their enemy and French were the last troops defending the Reichstag.
They were all segregated into their own units though.
>Party loving boot lickers who committed the worst crimes
>Elite fighting force
>when the "Hitler would've killed all Slavs/non-blue eyed/etc. narrative doesn't hold up so you have to call his allies, the other nationalists from other nations "unmotivated".
Are you retarded? The only incentive they had to join was to survive
they were some of the fiercest fighters in the war and were initially enlist-based
Are you uneducated? They had every reason to fight the Soviets. Everyone knew a German dominated Europe was preferable to a Soviet dominated one.
this is a good docu on ww2.
Quite adept at brutalizing civilians, but admirably loyal to their missions.
You merely forgot to mention that they've begun abandoning those units once they've seen the bodies of their countries in German-dominated parts of Ukraine.
What Hitler wanted wanted was a subservient continent with Germany as it's leader, hence the systematic destruction of 84% of Slavic property in Eastern, Central and South-eastern Europe, the killing of 38 million Slavs and the rapes of 12 million women in all the territories that've encompassed the Eastern Front.”
Sources :
1) Bielanski, David (2004). "Gender and the World Wars: An Integrated Epoch of Change"
2) R. Mühlhäuser, Eroberungen: sexuelle Gewalttaten und intime Beziehungen deutscher Soldaten in der Sowjetunion 1941-1945
3) Trial of the Major War Criminals before the International Military Tribunal (there is PDF to download)
4) Askin, Kelly Dawn. "War crimes against women: prosecution in international war crimes tribunals"
5) Jacobsen, Hans-Adolf (1968). "The Kommisssarbefehl and Mass Executions of Soviet Russian Prisoners of War". Anatomy of the SS State. Walter and Company: New York. pp. 505–536
6) Overy, Richard, Russia's War: A History of the Soviet Effort: 1941–1945,
7) Glantz, David, The Soviet‐German War 1941–45
8) Erickson, John. The Road to Stalingrad. Stalin's War against Germany
9) Müller, Rolf-Dieter and Gerd R. Ueberschär. Hitler's War in the East, 1941–1945: A Critical Assessment
10) Stephan Lehnstaedt, Jochen Böhler : Die Berichte der Einsatzgruppen aus Polen 1939
11) Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2014). The German Occupation of Poland
12) David, Stahel Operation Barbarossa and Germany's Defeat in the East
13) Shelley Baranowski, Nazi Empire: German Colonialism and Imperialism from Bismarck to Hitler
14) Holger H. Herwig, "Geopolitik: Haushofer, Hitler and Lebensraum," Geopolitics, Geography and Strategy
15) Tomasz Szarota. Polen unter deutscher Besatzung, 1939–1941 - Vergleichende Betrachtung
16) Thomas, N., K. Mikulan, and C. Pavelic. Axis Forces in Yugoslavia 1941–45.
17) Bartov, Omer . Hitler’s Army: Soldiers, Nazis, and War in the Third Reich
18) Beck, Birgit . "Vergewaltigungen. Sexualdelikte von Soldaten vor Militärgerichten der deutschen Wehrmacht, 1939–1944
19) Mamula, Branko (1985). "The National Liberation War in Yugoslavia, 1941–1945
20) Overmans, Rüdiger (2000). Deutsche militärische Verluste im Zweiten Weltkrieg
21) Colić, Mladenko (1977). Kolaboracionističke oružane formacije u Jugoslaviji 1941–1945. godine: Oslobodilačka borba naroda Jugoslavije kao opštenarodni rat i socijalistička revolucija
I've fact-checked all those "sources" and none of them corroborate your claims.
You're going to have to post screenshots of pages in those books that support your argument to verify your assertions.
Really good at burning down villages and slaughtering civilians. Not so good at fighting armed opponents.
No you haven't
>They weren't particularly above Heer in terms of training and equipment,
In theory only. In reality, their quality was decreasing faster than that ot Heer, especially considering their incredible casualty rate. There was hardly any Waffen SS veteran who survived two years of combat.
In terms of equipment they were prioritized over Heer with the exception of some elite Herr units like Grossdeutschland which themselves were prioritized over Waffen SS.
>victors writing the history
lel all that salt, half of these are Russian, Polish, and Jewish authors.
>Meme channel
>not "muh reens"
one job, user
it took you less than 5 minutes to check?
I doubt you can read, let alone "fact-check" sources that on average have 250-400 pages.
>You're going to have to post screenshots of pages in those books that support your argument to verify your assertions
Nothing more disgusting than some subhuman colonial temporarily adopting "higher English" for the sole purpose of sounding more "academic".
>victors writing the history
They're not just that, they've also based their information on processed 50 tonnes of confiscated wartime evidence and the testimonies of 3000-4000 German field officers.
Their claims are iron-clad and for the record, those that have to deal in absolutes are usually those that are salty and lacking in proper arguments.
>half of these are Russian, Polish, and Jewish authors
None of them are Jewish and for the record, you subhuman, half of them actually Polish and Yugoslav, not Russian. There are more Germans and Americans in my list than actual Russians.
And yes, their claims are far more objective because they're based on authentic field evidence, not post-war German lamenting and Cold War-themed revisionism.
but they had skull as symbol and cool uniforms
elite as fuck
theres no "elite" in military terms
this user got it right
they had priority in refilling equipment and personel, so its abit misleading
avarage wehmacht unit never reached its standard numbers once it was deployed, SS units were priod to get them up and running fully
because of the "firefighting" tactics
>>You're going to have to post screenshots of pages in those books that support your argument
>and for the record, those that have to deal in absolutes are usually those that are salty and lacking in proper arguments.
You mean like the jews that still throw people in jail for denying the holohoax, often without a proper trial?
>your from Leningrad
>you've seen countless action on the eastern front
>your home, your city, your spirit has been ravaged
>somehow since 1941 you've made it, nearly getting killed from he winter, Germans and sometimes your own comrades
>you were at the gates of Moscow, Stalingrad, the push into Ukraine/Belorussian, even at Warsaw and Seelow
>your at Berlin, heart of the fascist reich, to put an end to this miserable war that has devestated so many people you loved
>the defenders of the Reichstag are fucking French
I really want to be there, to see the Soviet infantrymans face when he can hear French, a strange and alien language when he's trying to storm Berlin. They must have been so confused
They're not the topic of our discussion, so don't even think of using their malicious behavior as a counterclaim.
You've said that you've "fact-checked" all my sources, even though you haven't and once you've been caught in a lie, you've attempted to deflect the "burden of proof" on me.
That's very "Kike" thing to do.
The Waffen-SS wasn't really "elite". Some of them were fairly competent, others not so much.
Motivation in combat accounts for a lot, and the SS were more motivated than their Heer counterparts, as they were a volunteer force, and more selective in their recruiting. Combine the motivation factor with the fact that they were often times better equipped than their Heer counterparts, and the typical SS unit would have a distinct advantage over a typical Heer unit, with leadership being the deciding factor. Unfortunately for the SS, most of the experienced and best leadership stayed in the Heer, which means that the SS couldn't couldn't regularly exploit their better personnel and equipment when compared with the Heer.
The best thing you could say about the SS is that they were fanatical, and far less likely to quit than the Heer, but with shitty leadership, this just means that more of them are going to get killed due to poor course of action selection by their shitty leaders. If they could have combined the professional leadership from the Heer with their good kit and fanatical recruits, they would have done much better than they did. That's what happens when you turn shit into a political issue, rather than a national issue, though...
I was under the impression that they were considered inferior to the Heer and were given left over equipment while all the good stuff went to the army. Except for the 3 armored corps that were well regarded.
numbers matter bro
They were a good fighting force early in the war, towards the end they were just meme troops.
Honestly they should've just been integrated into the Heer and had their special snowflake camo and equipment distributed fairly among everyone
>>Party loving boot lickers who committed the worst crimes
you don't actually believe that, do you?
>waffen ss more elite than the wehrmacht
Nigga please.
The ss where basically the fbi.