What's the matter bro? It's just a piece of clay
Ai Weiwei Dropping a Han-Dynasty Urn
While I'm not happy to see it destroyed, I'm not bothered. All such things face eventual ends, we can't preserve everything (or really anything, given a long enough span of time) so I'm not going to fret about a pot.
So deep
Why is modern art so focused on destruction, rebuttal, resistance and overcoming of the slightest perceived obstacles when its been the least stressful and (arguably) the most politically free time in history?
leftist are mentally ill lunatics
A wandering monk stopped for the night at a mountain temple. In the night, he threw a wooden buddha statue onto the fire. The priest was outraged. The monk told him "Buddha statues have precious jewels inside them. I'm burning the statue to get the jewel". The priest replied, "Buddha statues don't have precious jewels inside them!" "If not, what is the problem with burning them?"
Not everyone has that opinion.
The generation of people who grew up with tremendous wealth and ease are the most narcissistic and selfish generation.
People who grew up in the 70's and 80's in the US are literally a cancer that will doom us all. They were the generation of SUV's, of disposable plastics, of golfing in the desert. They had the unsustainable life and want it back.
They had a life of destruction and see no problem in destroying more to get it back. Their politics is 'Burn it down', their art is inward focused and self-glorifing, their religions are about self-improvement and building self pride.
The sooner we wake up to this fact, the better for everyone. This group is so self-centered and inwardly focused their newly elected government is going to gut their basic security net. They need to be saved from themselves, art needs to be redeemed from their nonsense, and religion needs to be revived from their arrogance.
Join me Veeky Forums, you know these things to be true.
Fucking faggot monk, talk shit get hit, better learn next time cunt
Sooo... ISIS is just out on a Arts Lecture field trip?
>Chinese dissidents are so free you don't even know, dumb postmodernists.
Do you just take shits on your keyboard and then try to string together a coherent sentence out of it?
Ironically Ai Weiweis "Dropping a Han Dynasty Urn" is expressedly about what modern China is doing to it's heritage. Both the act of destroying it, and the question of whether or not it is a real Han urn because the Chink Forgeries market does fakes really well, and here you are believing my word for it (which is yet another act of destroying it.)
You do know we're talking of a Chink artist here. Who didn't grow up in the US.
>Being this triggered
I wasn't referring specifically to Ai Weiwei, just the general trend nowadays that is manifesting all around the world; if you don't see it, you're blind.
You can be a postmodernist, and you can be creative without needlessly tearing things down. Attached is an installation by artist Xu Bing who is a Chinese postmodernist; he's not breaking shit apart unlike Ai Weiwei, degenerate Western paradigmatic artists and ISIS.
dumb chinigger. I knew there was a reason I hated him
>China is doing to it's heritage
Like the fact it lifted a few hundred million of its' own people out of poverty in the past thirty years so that they could actually celebrate the grandeur of Chinese new year, feel smug under the Mandate of Heaven, open up institutions for Confucianism and traditional Chinese art, as well as build more museums and the like? Have you spent one moment thinking about the memes you incessantly shit out on imageboards? Literally nothing about them adds up or has any basis in reality. Retard
He's a dissident anyhow and fits within the people the person you're replying to is complaining about. Kys pseud
A lot of postmodern art in the East and West are centred around creation, not destruction; probably more creation than destruction in fact, and a lot of it requires technical skill.
>modern art is inherently liberal
Kill yourself, pseud.
The priests answered "Well, the problem is not with the burning of the statue itself, but rather with the act of disrespect that burning it represents, something that functional adults generally understand. You see, as a priest I respect Buddha for his endeavours and the statue, though insignificant in a metaphysical sense, helps remind me of him and his teachings. Burning the statue for no real reason other than to make a cheap statement is an immature and hurtful thing for a guest to do to their host's property."
How is this any worse than the cultural revolution?
Postmodernism is characterised by a crusade against theory, a synthesising of styles and a breaking from convention. If that isn't liberal, I don't know what is. You kys
I fail to see what's being created other than projections of subconscious diarrhoea.
>You do know we're talking of a Chink artist here. Who didn't grow up in the US.
R u retarded m8¿
Don't ever reply to one of my posts again and I am fucking serious. Go read up on things before you post
>We shall not have succeeded in demolishing everything unless we demolish the ruins as well. But the only way I can see of doing that is to use them to put up a lot of fine, well-designed buildings.
A mostly unrelated quote that I thought of overapplying. By a Jarry.
That doesn't make itself inherently liberal, retard.
Marxism is all about theory as is identity politics, so I guess post-modernism is right-wing then? No. Kill yourself. Art has no political allegiances.
Name 20 renaissance paintings, 20 baroque paintings and 20 modern art pieces without Googling, can you do it, buddy:^)?
Ai Weiwei's opinions, not mine, you illiterate fuck.
your post is dumb
>Art has no political allegiances.
What did he mean by this?
Couldn't name any, could you, buddy :^)?
That's ok, *tucks you in to bed*
>American """"""banter""""""
Is it a real or a fake?
How many are left, is it a statement on Chinese government lackadaisical lack of appreciation of its arts/history and it's environment with an almost woopsiedaisy approach to it matching his face?
Not face but his hands say woopsiedaisy but his face has a very deliberate look so it's like saying "nah this ain't a mistake, thus isn't incompetence I know for example how horrible the flooding is if a dam was constructed and the sites and farms it would destroy"
By which I mean: Are you saying that art movements are apolitical or that proponents of art are incapable of political expression? Is the political just as much an expression as art?
I don't care for any of the other discussion.
Except the Chinese government has built more museums and art galleries as well as set up more institutions to foster culture and the arts in probably over a century in the past decade
It's hard to say what the statement is because postmodernists have abstract interpretations of everything but it's definitely not your hypothesis. It's that traditional Chinese Imperial culture (and civilisation) which made the pottery was bad, and that the modern CCP's synergy with it is bad
>American """""""""""culture""""""""""""
>American """""""""""religion""""""""""""
>American """""""""""anything for that matter""""""""""
It can happen sometimes.