Why did the Israeli's knowingly attack the USS Liberty and why was it swept under the rug by both governments?
Why did the Israeli's knowingly attack the USS Liberty and why was it swept under the rug by both governments?
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>Why did the Israeli's knowingly attack the USS Liberty
A common theory is they were attempting to recreate a Gulf of Tonkin incident where the US was false flagged into war with Egypt
>why was it swept under the rug by both governments?
Money and power
If the jews are so smart and conniving, how come we know about this?
Really makes you think.
>Why did the Israeli's knowingly attack the USS Liberty
They aren't our allies
>why was it swept under the rug by both governments?
Who do you think literally owns the media
This isn't a commonly taught historical event, it isn't found in grade school textbooks. If it was outright erased from public view and history it would raise too many flags in the consciousness of those who remember it, which would cause an outcry from them WHICH THEN would draw even more public attention to it and why it was censored.
The real question is how did Israel get away with bombing an American warship.
just a coincidence, ignore this thread, move along.
jews are professional power seekers by nature so they absolutely have lots of control over the media and government
Take a look at the sections for government
>The real question is how did Israel get away with bombing an American warship.
by bombing the right people with money would be my guess
>In May 1968, the Israeli government paid US$3,323,500 (US$22.7 million 2016) in compensation to the families of the 34 men killed in the attack. In March 1969, Israel paid a further $3,566,457 to the men who had been wounded. On 18 December 1980, it agreed to pay $6 million as settlement for the final U.S. bill of $17,132,709 for material damage to Liberty herself plus 13 years' interest.
The truth must out about these devils.
They are nobodies friends but their own.
Everyone else is a resource. Cattle.
Thats pretty funny seeing how LBJ has upped their"aid" to 170 million annually by then.
>Why did the Israeli's knowingly attack the USS Liberty
Citation needed. Every source says they didn't know, and that it was an intelligence failure.
The ship was clearly marked and not Egyptian though?
>"... every official interview of numerous Liberty crewmen gave consistent evidence that indeed the Liberty was flying an American flag—and, further, the weather conditions were ideal to ensure its easy observance and identification."
I don't see any israeli staff saying that.
You would think Americans would be more understanding, considering how often they accidentally bomb their allies.
They are understanding, aren't they? When has America ever really expressed outrage over it?
>Why did the Israeli's knowingly attack the USS Liberty
False flag
>Why was it swept under the rug by both governments?
Colossal power of Jewish lobby in US government, not to mention a de facto monopoly of media, banks, corporations etc
Non-/pol/ answer:
They believed the USS Liberty was monitoring their missile sites and would relay them to submarines that had orders to prevent the Israelis from launching their missiles at Egypt by force (several submarines witnessed the attack on the Liberty but did not intervene).
If this indeed true, it would explain why President Johnson had the incident swept under the rug. It would implicate the United States in conspiring to launch yet another military intervention (at the height of the faltering war in Vietnam) and would demonstrate to the Nasser-dominated Arab world that the US-Israeli Alliance was far more shaky than previously thought.
The source for this is Weapons: The International Game of Arms, Money and Diplomacy by journalist Russel Warren Howe, and unlike most people writing on the subject of the USS Liberty, isn't a raging anti-Semite who just wants another excuse to hate Jews.
The same LBJ who ended the efforts JFK had made to stop the Israelis from creating nuclear weapons at Dimona?
The same LBJ who tripled aid to the Israelis from what they were receiving from JFK administration?
The same LBJ who allowed the Israelis to buy previously unavailable equipment such as 2 dozen advanced Skyhawk bombers and 200 Abrams tanks (which helped Israel win the 6 Day War)?
The same LBJ who turned a blind eye to the land gains from the 6 Day War?
Oh yes, I'm sure it was a goodwill gesture to prevent war, LBJ was known for those :^)
You fucking idiot.
>The same LBJ who allowed the Israelis to buy previously unavailable equipment such as 2 dozen advanced Skyhawk bombers and 200 Abrams tanks (which helped Israel win the 6 Day War)?
>Abrams tanks
lol and you think I'm full of shit
I mistyped, they were M-48s
>couldn't even refute my other points
>its all a stormfag conspiracy!
> Shortly after the war, during a summit meeting in Glassboro, New Jersey, Soviet Premier Alexei Kosygin asked Johnson why he insisted on supporting a tiny, relatively poor country like Israel over the numerous oil-rich Arab states. “Because it’s right,” Johnson replied.
>gee, why do you continue to support your only ally on the region that is next to all the soviet-friendly countries who also is 100% reliant on you for defense and will thus always do whatever you want it to do as well as allow you to use its military bases and territories?
Jews are not superhuman, they're subhuman remember?
The Jews named themselves once again and honored the perps.
You obviously don't know the region's history.
>and will thus always do whatever you want it to do
Wow and you're retarded
>>its all a stormfag conspiracy!
I never said Israel dindu nuffin. I said their reasoning behind the attacking the Liberty was based on the perception that it was a threat rather than just Jew trickery.
The "oy vey it's annudah Gulf of Tonkin" theory doesn't hold up because the Israelis didn't bother taking any of the necessary steps to frame Egypt for the attack such as repainting their jets to look like Egyptian Air Force, ordering their pilots to communicate in Arabic (a successful ruse they used during Operation Opera), or even luring Egyptian aircraft into directly the vicinity and making it look like the Liberty was struck in the crossfire.
The theory that the Liberty was attacked because it was supplying information on Israeli missile sites is far more plausible because of the fact Liberty was being escorted by multiple submarines (unusual for a spy ship) and the fact the US Government buried the story so quickly (to avoid the embarrassment of appearing to be threatening military action against a nominal ally).
Also, while we're on the subject of US ships getting bombed by "friendly" countries...
Iraq pulled a similar stunt on the USS Stark, killed even more men, and the story was similarly buried, where's the outcry about that?
Kek, the US wasn't selling any modern equipment to Israel until 1968, they were using modified Sherman's and Centurions for fucks sake. Most of their aircraft was also of French origin.
To be honest, the Israeli victory in the Six Day War is far more impressive than the US victory in the Gulf War considering how Israel had many of the handicaps Iraq had in 1991 (an army of conscripts, outdated Shermans going up against state of the art Soviet T-55s, and outnumbered 5 to 1 in terms of men) and wound up being the ones who blitzkrieged their way across across Sinai as if Rommel's ghost was personally commanding them.
>Citing rommel as an example of a good general
>The same LBJ who ended the efforts JFK had made to stop the Israelis from creating nuclear weapons at Dimona?
The same reason Obama ended the continuous harassment of Iran for allegedly pursuing nuclear weapons. Their efforts to derail it wasn't getting anywhere and it wasn't a priority with Vietnam turning into a powderkeg.
>The same LBJ who tripled aid to the Israelis from what they were receiving from JFK administration?
LBJ tripled aid to just about everyone. What do you think the Great Society program was? A giant fucking spending spree. He spent so much Nixon had to take the US off the Gold Standard for good.
>The same LBJ who allowed the Israelis to buy previously unavailable equipment such as 2 dozen advanced Skyhawk bombers and 200 Abrams tanks (which helped Israel win the 6 Day War)?
Israel's success in the Six Day War demonstrated that supplying those weapons to them would be a better investment than to the Arab states whose armies consistently underperformed (and still do). Also, the Jordanian Army fielded brand new Pattons and M113s in that conflict.
Why? Because America likes to play both sides because it = more $$$ for the Military Industrial Complex.
>The same LBJ who turned a blind eye to the land gains from the 6 Day War?
What else was he supposed to do? Send an army to forcibly take it back from them?
Fine, Guderian.
Silly Goyim, there will be no liberty for you, that's only for G-d's chosen!
you seem to know about israel's history. how did they win this much? is this the firm government they always had? or is this all about intelligent people they employ, the expertise?
>how did they win this much?
Because Arabs suck balls at waging conventional wars.
So Arabs lose wars because they only recently regained their independence and they have received zero help from established powers to reorganize their institutions, and in fact were frequently punished and attack by said established powers?
That doesn't explain why they keep losing to Jews, a people that
>only recently regained their independence and they have received zero help from established powers to reorganize their institutions, and in fact were frequently punished and attack by said established powers?
Except for 2000 years as opposed to a few hundred.
you seem to know about israel's history. how did they win this much? is this the firm government they always had? or is this all about intelligent people they employ, the expertise?
>received zero help from established powers
>attacked by established powers
I'll assume that you are pretending to be retarded.
I'm talking about the Jewish people in general. We are discussing the cultural aspects of warfare, right? You know, what the essay I posted was about?
sory for this repost. captcha mistake.
Also, i checked it and ships look very similar to each other and a nation in war would easily mistake one for another if no radio transmissions made or notified beforehand by that navy.
There is no cultural aspect to warfare.
When you become a soldier, you are trained into what you call "culture of warfare" or whatever.
Arabs aren't, because they weren't helped to build up institutions by foreign powers after 500 years of Ottoman rule and decay.
Only Iraq sort of was, for a short while.
Did you even read the fucking article?
Yes, the article is literally the word "they weren't taught modern military tradition and doctrine by established armies" stretched out into a pamphlet size.
Look at Chile, for example. Their army was the same tribal garbage, until the germans shaped them up.
>There is no cultural aspect to warfare.
Shut up.
oy vey.
All accounts from the crew indicate the US flag was flown wether conditions where perfect and the Israelis knew the Liberty was in the area.
Nice try Schlomo Shekelstein.
>All accounts from the crew
And no accounts from the israeli army.
is there a crew on earth that would think their ship to be indiscernible?
>from the crew
Of course they'd say that, it's the only way they'd get that sweet reparation money from the Israelis. Nobody would actually admit to not following proper procedure in a situation like this.
Oh look it's Israel acting like dickheads and covering abuses of power up... AGAIN
The IDF like the US empathizes small unit tactics and the ability of their NCO's and commanders to think on the fly and improvise, and adjust their plan with the situation on the ground rather then dictates from above. Arab militaries, due to their frequent involvement in coups and politics in general are very top heavy, and the officers and soldiers were often paralyzed during the six day war because no or late orders were coming from command and they couldn't adjust. Soviet advisors to the Arab nations were bitching about this when they wrote home, its pretty funny desu.
Why did the US knowingly attack the British forces several times and why was it swept under the rug by both governments?
>good tanks
>when the israelis had centurions
>The Israeli army
>an air naval battle
>lets distrust the crew of a ship who have no reason to lie rather than the nation who has every reason to lie
>all these Israel defenders attacking US Servicemen itt
200 M-48s and 2 dozen skyhawk bomber jets. Which undoubtedly tipped the balance in their favor.
This weak ass damage control
>lets switch the argument to Obama and shift focus from LBJ
>comparing foreign military aid to domestic programs
>Israel's success
But I am not Israeli, why would I be invested in their success?
Oh, and in regards to your argument here
1. The USS Liberty was clearly marked and wasn't in Israeli waters
2. The Israelis made all attempts to completely destroy the vessel before feigning ignorance as plausible deniability should they be caught.
>The Mirages left after expending their ammunition, and were replaced by twoDassault Mysteresarmed withnapalmbombs, flown by Captain Yossi Zuk and his wingman, Yaakov Hamermish. The Mysteres released their payloads over the ship and strafed it with their cannons. Much of the ship's superstructure caught fire.
Why chose Israel? They're a small nation without resources, Nasser was courting the US and less than a year prior Israel had been considering siding with the Soviets, they were merely playing a game seeing who would support them the most.
*less than a decade prior Israel had been considering siding with the Soviets
>lets distrust the crew of a ship who have no reason to lie rather than the nation who has every reason to lie
Man, of course the crew of the ship will say it was obvious they are american. The crew of any ship will say that.
Also of course they wouldn't admit to negligence which led to such a catastrophe.
You are selectively too trusting of one side and too cynical of the claims of the other.
>You are selectively too trusting of one side and too cynical of the claims of the other.
The hypocrisy of this statement.
And the lack of information. Lets read from the Israeli report then.
>In the historical report, it was acknowledged that IDF naval headquarters knew at least three hours before the attack that the ship was "an electromagnetic audio-surveillance ship of the U.S. Navy" but concluded that this information had simply "gotten lost, never passed along to the ground controllers who directed the air attack nor to the crews of the three Israeli torpedo boats."
They just "lost" this crucial information at the height of their alertness.
>The Israeli government said that three crucial errors were made: the refreshing of the status board (removing the ship's classification as American, so that the later shift did not see it identified), the erroneous identification of the ship as an Egyptian vessel, and the lack of notification from the returning aircraft informing Israeli headquarters of markings on the front of the hull (markings that would not be found on an Egyptian ship). As a common root of these problems, Israel blamed the combination of alarm and fatigue experienced by the Israeli forces at that point of the war when pilots were severely overworked.
A bunch of weak excuses, "they were too tired", "we forgot to check the markings". And people like yourselves swallow this up.
>Lets read from the Israeli report then.
>proceeds to read from wikipedia
Good job. Also, quoting actual arguments and putting them ""in quotes"" doesn't invalidate them.
The israelis knowingly attacked the USS liberty either because they wanted to false flag and make the americans think that egypt attacked them and thought that they could get away with it because they were blocking the specific frequencies they knew the ship was going to be communicating on (because they were allies) or because they recognised that it was a surveillance ship and didn't want it finding out things about their naval/military positions or deployment and again thought that they could get away with attacking it by jamming hte frequencies so it would not be able to send word.
or it was a mixture of the 2 reasons.
It was swept under the rug because the israelis provided a preferable solution to a problem that they had created. and they had several jews in government advising the president and others to hush it up
>gets btfo
>well thats a summation of the Historical "TheLiberty Incident" Report from the IDFHistory Department Report, not actual quotations, it doesn't count!
I got btfo? You literally quoted arguments against your views, put them in quotes, and did a victory dance, celebrating your intellectual supremacy.
Are you a child?
>If the jews are so smart and conniving, how come we know about this?
They're not smarter than the rest, they just try harder to connive. They only control the social flow, not the truth itself.
yeah because the Egyptian navy had so many AGTR-5s in the Mediterranean