Why do Christians worship a beta cuck?
Why do Christians worship a beta cuck?
jesus is a prophet in islam
making fun of prophets is haram
he is also a better person than you by 20 million times
stop false flagging, faggot
Bait detected. A Muslim would never insult the Prophet Jesus may Peace Be Upon Him.
I'm not even a Muslim, you stupid nigger
But you have to admit that Jesus was a nu male effete beta cuck whereas Muhammad an alpha warrior-king and a total chad who had thousands of men willing to follow him into battle and who created his own destiny.
I think I know which of the two I'd rather emulate and look up to.
Also the Prophet Muhammad SAW married 13 women and had one sex slave who was a gift from the Patriarch of Alexandria. Not 100 as the above image implies.
Also, he was born to a poor but Bible family. When his father died ( which was a few months before his birth) he left him and his mother 5 camels, a flock of goats and one slave girl, Baraka.
Just wanted to make some corrections because after all this is Veeky Forums
yfw the Christcucks were giving him their women as sex slaves all the way back in 600 AD
>But you have to admit that Jesus was a nu male effete beta cuck
>preaching peace is now being a cuck
if jesus was trying to make an army that time half of the world would've joined him
>Muhammad an alpha warrior-king and a total chad who had thousands of men willing to follow him into battle and who created his own destiny.
>if jesus was trying to make an army that time half of the world would've joined him
Kek. He also had two Jewish sex slaves but he freed them and made them wives.
>if jesus was trying to make an army that time half of the world would've joined him
top kek
only thing that would've done is gotten him nailed to the cross sooner by the Roman authorities is all
the fact that christianity has spread no problem and now most of the world is christian proves my statement
Muhammed was a hippy that spread the faith via trade deals with sand people and being lenient towards Christians and Jews.
He got ran out of Medina and Mecca several times by his own clan for fucking over the idol trade.
>his follower totally finished Roman Empire
Like the Germans did? Christians have been fucking over the Muzzies for ages by that logic.
It's only because of the vicious preachings of the European Empires in the last three centuries. Before that Islam was the most followed religion. Also, no ine can openly leave Islam as s/he would be killed and Muslims have loads of kids. Whereas nearly all Christians either leave Christianity in their adult life or are agnostic.
yeah that's mostly due to Paul you retard
Jesus himself was a failed messiah who didn't accomplish jack shit
see >implying some uppity kike could've "raised an army" in Roman occupied Palestine
>implying he wouldn't have been put to death as soon as the Roman governor got wind of what he was doing
>Muhammed was a hippy
stopped reading here
that's because you're illiterate, like him
Muslims are primitive children who look up to a strong barbaric killer that only cared about subjugating others.
Christians are emotionally mature adults who look up to a person who wanted to bring genuine good to the world.
Bruh he was only driven out of Mecca once and he left by choice when he found out the Quraish were going to murder him. He then went to Medina where he was attacked by the Quraish. Then again they attacked him and again. He one two out of three of these battles. After this he conquered Mecca and forgave all the inhabitants. Only 13 Meccans were killed and those were only killed when they attacked the group of Muslims under Khalid bin Walid 's command.
He then proceeded to conquer all of Arabia without waging any wars and just by hearing the news of the conquest of Mecca the tribes would start paying Jizya or Zakat.
Please tell me how that isn't THE most alpha revenge story?
>Jesus himself was a failed messiah who didn't accomplish jack shit
explain how his message managed to get to the whole world and affect billions of people then
>Muslims are primitive children who look up to a strong barbaric killer that only cared about subjugating others.
so, apparently defending your country from retarded pagans is now "barbarism"
Please tell us how literate Jesus may Peace be upon him was and how many books he wrote?
>emotionally mature adults who look up to a person who wanted to bring genuine good to the world
Hes just a swede who claims that invaders should be allowed to rape your women and steal your possessions. Ignore him
>explain how his message managed to get to the whole world and affect billions of people then
Paul and Constantine
>Im Christian
He was probably illiterate aswel.
Literally any story by any other pre modern conqueror.
>Jesus Cuckrist
Just as god planned
Apparently the Christian "god" is a cuck, so he rightly planned for the Christian lands of Syria, Anatolia, North Africa, and the Levant to go to the Muslims.
Naturally Europe will go to them as well as Christcucks open their doors and their legs to Muslim immigrants.
>"Christian" lands
>Don't believe in the divine nature of JC
Serves them for practicing Christianity wrong
Yes but the other conquerers don't have divine revelation to guide them and angels amongst their ranks and the power to split entire celestial bodies split in two and doesn't start a revolution that has lasted 1400 years.
Muhammad SAW was every single time model, conquerer, philosopher,prophet and revolutionary rolled into one.
Muslim are brutal alpha males who are in touch with their primitive animal cunning and worship an ancient warrior-king and seer
Christcucks are liberal effeminate nu-male "nice guys" who are bound by their slave morality and worship quite possibly the biggest virtue signaling pussy who ever existed.
That's just proof that islam is the true path and 'updated' form of the faith now known as Christianity.
Muslims don't worship Muhammad...
Islam is /k/
Christianity is /r9k/
they both have the *k* but that's all they have in common
confirmed false flag
>not Veeky Forums
Ashoka never claimed to be a prophet. Nor did he command angels, nor did he split the moon in half or make any religious or cultural reforms. He was a ruthless murdered who just remembered he had a conscious and started following the corrupted dumbass pagan form of Buddhism
Sounds like you're just being jelly of Ashoka.
sorry but poo in loos don't get to be considered 'alpha' in any sense
they're literally the most beta race on the planet
>that manlet status
>them shitty genes (can't bulk or gain muscle)
>that gyno
>that retarded accent
>that smell
>those weak chins
This even pakis are better then those curry shitskins. Atleast they follow a decent alpha Chad and not some blue baby.
>Pakis are different from Indians
you'd be surprised how eating meat while refraining from drinking cow urine and not practicing open defecation can change your appearance over the long-term
They stopped those and added boy fucking instead. Wonderful improvement.
boyfucking is a time-honored ubermensch tradition
Seljuks a better desu
Don't forget the Persians and Afghans
Here ya go. Right is poo in loo and left is paki
>trusting the appearance of women
me on the left
>meanwhile IRL
this is what your average Pajeet actually looks like
forgot image
>implying you wouldn't
69ing is a straight path to Noro
Ainsley really let himself go huh?
half poo n loo half eternal anglo
pic related
i knew she had to be mixed
no way a purebred poo could be that decent looking
>50% poo in loo
>50% eternal anglo
100% british lmao
>Nor did he command angels, nor did he split the moon in half
any argument you had instantly becomes invalid because of your believe in fairytales.
And there are plenty of Grand mystic tales about Ashoka aswell, then they are of Muhammed
>he left by choice when he found out the Quraish were going to murder him.
I think you mean
>he totally bitched out in the face of a little death while Jesus took it like a fucking man and then came back to life as a big fuck you to those faggy-ass Romans
you don't factualy believe that he had command over angels or split the fucking moon.
Religious texts like that are non-factual fairytales who have a spiritual underlining meaning/emotion and that is what makes them so special.
Taking them as factual is just plain fucking dumb and shows that you are retarded
not even an atheist but I don't take bible phrases like that litteraly, anyone that does is a moron
Came here to say this.
Making fun of jesus is also forbidden because he's also our prophet.
Ebin thread.
Yes, insulting Jesus is a great sin in Islam.
Off topic but what is that image supposed to be? I keep getting irrelevant stuff with the search engine.
His mission wasn't complete. Mankind needed him and the Word of Allah was to be completely revealed.
Jesus was literate, he read scripture in temples more than once.
Any Christian would know that.
Just like any Christian would know that Jesus was far from being soft.
why isnt the paki wrapped in a garbage bag?
Because she isn't a poo in loo who has to forage for food.
>Allah brings people back to life
>goatfucker is afraid of death, even though he claims Allah's got his back
B-I-T-C-H, B-I-T-C-H, B-I-T-C-H and bitchboy was his name-oh
Religions are made to cater to different types of personalities and cultures. For example:
Hinduism = poo-tier
Buddhism = ascetic-tier
Islam = alpha warrior-tier
Christianity = beta cuck-tier
Judaism = unscrupulous financier-tier
Scientology = brainwashed cultist-tier
Nothing inferior or superior about them. It just depends on what type of psychological type you are. Just choose the one that best fits you and use it to your advantage, but don't let it take over your life.
I was only trying to root out the people the screencal refers to as the followers of the 'nice doctrine' who accept some parts of the bible and reject the others. I myself am a Muslim and have read the Bible. Frankly before reading it I thought that Christianity was less a religion and more like a nursery rhyme. After Reading it I realized that Christianity too deals with issues like punishment, war and rebellion. It's just that cherry picking Christians have rejected half the Bible and accepted the nice bits. Problem is that Muslims in even Muslims countries ( I live in one) say shit like " that isn't an authentic enough Hadith" or that ' it's used out of context ' and these people just piss me off. Either you be brave and say you are a non Muslim and die for it or just leave this country. Even the people who say that I don't support Sharia but am a Muslims make absolutely zero giving sense to me.
That's like a liberal saying that he supports Sharia law but is still a liberal. Or a feminist who believes women are superior then men.
10/10 post
>alpha warrior
So alpha they're literally afraid of their women so they enslave them
And let's not talk about how muslims cannot win wars, not even now
no need to get triggered kiddo
i am only stating facts
but wheres her head-rag?
The only facts here were mine. Yours were just what you goatfuckers would like them to be for yourselves
Actual Facts:
>lived with his mom
>died a virgin
>so cucked he got gangraped and tortured by a bunch of Roman soldiers (willingly)
>failed messiah
>barely had any followers
>beta as fuck
>"if you kill your enemies they win"
>said "turn the other cheek" as he spread his cheeks for that Roman cock
>started out as impoverished orphan
>saw his first battle at the age of 12
>worked his way to become warrior-king
>led thousands of men into battle
>victorious countless time
>united his people under one banner for the first time in history, creating a nation
>poets and bards sung his praises as warrior and king even as he lived
>alpha as fuck, enemies feared and respected him
>had a cool sword (and knew how to use it)
>had cool armor and robes
>tons of wives and sex slaves
>even had a qt3.14 loli waifu
>to this very day they're still literally killing each other over who has the right to succeed this badass god among men
He wasn't afraid of death. He was commanded to leave Mecca as he had to complete the message.
>Matthew 10:34
>"Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.
the Son of Man was referring to the sword the Romans used to penetrate his anus while he was being tortured
lrn2exegesis m8
>Uh guys, my invisible friend told me to
Don't make me say it
an actual example to humanity of how to behave benevolently and with kindness such that if more people behaved like jesus it would lead to world peace
an example of how to be a warlord, such that if more people behaved like muhamad the world would be a constant blood bath of raiding, enslaving and conquest by the sword
Nope. Muhammad didn't wage war until the Meccans attacked. And he forgave the Meccans after he conquered the city.
>muhamad only attacked mecca
hurr what about Ghatafan, Murrah, Sulaym, and Hawaizin?
muhamad raided and subjugated them all
and he also raided hundreds of merchant caravans who merely traded with mecca
The Hawazin had set out to attack Mecca after it was conquered so the Muslims set out to meet them at Humain and the they retreated to Taif. Muslims returned to Mecca after a brief siege. The Hawazin and Thuqaif who inhabited Taif accepted Islam willingly the next year.
The Ghatafan had attacked Medina along with other tribes and the Quraish in the battle of Trench so this was a continuance of the War they started.
Murrah was an ancestor of the Prophet PBUH and Hazrat Sulaym RA was a companion of the Prophet PBUH so I do not know of the tribes you refer to.
the battle of the trench was in 627
muhamad and his gang had already raided them in dhi amr in 624 in a "pre-emptive strike" based on "intelligence" he had "received" that they were "planning" to raid medina.
ghatafan , murrah, sulaym and hawaizin were all tribes conquered by muhamad after the treaty of hudayyibah to expand his hegemony.
see also his conquest of jewish tribes in arabia in general.
for example when he conquered Wadi al qura , jews who had absolutely no history of engaging with the muslims at all but whose lands he conquered simply because he wanted them and to spread his cult.
or when he conquered the jews of fadak, another group of jews with no history of agression towards the muslims. As soon as he finished conquering kaybar he sent them a messenger telling them to surrender their properties or be attacked.
>3 Huge bikers are threatening the prophet in a bar
>"You best get out of here if you know what's good for you boy"
>Y-yeah j-j-j-j-just wait till I get back with my squad
>comes back with 30 goatfuckers, manages to barely win the ensuing brawl and burns down the bar
>"You best get out of here if you know what's good for you boy"
>I ain't going nowhere buddy
>"What did you say, punk?"
>You heard me. Take your best shot
>massive blow to the face, Jesus goes down
>Jackie Chan flips back up
>Is that all you faggots got?
>proceeds to moonwalk out of there while flipping them off
A true Christian is allowed to go full Deus Vult on Muslims, because they are an insult to Christ.
Also, Sharia is fucked up.
Current wave of feminists are actually feminazis who do not know what feminism is about.
>Talking shit about Jesus
Even an irreligious person like me can see that you're a massive faggot for trying to start shit
The Jews of Fadak had allied with the Baby Nadir and Banu Qainuqa who had violated the charter of Medina and were exiled from Medina for this.
Who are the 'them' in the first paragraph? Also, the first aggression between the Hawazin and Islam was in 631 or 630 in the battle of Hunain.
the them in the first paragraph refers to the ghatafan
The jews of fadak were not present at any military action taken against the muslims by other jews or arab tribes. can you provide a source that is evidence of otherwise?
Islam. It's a naturally alpha religion.
Compare alpha Chechens to beta Russians.
Compare alpha Indonesians to beta Philips.
Compare alpha Paki's to beta Indians.
Compare alpha Turks to beta Europeans.
It's the circle of life. Puny dicked Jesus could never compete with MohammChad. Neither could his followrs vice versa. It's just the cycle of life.
Allahu Ackbar.
I am not sure, but I think it's a page from a pamphlet or manual about concealed carrying. The context, I think, is that that man is CCing an M16 to protect his lunchbox from jive turkeys on his way to his job at the Dodge factory in Detroit
Retards like you who believe in the beta/alpha ditochtomy make me wanna puke, be gone.
>lived with his mom
How is this bad?
>died a virgin
Not everyone is sex obsessed like you
>so cucked he got gangraped and tortured by a bunch of Roman soldiers (willingly)
He got bad luck, so?
>failed messiah
billions of followers is a failure?
>beta as fuck
Using the term beta highlights how dumb you really are, it's one of the dumbest concepts ever and can't be applied to human beings
>"if you kill your enemies they win"
It's true in a way
why is that depiction of jesus so hot?
>>that smell
Can someone actually explain this to me? Why in the fuck do all the Indian foreign students at my college reek? It's not even shit, it's just the worst kind of BO.
they use fenugreek in their cooking
that's what causes them to stink
it also stinks up the entire apartment, the vents, the curtains, the carpets, the clothes, etc. because kitchens are usually designed open in most apartments/homes
Christianity spread over the course of 3 centuries you dipshit, his people liked him (?) because they were tired of getting kicked around, the moment he urges anyone to take up arms the Romans would have executed him straight away. Very few people were actually idiotic enough to die for that bullshit.