Asymmetrical Slasher Series General /assg/

Hurry the fuck up, consoles!

>What is Dead by Daylight?
Asymmetrical multiplayer slasher game where 4 survivors scramble to fix 5 generators while 1 killer wants to sacrifice all of them.

>What is Friday the 13th?
A slasher game featuring Jason and counselors. 7 counselors with different stats try to escape the camp while Jason kills them one by one.

>What is Last Year?
In development. Class based with weaker killers. Beta Delayed yet again.

>Steam Group

>Latest Patch Notes (DbD)

>Skill Check Simulator (DbD)

I-is that a dead thread?:

First for based Fred

Never have I been insulted for letting somebody win until now

This community is a treasure

>holding the game hostage
Literally only survivors can do this.

>game starts, find flashlight Claudette
>immediately DC's after getting downed
>rest of the team dies because 3v1
Why is this 99% of my games and 100% of Claudette players?

Why is it always the timid fuckers who say nothing in post game chat but come to your profile to talk shit?

Class Photo Freddy is the most fun I have had at this game.

So how did you camp him?

a killer who bodyblocks the basement stairs and goes afk to take a shit or go for a smoke can also hold the game hostage.
But i agree it's much easier for survivors to do that.

I remember doing that to a survivor waaaaay back when the game released. I was wraith and he would not leave, he dropped on the tractor ramp and i blocked him. He sent some angry messages the next day

How so? gibs greentext story uncle fred

I bought the game one month ago, started survivor & killer both now I'm just playing Killer.

I mained Hillbilly since I found him pretty strong, but I started getting my ahh handed to me around rank ~12.
Now I swapped to Doctor with Overcharge, M&A and Distressing (Still have to get the last perk) and I am killing 4 men every fucking match.

How is that? Is he OP or something?
Yesterday for example on PS4 I had a 7 match streak with 26 kills and two excapes trough hatch.

Doctor's greatest power is demoralisation. People dislike him so much they give up on life.

Also, M&A is not that great on Doc himself.

What perk would you suggest?
I was starting to think that M&A is not that great because I want my terror radious to be humongous, and I also want to bore the shit out of the survivors since I am salty how much I was bullied as Billy.
Other than Overcharge, Distressing and Overwhelming Presence what should I pick? Ruin?
I can't play that much so I just have Billy at 35 and him at 24.
The thing I like most is that I get always 25+ Bloodpoints playing him.

Not really much to green text. I had a match where I 4k'd and had a blast because class photo allows me keep tabs on everyone and pressure everyone. Hiding is impossible and it is very very easy to keep all 4 survivors in the dream world almost constantly. I do have a small story from the match

>some survivor
>hiding in a locker on the other side of the map
>put someone to sleep and see him hiding way over there in the locker
>walk on over and pull him out of the locker

Class photo is the only way Freddy feels powerful. They should just make it part of his default power. No, I don't care how overpowered that might be.


Unnerving presence

Survivors would probably cry a lot if class photo was just default Freddy, and he could see everyone as soon as he found one person. Soon as you've found one person with Class photo Fred you have found everyone.

Well, since you don't have a lot of unlocked teachables for now, it's not the worst pick. Unnerving Presence/Overcharge/Distressing with Irridescent King makes survivors slit their own wrists. Ruin is a bit of an overkill for nothing for a killer that has genstopping as his main power. Nurse's Calling is good on him too, as he sees people snapping out of it because it's programmed as a healing action.

I just hope I get it at the shrine next week since I have 650 shrine money.
I refuse to buy decisive strike since I find that it ruins the game, and also ruin I hate since it's, for me, a crutch perk. Nurse calling could help, I hope I get a chance to buy it because I don't really like the play style of nurse, too frenetic.

Similar thing happened to me recently. Haddonfield, against Trapper. Someone got chased and downed and didn't even manage to get hooked before disconnecting. 5 generators to go, two Claudettes (one of them me) and a Nea. We managed to do two gens and the Nea managed to escape through hatch.

I managed to pip barely by distracting the killer and going for hook saves, but it was very close to not get shit.

Because DbD isnt fun and gives off a false sense of meta

I've never seen people comment on profiles as with this game. My friends play other (real) competitive games, and get one or two comments in months, and the ones that own dbd and play killer constantly get new comments. The subreddit also has very strict ruling about witchhunting and names is screenshots, because people write shitlists and witchhunt that badly. And if you piss someone like Ochido off on stream, his 12 y.o. fanboys will come and spam friend requests to you.

Its what happens when a game is just not fun or balanced. It generates a lot of salt
i.e. league of legends

I don't think that this game being "unbalanced" is a real fault.
First of all, it's 1 on 4, and with swf the odds are always in favour of the survivors.
Then, especially swf-shitters, are always happy to bully the killers, making the game completely un-fun, and then they complain when they get facecamped.

I think the game is fun, I wouldn't play it otherwise. Yes, even as killer. But survivors will usually stick together.

For example, I'm facecamping someone because they used the biggest loop on the map and instaflashlight, and they mess up around the last gen, so I don't want them to get rewarded with an escape. But the survivors that weren't around to see this cunt and come for the save after the gates are open think that I'm being a twat for no reason even if they're not swf. Maybe they already used their BT for an instahook and now can't do bullshit saves so they cry on my page "epic facecamper becuz bad -rep".


If anyone else wants memes, post them, I may do more later.

I wonder why survivors are so salty.
You bully me? Don't cry when you get facecamped.

This with wraith

Oh, nice.
You could make a version of that with the eyebrows like in the original image.

how can people main nurse?

i tried a few games just to use up her stuff (i just got her to 40 for the unlocks) and i cant stand this shit blink

sure its good and easy to land if you got the experience but the whole jumping around makes me exhausted

also wtf is with mori glitching out i used the very rare one and 1 out of 3 actually didnt choke air

If you're playing laggy people the animations desync.

Too exhausting to play her, you have to be too fucking stressed.
Just play doctor. And I SWEAR, his lunge is fucking immense.

What said, but also survivors still have collision, and can get fetched on objects like trees and rocks and get pushed out of place.

Oops, forgot my webm.

Like this.



As a killer, I dodge 4man swf lobbies unless I've dodged for too long and decide to try to farm with them because 4man swf groups are usually always happy to farm.
You can't get negative points in a game so these is really no downside to a disgraceful defeat, and if you don't care about pipping then playing killer becomes more fun and you care more about dumb builds or unusual tactics for laughs.
or just have a LF basement party
As a survivor, i also don't care about pips or the SC/DS/SB/DH build, and my 4man surv group are a bunch of idiots and we only play for laughs and genuinely like all the characters so we practically RP in game. We have tons of fun and we have no idea why or how people take this game, or any game, so seriously.
The game is only fun if you let it be fun.

>You stink

What an innocent treasure.

Killers will also bitch about the dumbest shit tho
this wasn't even swf, its solo queue, he saw us all load in individually

Well, I don't really know, ps4 has no Chat and I disabled messages from people I don't know on ps4.
But for what I can say, if a survivor plays nice, he doesn't get facecamped. If he starts to bully, he does.

I made it to rank 4 as Dwight just memeing around in solo queue, if you're playing survivor you kinda have too try though cause the quality of matches are just much better at higher rank (adversely, the quality of playing killer improves the lower you go)

but still, I try to meme around have a good time, most killers are no-nonsense and super tryhard at this rank however. Generally if you're not a complete cuckold they'll let you get a hatch or something.

If i'm getting tunneled I just give up though, without SWF you just gotta hold the L for that.

I main killer, explain WHY I should let you go if you're the last one.
I want to know why would I do that in general, not in particular cases.
Man, I had one match where 2 DC at first hook, another killed himself on the hook, and I had the last one looking for me to get killed. I just went to him, had him do 2 gens and let him escape, but that is just because he was unlucky.

i rarely let the last one go if he played good and wasnt a shitter crouch or emote spamming

1. don't want to rank up fast
2. want to avoid standoffs
I don't care about people getting the hatch, if it means I'm not held hostage for 5 minutes.

Was there more of the chat that got cut off that would fully explain what he was bitching about? I assume he keeps getting Wraith dailies and hates doing them, but that's a pretty autistic way to put it.

>I main killer, explain WHY I should let you go if you're the last one.

You don't have to do anything my dude, but if I know exactly where the trap door is the guy I downed is pretty close I'll throw him a bone. Maybe he's been having rough games, maybe his last game was tunneled/camped, maybe he got cucked out of a pip cause the Killer disconnected during loading, I dunno.

This party game ain't that big of a deal, who knows it might brighten up their day.

You actually made a good point.
I'll watch how they play more carefully, but I gotta be really honest:
Playing Doctor makes me a fucking sadist and if they're not very good sometimes I just follow them tormenting them without hitting, just giving them electricity.
I started to let the third down on the floor and seaching for the fourth, and I often lost the downed one and let him die of bloodloss.
Maybe I am the jerk.

What is the best feeling and why is it
>Bill with a purple torch+odd bulb
>Flickering it at me to bait into a pallet loop waste of time
>He fucks up and ends up in front of me
>Frank's Demise knocks the flash out of his hand
>Pulls the plug out of his router

I cannot say anything, because killing torch shitter is literally the best feeling this game can offer.

>He is torching you and he is also swf

Sometimes it's hard not to be a jerk when every other person you play with/against acts like a turbo cunt.

In the end just play how you want, that's what I do.

I tend to let up if people DC like little babies and ruin the match for the other players as I hate it when that happen so me, but most of the time I just play sweaty AF.

That's a facecampin'.

This was relaxing after two shitty 1k and 2k games I had with LF, and another shitty 2k with Hag.
These people had a fixation on unhooking this one Claudette every single time and getting rid of my totem, which were both together.

Wrong. That's a dead by bloodloss.

I don't understand why anyone would pick Lithe over SB or DH aside from just trying it out then deciding it's useless.

"Punishing" someone for using game mechanics. Killers are so fucking sensitive.

Facecamp someone because the gate is open and you want some points, not because hurrdurr they loopied me and blindeded me wahh ;_; justice will be served!!!!!

I like Lithe better than SB because I don't like being forced to walk. Dead Hard I just never tried.

I don't really use any of them, but I prefer Lithe of the three.
You get to bamboozle the killer once, and only once, unless they're retarded. Doesn't help you cover much ground.
Helps cover the most ground of the three, but it means you need to be more conservative on when you start sprinting. I don't like that kind of management.
>based Lithe
Just need to be aware of your surroundings.

This post is incredibly unselfaware.

Technically instaflashes will no longer be an intended mechanic once they're phased out of the game.

I have most builds on my characters until the next chapter releases, I don't give a fuck about bloodpoints or pips, I play the way I want. If I want to play by cleansing purple flashlights and that upsets you, you can cry into your pillow.

Your post was fucking retarded and I'm sorry a survivor hurt your feelings by using game mechanics. You got them back by using another mechanic which is facecamping.

You sound like you recently lost a flashlight.

>Meg is too stupid leave even though the door is open
>This is some how my fault as I am "toxic"
My hypothesis that all Megs are below average IQ seems to be proven over and over again. What is it about this hideous creature that attracts those who have less developed brains?

>still sleeping on the best exhaustion perk ever, Balanced Landing

You're both wrong, it was one of these.

3/4 players would end up doing this.

>Shitter Burst
Awful perk ran by meta sheep. You can't sprint whenever you want and you become a slave to it.
>Dead Hard
Status dependant
Best version of Shitter Burst. Only used in a chase, when is the only time you need it.

You're not going to believe me but I don't use flashlights. They rarely seem to do anything when I use them, I'd rather take tools or medkits, and killerbabs dodge more frequently the second they see a flashlight.

>not using SB to finish some gens that much more before hurrying to go unhook someone

No, that was the entire chat.
But even when survivors don't use D strike killers still complain about it. this was also solo queue and he saw us load in individually

you don't have to let them go. But if you think they were unlucky with other players disconnecting early or you noticed they played honestly well and you had fun against them, your kindness won't go unnoticed.

people in my game will walk up to the hook for a minute and then use SB to guarantee theydon't het the aggro

Who is the most meme survivor, Dwight or Claudette?

What did they mean by this I don't understand

am I supposed to instantaneously win the game if there's dcs

You're supposed to punt the game and let them win. Because they're survivors and retarded.

But I repeat myself.

>first game ever with DS
>rank 8
>loop Freddy forever
>get caught
>loop some more
>all gens are popped now
>finally get downed
>he "face camps" me
>get saved
>borrowed time out the door
>tea bag him for good measure

Oh Decisive Strike, where have you been all my life?

Traps are EXTREMELY gay.

>killer using ruin, NC and NOED
>calls survivor out on one crutch perk he isn't even using
you can't make this shit up

A shitter is born.

I like how he says "gotta be SWF" at the rank numbers like matchmaking isn't fucked and does this all the time.

Literally the only way to confirm SWF is looking at the person's profile and seeing if they're playing the game at the same time as someone also in the lobby who is on their friend list. But even then it's possible they aren't playing together.

I really don't want to be another DS shitter, but shit the simple peace of mind you get from having it equipped is second to none.

Closest thing is Dead Hard, really, except that one actually requires some foresight and skill to use.

Dwight meme is a relic of the past, he's "default" character syndrome in DBD at launch, creating an imaginary stereotype due to players experimenting and learning the game.

Claudette is an actual fucking meme, people literally play her for the teachables and so they can blend into surroundings with her skin tone + darker clothing. Dwight's clothing has some self-aware memes that exist for the sake of being caught, but Claudette's evolved into something far more sinister.

Dwight is only played by memers and noobs. Claudette is played by memers and tryhards.

>tfw I miss DS 50% of the time

Is sprint burst 1 pointless? I feel like I get a tiny bit of distance and then I'm slowed to a crawl and I'm still immediately dead unless I start looping

I'm the King of Memes and I play Dwight.

So, Dwight. Definitely.

>Claudette that I killed running Shitter Burst and Self Crutch calls me bad

too obvious, killermain.

All loopers deserved to be facecamped tho, survivorshit.

Name one good thing about survivors you've played against and one thing about killers you've played against.

Surv: They were either SWF or matchmaking fucked up and had to go against two red ranks (1 and 3, exactly), a rank 12 and a rank 16, and I was playing with an unleveled Myers. They were very nice in post chat and congratulated me on getting to pip.

Killer: Yesterday I played against a Trapper, and one dude ragequit at the start of the game for getting caught. After getting two gens done and only one managing to escape, he apologized for the bit of lag (which wasn't that noticeable) and wished us luck next time.

I have heard a couple things today, that they are nerfing nurse and scratched mirror. This true? If so what are they doing?

Does anyone here remember the days of loading into a server just fine, but the killer was just standing in one spotting, M1ing over and over?

What was that? Were those bots? I remember farming like fuck off them, it was fun. I never see them anymore.


Meant just "spot".

>Nerfing scratched mirror
God FORBID killers have something strong that anyone hardly ever uses. Fuck these devs,


Survivor: Faced some loopers I thought were going to DC, but they didn't. Honestly at this point I consider not DCing to be the best thing a survivor can do. Loop me and flashlight me all you want, eventually I'll probably catch you and I just hope you'll let me get the BP instead of disconnecting in anger.

Killer: A Wraith was being bullied by everyone and when I was the last survivor left, he showed me where the hatch was. Post-game he was being insulted for facecamping and he just said "Sorry it didn't work out for you guys", was very polite about it.


I'm guessing they all got banned then? That sucks. It was always a nice surprise to run into one every once in awhile.

>have Freddy
>not Doc
hahahahaha what

>played Myers for the first time cause of ritual (i got him from a random DLC code people dropped in /dbd/)

>kinda had fun with him

just standing still and watching people, headbanging, survivors will stop looping me cause of stalk, I think I'm hooked.

I had some Steam funds to spend, okay?! Don't judge me. Also Freddy was pretty damn fun before he got those undeserved nerfs.

I've played Doc with that ultra rare you get on other bloodwebs and it just wasn't my thing. Really takes the fun out of the game when the game constantly shows you where the survivors are.