I have two years to get excessively wealthy (at least a mil) or I'm going to have to go to med school. Any tips?
I have two years to get excessively wealthy (at least a mil) or I'm going to have to go to med school. Any tips?
Getting rich quick usually involves high risk things, my man. Get an autonomous account investing, do some trading yourself, and read up on Ben Graham's The Intelligent Investor. It's longterm for sure, but you'll be much better off. Hope this helps.
try checking these dubs
I'll read your book thanks. I have a bit of start up capital but nothing substantial. Turned 380 dollars into around 2600 trading crypto
Get POSW you idiot
Have around 2k can't afford any more at the moment
I have always had misgivings with cryptocurrencies, especially with their, in my perception unconventional, way of operating in a bigger picture of economics. Will consider other ways to help shortly.
Play roulette with 1$ and guess red or black right 20 consecutive times. This has a succes rate of about 0.000095%
high risk crypto trading = lambos in no time srs
hop on posw, ltc and eth
put everything in posw
Buy LTC while it's still low.
trips confirm
i'll pay you $5 if you eat 2 sticks of gel deodorant.
knee pads
yeah i want to see that ill throw in five as well.
I'm in for 5$ as well. OP if you set up a cam show but instead of preforming sex acts you just did jackass teir shit I'm sure a few anons would throw some cash your way
What an embarrassment of riches. Maybe just go to med school?
just go to med school for four years, then become resident and make 50k for 5 yrs, then become a surgeon for a few years (~300k, but save 100k per yr), then open a private practice when you're 35, you'll make however much you want. You dont have to work often and you get a shitton of money. and you get to laugh at all these cryptofags while you're buying your third house
But think of how much I'll have to work for the system to get there. I hate it I just want freedom
to further explain my $5 deodorant offer: i want to see you twist the stick, so a little bit of the gel comes out, and then you lick it. and you repeat it.
i don't want to see you crack that thing open and dump it in your mouth. that's not satisfying to me.