That's it. Catholicism is over.
Pope Francis grants priests power to forgive abortion
I love watching Cathocucks struggle with a world that's moving beyond its Bronze Age oral tradition and population manipulation mythology.
>Bronze Age
This is a history board. I think you might want to try this one out >>> /reddit/
I was connecting their beliefs with the polytheist Semitic faiths that preceded Judaism and thus, it.
Welp, time to buy a Koran, there's no stopping them now. Catholicism won't survive if Mutumbo and Jorge aren't having 10 kids each.
Top kek, heretics.
On a serious note, the world is overpopulated and millions of children are born into awful living conditions, which is not fair. Unless the various churches offer to adopt these kids, they shouldn't be trying to ban abortion.
How's about those poor retards stop having unprotected sex instead of killing innocents?
no that's wrong
Can't you understand?
fags get aids because they don't have access to free condoms, not because they keep fucking each other in the ass
Ain't religion great. All peace, love and kill that bloody heretic.
Yeah! Nobody should have sex! How come nobody ever thought to make that a rule before???
Technically anyone can forgive abortion, a priest has no business in it.
The parents and the aborted baby are the only people involved and God obviously.
People like confession because it is an affirmation to get them on "on the right track" so they hear they are forgiven they can work out their reality.
Mainstream Christianity is kind of a joke, because it is literally a business and very time they try something new, Christians and atheists alike have a problem with it. That's why reading the Gospel for yourself without any "church leader" holding your hand is recommended because thinking for yourself and understanding God in your experience is better than, "let's see what my church leader says, he isn't Christ or anything, but still..."
>Catholics forgiving something god doesn't allow to schmooze up to sinners
What else is new? At least they're not making people pay money this time.
is pulling out too much to ask for?
most sexualy active teenagers master it by their 18th birthday
I love you're calling other people retards but you think pulling out is reliable birth control.
Did either of you read my post or did you decide to sperg out instead in order to cover up your immorality?
I would much rather people had unprotected sex than had abortions, retards.
It has been for me for quite some time now.
Alright, what does the Pope actually say?
I'm a protestant atm, and always have been, but i suspect that this was taken out of context and manipulated.
>he believed the bush era christfag sex ed classes that said pulling out isn't a viable form of birth control
Abstinence only top kek
Please be b8.
Killed by a lightning bolt when?
Why? Do you know anything about my own life that I don't?
I know you're a retard.
So in other words you've got proven wrong and have nothing else to say. Got it.
>Effectiveness is an important and common concern when choosing a birth control method. Like all birth control methods, the pull out method is much more effective when you do it correctly. Of every 100 women whose partners use withdrawal, 4 will become pregnant each year if they always do it correctly.
>4% failure rate
playing with fire amirite?
Proven wrong about what? You think pulling out is reliable birth control. It isn't. Thus you're a retard. Please encourage your girlfriend to get an abortion when she inevitably gets pregnant.
Are you disagreeing?
Its not 100% effective, especially with those who produce a lot of precum.
I think it's cool. my brothers girlfriend had an abortion before she met him because her mom talked her into it and she has a lot of guilt from it.
I know killing babies is wrong but people often forget how abortion also hurts the women who have to wake up everyday and remember they are a murderer.
I know you master the only 100% safe method, which is perpetual virginity, but some of us like sex.
Not him, but that's like saying "I went to the dog track the other day and won $400 bucks the other day, so the solution for ending poverty is to have everyone go down and gamble at the dog tracks.
The problem is that people are going to have sex regardless of how much you don't want them to.
When people have access to quality sex education and contraceptives, they don't need an authority figure telling them to not make retarded decisions.
When people aren't educated and don't have access to contraceptives they're going to make retarded decisions anyway and tell the authority figure to go pound sand.
This motherfucker is going off the rails
I bet the people that voted him into power are kicking themselves and hoping he'll just drop dead soon
Ok imbecile, listen. There are plenty of effective birth control methods. Pulling out is not one of them. I am trying to do you a favor here. Please do some research.
Why? The Pope is divinely infallible on matters of faith. STOP getting angry at gods rightfully chosen voice on earth you CINO.
you people are taking this too seriously because abortion so politicized
forgiveness of sins is the essence of christianity. the only unforgivable sin is the denial of the holy spirit. the pope merely clarified this.
Isn't the Pope supposed to literally just fucking die if he abuses his office and falls out of God's will or something like that?
96% success rate seems pretty okay to me
Would you consider a lotto for megamillions with 96% odds to win a gamble?
This pope is the anti christ
Killing babies is progress.So tolerant!
>divinely infallible
How can he be infallible if god did not create humans as a perfect beings?
Also says who? God?
Where did he claim that?
This. God wants abortion now because niggers and gooks are having too many children. The Pope is just a messenger. Don't kill the messenger.
>I know murder is wrong but people often forget how murder also hurts the women who have to wake up everyday and remember they are a murderer.
I don't know why we should feel more pity for a whore than a murderer by your logic
You're a moron, end yourself.
Not even that guy but
>mfw I don't care and I don't engage in any sexual unions I wouldn't mind resulting in children from
Aren't actual murderers absolved as long as they confess?
Literally what's the difference?
if they actually come to repentance then why wouldn't feel sorry for a poor sinner who was lied to and made to murder?
That doesn't prove jack shit
Saying you can speak to god and can never be wrong sounds like something the devil would say to trick people
Good points.
since whend is a fetus a baby?
if it depends fully on themother to be alive it isnt a baby yet
You must misunderstand, the crucifixion was to absolve original sin and confession is only the act of seeking redemption.
Committing murder has no redemption from a clergymen, and so you're basically 100% going to hell.
>96% success rate seems pretty okay to me
Because your brain isn't developed enough yet to properly weigh risk. In any case, that's the success rate with "perfect technique." Real world usage is more like 75% successful.
>Would you consider a lotto for megamillions with 96% odds to win a gamble?
"Winning" here is "not ruining your life," not becoming a millionaire.
to be honest, theology has the right to work outside logic.
>Real world usage is more like 75% successful.
[citation needed]
boy those bush era sex Ed classes really did a number on your generation not enjoying barebacked sex
>"Winning" here is "not ruining your life," not becoming a millionaire.
Sick implication there
Why are some people so deathly afraid of becoming parents?
no u
Then why are you upset with catholic doctrinal changes, you Protestant.
Christ was all about loving the sinner and hating the sin, tbhwu kindred.
>[citation needed]
Literally first Google result:
Sure, but if you want to avoid the possibility of experiencing eternal damnation in hell then its probably not a good idea to listen to man made bullshit like the holy trinity or the so proclaimed, but never confirmed by God nor Jesus, Popes divinely infallible.
Its one thing to be driven by faith, but that doesn't mean you have to be blinded by stupidity or ignorance.
Perhaps I'm confused, are you saying that murder is an unforgivable sin?
Who said I was upset?
Also who said I was a Protestant?
I said so and it's clear you're Protestant if you're questioning the word of gods absolute and only voice on earth.
>Why are some people so deathly afraid of becoming parents?
Because if you become one before you're ready it will ruin your life. You're clearly not one.
you have an awful lot of opinion about something you clearly do not understand. Its not as if those concepts were just thought up one day by someone and remained for convenience.
The trinity, papal infallibility, etc are the result of years of theological debate among a group of intellectuals who followed a different school of thought than logic/reason.
Its a common issue to be honest, I don't blame you personally, but if you're actually interested then you should read on it.
condoms have a catastrophic failure rate if you use them incorrectly as well
it's okay, you're a millennial retard that is afraid of risk, we get that
How exactly will it ruin your life?
Because some people do not just want to poop out babies but would like to grant them decent developing environment to do so, which is ever more difficult to achieve as automation and delocalisation go rampant
No, I'm saying that regardless of what an individual clergymen thinks, during confession he gives a path of redemption and cannot absolve any sin himself.
Then it falls to the heavenly apparatus to sort out sinners after death, murder being in direct conflict with a commandment, is sure to send you to the pit.
>have place to stay
>don't feed them poison jew food
I don't see what else one could possibly need, unless you think all those meme baby classes are necessary.
>God is a fetishist
>I said so and it's clear you're Protestant if you're questioning the word of gods absolute and only voice on earth.
Says who motherfucker?
If God or Jesus didn't say so, nor if its written in the bible then that's man made fan-fiction tier bullshit
>The trinity, papal infallibility, etc are the result of years of theological debate among a group of intellectuals who followed a different school of thought than logic/reason.
This is faith, not philosophy
There ain't nothing to discuss or worm your way into
If it does not come from God, then there is no reason to believe its true.
Just because someone is in a high position in a church or organization does not make that person opinion the word of god.
What makes them so different from a random homeless person claiming that "THE END IS COMING GOD HAS TOLD ME"
>retard that is afraid of risk
Retard was the wrong word, it should be "low testosterone beta faggot".
Well, you obviously have your mind made up
I see, you're saying that a clergyman forgives nothing himself, but rather is a gateway between you and forgiveness from God.
The clergyman forgiving you doesn't mean that God forgives you, and without forgiveness from God you're going to hell?
Whatever pussy, go back to your safe space, I'll keep slamming cunts barebacked and pulling out because it's super effective and none of your sensationalized bullshit that says it isn't will be ignored...
Yeah, ruining three lives for no reason is so manly. Stupid monkey.
IIRC the clergymen forgiving you or not doesn't matter, in the confessional you are an instrument and not the individual.
Otherwise yes, and forgiveness from God is always via redemption which is usually started by confession.
Money to pay the house, decent food, a stable relationship, and two well adjusted parents
I feel sorry for 80% the kids I know, telling me, with the naivity of a 6yo, how actually shit their life at home is. People are fucked up and fucked up people dont make good parents
>beta numale manlet considers impregnating a woman with your seed is life ending
it's an old meme, but it checks out sir
Maybe if your point of view wasn't built on a solid foundation of nothing, you could convince me away from mine
But man is fallible, man makes mistakes, god does not
Man sees from one narrow perspective while god sees them all
When it comes to faith, you cannot put your trust in man, only God can lead you where you need to go.
You are why the human race is getting dumber.
96% success rate
nuttin' personnel kid
He wishes he could so much as touch a woman's breast, and yet he's giving birth control advice on a Cantonese caligraphy website. Pathetic.
If you already live someone, you're good.
Unless you live with mommy and daddy, in which case just lol.
>decent food
This is cheap as fuck, just knowing how to cook helps.
>stable parents blablabla
Again, that goes back to what I said in the first place, I don't sleep with a woman unless I could see her be the mother of my children. Make sense?
>better wrap my dick in an endocrine disrupting petroleum product sock in order to have sex!
Nice goalpost moving retardo
well, start from the beginning. I know it is difficult to understand the theological basis that things turned out, especially because there is a rational basis for everything as well that served other purposes, for example political.
However, doctrine was crafted with integrity in mind most of the time. Cults would form over controversial issues which would harm doctrinal integrity over the course of history and it'd be up to theological discourse to create canon.
Again, there is a reason and logical basis for the decisions made but they are second to the theological compromise that actually solved the issues.
>the fact you think the love of your life, in this time, is suitable to be the mother of your children, infallibly means she is
Statistically she is not, by far
Lots of couples even get as far to do great up to the point of having children, but even those good enough to get there, usually end up hating each other and making childhood for their offspring just shit
Good on you if that's not your case, but the point stands that it takes 2 good parents and prolonged economical stability to bring up a kid how it deserves to and those things are precious and rare
Well... Can I become orthodox?
Not everyone needs to raise their kids in Lilly white suburbs in a good school district with piano recitals and baseball on the weekends to be good parents, white boi.
>a nigger
Well it all makes sense now.
I go into it with the expectation of me being in charge here and her doing as I say, like staying away from pain killers, processed foods, soy products, hair products, grocery receipts etc. during pregnancy, this is why you need two parents, you need the father to mold the mother.
And again, I avoid low quality women in the first place.
we need him now more than ever
You are missing the point, and badly
Good luck finding that and even if you do, remember your case is literally a major minority
not going to lie, I know his attitude was meant to serve antagonism, but that speech made me tear up.
I am beginning to be more and more of the belief that it is not found, but created, which has been for the large part my main problem with women in the past.
What if the problem is nowadays people are too self-absorbed to "waste time" creating a relationship, or too pussified to be able to
The latter being definitely my case. I can hardly provide my own well being, im not going to risk it with a kid when the main victim of my gamble's results is the child
reducing social problems to self-absorption or pussification is fucking retarded, kek
I think a lot of people overestimate how much they need. You can live on very very little.
And I mean, as far as creating a relationship goes, you just need to be firm in what you want.
We have a saying here which goes somewhat like "few words are needed when dealing with those who understand well"