Applying Christ's Teachings

There are a lot of threads up right now about churches, denominations, and obvious bait memes, so this thread is for anyone who wants to actually talk about ideas legitimately memes and denominations aside.

>"I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves."

The wolves are many, they are working hard to make jokes our of Christian teachings, they also work hard to pose as Christian teachings. A sheep among wolves is just a metaphor, the peaceful ones are sent out against ravenous people. To be as wise as a snake, you need to have all the wisdom you can attain, but to be as innocent as a dove means instead of arguing all day with other "Christians" who is right and who is wrong, "be like a child" or "like a dove" innocent to all of the political and religious debates and show that you apply the teachings in your life.

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>So make up your mind not to worry beforehand how to defend yourselves.
I think a lot of us have a bunch of scripture quotes at our disposal to use it to persecute anyone, and this is like a pre-meditated thing. I mean of course, it will make sense sometimes, but it is like instead of sharing ideas, people started to use scripture quotes to say "I'm right you are wrong its in the Bible"
>15For I will give you speech and wisdom that none of your adversaries will be able to resist or contradict.
Christian thought is meant to attain and work with this wisdom that cannot be contradicted, rather than the contradictions that is disguised as wisdom

>The wolves are many, they are working hard to make jokes our of Christian teachings

The figures on the wheel are darker than the wheel itself; in fact, they are stains upon the purity of the wheel, and for that reason, and because of the whirling of the wheel, I cannot see them. But at the top seems to be the Lamb and Flag, such as one sees on some Christian medals, and one of the lower things is a wolf, and the other a raven. The Lamb and Flag symbol is much brighter than the other two. It keeps on growing brighter, until now it is brighter than the wheel itself, and occupies more space than it did.

It speaks: I am the greatest of the deceivers, for my purity and innocence shall seduce the pure and innocent, who but for me should come to the centre of the wheel. The wolf betrayeth only the greedy and the treacherous; the raven betrayeth only the melancholy and the dishonest. But I am he of whom it is written: He shall deceive the very elect.

~Crowley, The Vision and the Voice, Cry of the 20th Aethyr

>The first time I was brought before the judge, no one came with me. Everyone abandoned me. May it not be counted against them.

Crowley could have applied himself in a different direction people would have more knowledge.

>However, the one who receives instruction in the word must share in all good things with his instructor.
>7Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. Whatever a man sows, he will reap in return.
>8The one who sows to please his flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; but the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.…

Don't get wrong, not posting quotes to "banish you from heaven", but Gnostic Paul mentions that we share the instruction with our teacher, so if Crowley is one's teacher, the fruit they produce will resemble Crowley, who mocks God frequently.

It is really up to the person, whether or not they want to reap and sow for a good reason or a bad one.

>But the Pharisees said "it is by the prince of demons that he drives out demons"

It's weird cause like anyone doing good usually gets shut down as doing something bad, and oftentimes someone bad is often seen as good.

>It is enough for a disciple to be like his teacher, and a servant like his master. If the head of the house has been called Beelzebul, how much more the members of his household!

>Crowley could have applied himself in a different direction people would have more knowledge.
Seems like he did absolutely fine with spreading knowledge judging from the volumes upon volumes of occultism and mysticism dude published.

>so if Crowley is one's teacher, the fruit they produce will resemble Crowley
Exactly. If the end-point is alike to Crowley, then personally I'd prefer to die at a place like Netherwood in Hastings with a house full of retired professors, overlooking the cliffs I climbed as a youth, surrounded by friends and family with a lockbox of cash under the bed instead of in a sterile hospital room.

>>It is enough for a disciple to be like his teacher, and a servant like his master. If the head of the house has been called Beelzebul, how much more the members of his household!
Hence why finding a solid Guru is so important.

There are plenty of other mystic and occult teachers that don't resemble Crowley.

I missed you for a while Ape, glad you're back

>The wolves are many, they are working hard to make jokes our of Christian teachings, they also work hard to pose as Christian teachings.The wolves are many, they are working hard to make jokes our of Christian teachings, they also work hard to pose as Christian teachings.

And how do I know you're not one of them?

In what ways?
Abhinavagupta and certain Gnostic sects incorporated sexual praxes in the same ways as Crowley.
Gurdjieff emphasized physical discipline in the same ways Crowley did.
The assemblers of Chaldean Oracles were cohesion minded synchretists like Crowley.
John Dee was interested in math and logic in the same ways that Crowley was.
Marguerite Porete taught the same sorts of antinomianism that Crowley did.
His initiations were founded on the same principles as Coming Forth by Day, Perfecibilism, and the Eleusinian cults.

I'd posit more gurus look like Crowley than not.

You don't, but I mean where else is there a thread that actually wants to talk about what Christ taught and open up some inner meanings of these scriptures?

Still on /x/ doing the usual thing, since even though this board has 'religion' and 'anthropology' in the sticky, the only OPs allowed are about global religion.

>inner meanings
I found more inner meaning in Thunder: Perfect Mind and the Book of Enoch than in the entirety of the Old and New Testaments.

Of course Crowley will have practices that resemble other people and other sects, they all borrow from the original ancient teachers and put there names on it, add a little twist to it.

That is why the good teachers usually don't sit there are mark there vanity on work that is not originally their own.

You can have two people look at Hermes and some fruits are good and some are bad.

That is because we have the goyim version of the Bible. We have to look at the Old Testament in Hebrew and using Kabbalah letters and map it out, same with the NT in Greek, a lot of the translations are watered down. Basically, you could call the English version a diet Bible.

Those are good texts btw

Maybe important but in no way necessary.

More important are a wide network acces and quality experience sharing, whatever is the way to your goal.

What do you do when you suspect the teachers content is false?

There are a lot of gnosis teachings about Lucifer but "lucifer" doesn't actually exist because of a mistranslation and basically the character became a meme, yet alot of teachers say "oh he's the true light" but he doesn't exist?

Why are people more receptive to believe in a character who doesn't exist "lucifer" than the direct teachings of someone who does exist like "Jesus"?

Cultural synchretism is unavoidable; its presence is universal and not a marker of 'impurity of doctrine' (whatever the hell that means). Show me a culture that didn't syncretize the ideas of its neighbors and I'll show you a culture that never existed in the first place.

My point is rather that more gurus look like Crowley than don't, and those that look less like him tend to be .... how to be genteel.... less than solid.

If your gripe is a matter of attributions I suggest you go through the Thelemic corpus again; the biggest uncited materials I've found tend to be in unpublished materials and almost entirely limited to references to Chaldean Oracles. Everywhere else he seems content to say "Budge & Massey" or "Gnostic Catholics and Greek cults", etc..


I suspect a lot of Christians do the same thing, they pose as Christians and make false revelation videos... The best thing to do is take a lot of it with a grain of salt, discern for yourself.

I was reading the other day about the ouroboros and I wondered why people called it Lucifer, because Lucifer doesn't exist, but gnostic Christians, gnostic luciferians, and traditional Christians, all call out "Lucifer" in someway, and they are literally just associating it with an idea in there mind that doesn't have inherit bases in scripture

>Maybe important but in no way necessary.
I should note that I feel Yeshuah the Christ qualifies as a "solid guru", particularly insomuch as he applies to "inner dimensions" of doctrine.

>There are a lot of gnosis teachings about Lucifer
Eh, not exactly, but w/e.

>"lucifer" doesn't actually exist because of a mistranslation and basically the character became a meme
But Lumiel does in midrash. The bottom line is that the "Lucifer" concept is not without precedent. Hell, I wouldn't even call Lucy a mistranslation, 'Light-Bearer' is a fairly decent rendering of 'Shining One'.

There isn't anything wrong with borrowing from culture, but you see people's motives when they change the doctrine, I wouldn't call Crowley a guru.

It is like how the early church councils changes Christianity, it was fine the way it was before.

There is a lot of false content that talks about "lucifer" in gnostic teachings, but those ones are memes, because you can read the Hebrew Bible and see that "lucifer" is a meme.

A bunch of angels are associated with it but it is just association, like some people like potatoes so they taste good and for people who don't like potatoes they will associate them with negative connotations.

That is why you have to find the right sources. But they wont always be openly saying "this is gnostic", like let go of the word and just look at everything as it is.

>gnostic luciferians

You know that your body is a sanctuary of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have received from God, don't you? You do not belong to yourselves,

Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.

>I wouldn't call Crowley a guru
On what metric?

>It is like how the early church councils changes Christianity, it was fine the way it was before.
My problem with this analogy is that at the church councils, nobody said "This is a new elaboration" like most other cultural syncretists. Abhinava didn't just lift in total and say "This is still just Trika" he added the markers Uttara Kaula. Crowley didn't lift in total and say "This is just GD doctrine", he distinguished his program from what came before.


Guru's teach liberation from what Crowley would indulge in.

The information that Crowley would talk about say, Kabbalah, is correct but it wouldn't be exclusive to Crowley, he did not invent these terms, the same way the truth of Buddha isn't exclusive to Gautama but to all people.