Enable flags on Veeky Forums so we can spot when a third-worlder is trying to ruse people into buying them a goat
Enable flags on Veeky Forums so we can spot when a third-worlder is trying to ruse people into buying them a goat
I second this
pls mods
holy shit this is best idea
Third it
can't they just use a vpn?
You no like goat because not having bitbean like man real..
Go dog on sister!!!!! Yor mom laugh at duck
brilliant and fourthed
I have the best flag and support the motion
biz dies with flags
The tide goes out when everyone realizes that the majority of the shitcoin threads are being made by leafs, australians, Russians, and third world europoor countries.
I don't understand do you think australians are poor or something?
Agree, I want to be recognised as a special snowflake
t. a proud Polish man
it would just force them to buy a shitty vpn
good. I love the idea of someone spending money to post on Veeky Forums it's an anathema!
>predominantly israeli flags
Terrible idea
It's a /pol/ meme, an accurate one at that.
Aussies are relentless shitposters, Canadians are in the running as well.
there is a notable difference
aus shitposting is complex and brilliant
leafposting is generally retarded or just awful, but they've had their moments
Flags do nothing but cause endless shitposts
>OP asks serious question
>I write a 1994 character reply fully answering the question with citations, sources, and examples
>OP says "thats great advice for Americans, but I'm from Eastern Slavistan"
>Fuck you OP, you should have said that in the first place
Give us the flags.
We really just need one mod who gives a shit to clean up the crypto spam. The shilling is completely out of control and should be limited to one general per coin, and any shilling in unrelated threads should be a rule violation. There is no need for 5-8 bean threads, or the hit and run "buy x crypto" posts In the small amount of threads that aren't crypto focused.
Flags are definitely a good idea, but It goes much deeper than that.
>Flags are definitely a good idea, but It goes much deeper than that.
Agree with everything you said there, but I think at this point we're the forgotten board. A quick and simple, even if not a holistic, solution is all we can hope for
yes please
>but mining equipment
>have to buy vpn just to shill shitcoin
>barrier to entry just went up
sounds good to me
Wont matter with autistic mods pumping shitcoin scams
Ive said this a million times. The shitcoin spammers are the mods
if I was a mod, I would just look at all the flags and ip's to see which ones were scams, would be much more profitable than trying to pump my own shitcoin
that actually makes sense now that you mention it.
>inb4 99% of the crypto shilling comes from burgers
>implying they didnt waste it on memecoins
yeah ok I'll take that
Please God no
I'm only second world
I dont want anyone to know im Canadian though.
Those digits
Please do it. Expose the samefagging fuckfaces shitting Milocoin, Lepencoin, Bitbean and all the others all over this board. IDGAF if the traffic tails off if it's shit to start out with.
>not being able to compete with Pajeets
There's too many of them
why even bother
just ip ban india and watch the bitbean/milocoin threads disappear
>theres too many of them
Well its a good thing the MAJORITY of them are complete and utter retards
Can't fool me. Jpeg
The main reason democracy is a stupid idea.
>IDGAF if the traffic tails off if it's shit to start out with.
this. Quality over Quantity. You have to filter like 20 threads anyway
Yes if only for a week. I want to see where this cucks are from.
God bless.
Just put where you are from in the name field.
Great idea, maybe then people will take my offers seriously
They really should put flags though, I'm curious what kind of niggers spam Bitbean and other insufferable cancer.
Back to /Pol with you Amerifat.