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Need a new screen edition

what wormhole class? what activities?

I want to do solo wormhole comfy but I feel like 1 hole is too big for 1 person, happy to share the space with someone else

What happened to All-Out in the last year and a half?

Looking at their killboard... how did it come to this?

Lets discuss the death of this game

I found an inactive C4 wormhole with C4 & C3 static, and setup my own large tower there. The C3 static is important because it's how I've been making money. All I've been doing is exclusively:

-Solo C3 [Fortification Frontier Stronghold] anomalies in a HAM Tengu. (All other anoms take too long, and the actual Sleeper Relic/Data sites are too dangerous to solo). Takes me 12-15 minutes each one, so optimistically about 160m isk / hour if I do them back-to-back (which I do)
-Hack any Pirate Relic sites I happen to find while scanning down wormhole chains

Might be doing some gas mining too, but I still gotta see if it makes me enough money to be worth doing. Also my home has a bunch of Citadels and structures from a big nullsec alliance, which Im hoping makes it seem unattractive to other people. The killboard tells me that they havent actually been active in this WH for many months, and I've rarely seen anyone else in this WH

Best of luck, solobro

I just came back to it after not playing for a year and a half. Im glad its f2p i barely use t2 ships anyway theyre too expensive.

How do you cope with spookiness of w-space?

I went on a couple trips and now I can't stop nervously d-scanning every couple seconds in hi-sec.
Wish I could stop, but I just no longer feel safe anywhere until I click that button and see with my own eyes that there's nothing suspicious.

It's supposed to be a good habit, but instead it's a nuisance.

> I still gotta see if it makes me enough money to be worth doing
Seems to be VNI tier after taxes. I was thinking about grabbing a loki I have around and moving to run C2-3 sites but never actually ran any wh combat sites and dunno if its worth doing.

Did they get a kill? I'm dropping in for the first time since that proteus was stolen...

How are plex only 3 million now? didn't they used to be 800 million?

Of course it's dead. Casuals can never break into the real game, not really anyhow, and the tiny "hardcore" fanbase can't keep it running.

Well 500 plex are needed for a 1 month sub.

oh shit

>Looking at their killboard... how did it come to this?

Come to what? It's like it always has been, insane.

Keybind it to space and just accept it.

Seems that way. Most of the names I recognize are in Oruze, the only content creators seem to be there, and their killboard is just a string of losses where it isn't inactive.

Wasn't quite this bad when I was there.

>Wasn't quite this bad when I was there.

Who're you? It had both better and worse. Atm it's memey but it's shaping up slowly but surely.

>Keybind it to space and just accept it.
Genius. 1000 times better already. Thank you.
This should also make wormhole trips comfier.


brutor pilot

I started playing yesterday and i've already made 120m doing these agency stuff from the event

I'm thinking about buying a Gnosis and later on a Battleship so i can do L4 missions and grind enough money to buy myself a PLEX

gnosis is good

We should really make a Discord channel so we could hang out

Don't go to lowsec, don't shooty flashy people in hisec.

It's literally linked in the doomed from the start ingame channel.
I personally don't hang out in the public sections of it because the shitposting density is too high, but it's there.

(1) I've already had a few big losses, so Im not really phased by losing stuff anymore. I just take whatever measures I can to minimize my chances of being ganked, and hope for the best. (2) The D-scan keybind thing helps, I just keep pressing that keybind absentmindedly while clearing out sites. I'm not directly looking at Dscan 100% of the time, but it's large enough on my screen that if something new shows up I can notice it in my periphery. While Im just scanning and cloaked up, I dont have to be as neurotic about it...just press it every few seconds. (3) Just a few days of running stuff already pays off for any loss I could have so it's not really a big deal.

Tbh my only big fear would be to get popped and not having a connection back to my Home WH and then losing it forever, which is why I have two f2p Alpha scanning alts parked in the wormhole

>making a discord when you have the thread
Hello plebbit


>goons dropping titans and supercaps on a kitchen sink gang
>twice in the span of an hour

>I must wait out my fatigue before jumping home, so that I am ready to jump again if there's an op while I'm asleep

They're bored.

Thoughts on t3 destroyers?

T3 dessies are the thinking man's T3 Cruizies

they're pretty interesting and fun, except the hecate which is dogshit and is only viable solo and is far more easily countered than the others

jickduck bes

I have a hecate fit with 451 hps i havent fought anyone with it yet. Weird how u dont have enough dps to take down large plexes quickly like my algos can.

its damage is fine I guess, but it becomes very obviously bad when you check out its mobility stats when out of speed mode and when scrammed. it turns into a complete brick
and it completely fails at any kind of buffer fits for flying with logi, you have to active tank it which only works in 1v1s, or hull tank it which requires station reps after every engagement
I see some people trying to make ranged fits with railguns, but a beam confessor just shits all over that

The entire game is bored

I think it's kind of dumb they made T3 ships basically have no drones. If hecate or proteus had drones it would be overpowered like the vexor and algos.

>it's dumb that they aren't overpowered
ok mate

>proteus had drones
I have some surprise for you.

No but really drones are great for pvp

yeah they need to be fixed. any year now it'll happen

>can be shot
>can be smartbombed
>fighters are shit no ehp crap
>great for pvp

without checking I think Tengu is the only one without drones (not sure about ewar sub)

Algos is a really OP destroyer, it has INSANE dps
i'm using it to farm lowsec beltrats and i fucking melt them all

>i'm using it to farm lowsec beltrats

I'm a new player and i was told this was a reliable source of money.
I'm looking to get enough dosh to plex myself while i train my skills.

It can have drones

I used to use a hull tank fit with autocannons and hammerhead's and it had like 450 dps. It also had a neut but I guess it got nerfed because it uses too much power now and can't be activated.

>implying ccp nerfs or does anything

What's the most efficient ship to run these event sites?

They're pretty easy. You'd be fine in a destroyer or cruiser.

probably a bc

The high sec nest sites can be done by anything and I'm pretty sure it counts it as completion for you if you are there when someone is there so in a populated system you basically don't even clear them to rack up points.

all the sites are piss easy, you could do the null ones in a frigate it would just take longer

Do the events make a lot of money? Is it better than plexing?

they're pretty good money, the attribute boosters and alpha injectors or whatever they're called are valuable. the event finishes in a day or so though

It's no super carrier ratting but getting a battleship hull for like hour of clearing nests is pretty swell for an alpha or any carebear

they give you a battleship as a reward for doing the events? can you do this anywhere like in hi sec?

>what's the most efficient ship
>they're easy
>you can run them with anything
>/dog/ cant even respond a simple question


For what reason is that?

The PCU is correlative with SP / accessibility. It's completely acceptable associating that $24.8k of character upgrades with shelving. The best metrics CCP has potential for checking right now is the effects of free, full-ish (through 20.4M) gameplay on PLEX purchases.

The The Agency part of the event has 3 rewards: A box that gives a racial battlecruiser and the skillbook for it, a daily alpha skill injector, and a box similar to the first one but with a battleship instead. The requirements to gain points for these rewards are all simple such as Complete event sites or Kill event rats, so yes, they can be done in highsec.

The majority of your time spent working on these sites is actually spent warping around, so you're best off with the smallest ship class you can run the sites in for the faster aligning and warping, which is why people were suggesting the smallest ship classes that can do the sites.

This is why we need really big wars.


..Specifically ship undockings through PLEX replacements (total KM values vs. purchases vs. SP / injectors).

>we need to open borders for the noobs, they aren't cancer. I see future AT winners, CSM members, Youtubers.

What's the best ship for running L4s?



stealth bomber


This is actually a mentality of good development. Learning (mastering) EVE is some 1/3 of the excitement.

That benefits from actually having stats and ships.

>he's still going

>tfw learning eve again but with ~60mil sp