Why the majority of artists post-1968 are left wing?
Why the majority of artists post-1968 are left wing?
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to make good art generally requires empathy.
left wing is the empathetic wing.
thus most popular artists are left wing.
>to make good art generally requires empathy
Dude what are you talking about? That's not true
>good art
Because leftism thrives only where it is theorized and sung about, not where it is practiced.
because the right-wing are nostalgiafags which prevents them from making anything new
rock music has black and white proletarian roots
Right wingers have real jobs.
Right wingers lack creativity
More like post-1800 maybe. And I mean pushing liberal agenda by that. Artists were always leaning towards to left views, since the existence of humankind.
>left wing
Is this a joke?
Right-Wingers in general don't like art. There are exceptions of course, usually Catholics who are more like leftists as people but fall into the right wing camp because of ideological incompatibility between religion and secularism.
Compared to right-wingers, left-wingers probably have at least a little bit more empathy due to their more outward looking viewpoints. This is just objective, you're butthurt that empathy is a valued trait and right-wingers don't have as much of it. A real right-winger wouldn't give a shit and ignore ridiculous liberal social ideals.
Because is "cool", "cult" and "edgy" and a good image is pretty important to artists. Maybe now is time for right-wing artists.
>real jobs
>doing less money
Addendum: Remember most of artists of action are right-wing types.
War is shit and there was a lot of it going around. Kinda obvious
Modern right-wingers have more empathy for those that they view as their own people
Lefties would thrown their own countrymen under a bus for brown strangers
Each is empathic in it's own way
The Refugee Crisis
Didn't realize I was in a thread with a Doctor Collecting data on human attitude towards other ethnicities. My apologies
I forgive you
t. Empathic doctor
Because art requires you to be creative and outward thinking. Things that exist outside the box or outside the norm are typically things that the left talks about. The right is very nostalgic and centered around conservatism rather than change in a culture. Hence why they tend to like more tacky tastes in art and also why they generally are less creative and care even less for art. Naturally, most artists would be on the left then.
The pursuit of garbage pop culture and music propagates this effeminate, pacified culture which is necessary for various globalist group's plans, it is an ancient system really just like (ironically) forced resettlement of populations to curb nationalism.
Right-wing artists exist but they are suppressed by the majority of that niche. To make a product, you must first be given the consent by your colleagues in most media. Now the right-wing person is statistically most always going to be shut down by the committee of liberals. This is why right-wing opinions are supressed in Hollywood. Conservatives exist but they're never given a platform to speak on because the majority liberals are always going to shut them down. Especially in these times where social media has made the cultural wars a fact.
Since young people are the most lucrative audience for entertainment, conservative ideals for adults is not the ideal way of business.
thank me later
This is actually quite true my man, good post.
because being creative is very strongly associated with difficulty in thinking in a precise, logical way, and thinking in a precise, logical way allows you to question propaganda and not leap to the easy conclusion that your sense of empathy is leading you towards.
Creative types whose brains work in quite a fuzzy and imprecise way are unable or unwilling to consider all the facts:
-like for example the fact that the vast majority of so-called "refugees" coming to europe are not coming from a country undergoing civil war at all, but are infact economic migrants.
-or that capitalism allows far greater freedoms, higher standard of living and more transparent laws and political system than the glorious "workers paradise"
Instead they just leap to the first conclusion presented that appeals to their sense of empathy.
That's why artistic types continued to believe in communism long after reports of dreadful repression and millions of deaths manufactured by communist regimes started emerging, because the first conclusion presented to them was "feel for these workers who finally get an equal shot in life!"
in the same way artistic types leap to the conclusion that everyone claiming to be a refugee should be allowed access to a western country, because "think of them being sad because they decided to leave their homes and sleep in camps :("
>because being creative is very strongly associated with difficulty in thinking in a precise, logical way
Get the fuck out of here you retarded pseud.
Most artists I know shit on hollywood and pop culture as corporate garbage and they are definitely not right wing.
They are still establishment voices even if they exist outside the realm of proletarian art.
No I would say they are quite anti establishment. I think you are confusing left vs right with establishment vs anti establishment.
>-like for example the fact that the vast majority of so-called "refugees" coming to europe are not coming from a country undergoing civil war at all, but are infact economic migrants.
untrue, and easily proven so. Look at the statistics from eurostat.
>-or that capitalism allows far greater freedoms, higher standard of living and more transparent laws and political system than the glorious "workers paradise"
The vast majority of leftists are pro-capitalism, but regulated capitalism as opposed to full ancaps. This actually puts them in line with most rightists.
I'm more concerned with how people like you are so misinformed. The mainstream media is more or less incessantly being criticised for misinformation but the truth is "alternative media" is both more effective and more prominent as a tool of misinformation. This is true for both left-wing lies and right-wing lies.
That's a gross mischaracterisation of both the left and the right.
Modern left has no empathy, certainly not among wealthy millionaire artists living in upper class neighborhoods constantly poking fun at poor "rednecks", "hillbillies" or "white trash".
>because being creative is very strongly associated with difficulty in thinking in a precise, logical way
>thinking in a precise, logical way allows you to question propaganda and not leap to the easy conclusion that your sense of empathy is leading you towards.
Are you trying to deny the existence either of right-wing propaganda or of miltatistic "unempathetic" propaganda? Don't really get what you're trying to say beyond a general "I don't like leftists" sentiment.
You know full well that rich neoliberals are not representative of the left. /pol/ wouldn't want the right to be defined by Israeli brown nosers, so why do you get to characterize the left as such?
your asspulled opinions are far from self-evident. If you don't have a source you're just shitposting.
Because art is dead.
Oh yeah sorry I forgot only your small orthodox Marxist student clique qualifies as left. No true Scotsmanning to the point of absurdity.
No, I know exactly the kind of bourgeoisie, ineffective "subversive" art you are talking.
This. As bad as mainstream media is, it's not as deeply biased and manipulated as RT, Alternet, Al Jazeera, Breitbart, Zero Hedge etc.
Blairite neoliberals are hardly your archetypal leftist. They are a part of the left and it does no good for leftists to disown them, they are a problem that the left needs to sort out, but they are an aesthetically leftist product reagan/thatcher at the end of the day. They were good at drawing votes from centrists but remain very unpopular among the leftist base.
I think you know about stereotypes from online outrage-aggregators.
I think you are full of assumptions here, I am myself an artist.
Not him but neoliberalism is so similar to neoconservatism they have more in common with each other than with an actual left. Hillary Clinton is about as Republican as they come and I definitely would not place neoliberals like her and Obama with the left. They are center-right if anything.
No, it is true
>The EU logged 213,000 arrivals in April, May and June but only 44,000 of them were fleeing the Syrian civil war.
>The vast majority of leftists are pro-capitalism,
They are now, I was obviously talking about the 50s, 60s and 70s as denoted by when I wrote
"artistic types continued to believe in communism long after reports of dreadful repression and[...]" So talking about the present tense is quite irrelevant and shows that you have trouble thinking precisely when trying to read and understand what someone has written.
Sounds like you're someone who has difficulty thinking precisely.
probably like
>I don't like them, so they aren't lefties like me
United States is left-wing by standard, anyway.
Look at what this thread is about and then post again. Do you think Radiohead, Green Day and other shitty cuckbands are not neoliberals?
artistic people are typically not strong at mathematics or science. If you are not willing to accept this as reasonable based on your awareness of the world around you then I can't help you .
>Are you trying to deny the existence either of right-wing propaganda or of miltatistic "unempathetic" propaganda?
no. this is not implied by what I wrote.
The question asks why most artists since 1968 are left wing and I answered that it is because artistic types more commonly have difficulty thinking precisely which makes them vulnerable to any propaganda that appeals to their sense of empathy without considering carefully whether the propaganda is valid or not.
You can tell me that you don't get what my post is saying but unless you tell me which particular part you don't understand I don't know how why you would expect me to paraphrase and regurgitate my entire post again.
Post 1968 leftists are literally all spoiled middle class urbanite slackers who cosplay as the proletariat. Meanwhile the actual proletariat votes right wing, go figure.
Instead of posting an article from a tabloid of all places, why not post the actual statistics.
here are the stats from eurostat for the past year. The vast majority are from countries undergoing active conflict. Over half come from Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq alone, all of which are facing large scale civil war. Your original comment was wrong.
>They are now, I was obviously talking about the 50s, 60s and 70s as denoted by when I wrote
yes, that was obvious, however that is not the part I responded to. I even quoted it to make that clear, and the section I quoted was written in the present tense and was clearly in reference to leftism in general and not a specific group of leftists, which you only brought up afterwards.
>Sounds like you're someone who has difficulty thinking precisely.
I think you should reread your posts when you make such accusations, to save yourself from embarrassment.
>Why the majority of artists post-1968 are left wing?
because most young people tend to be left.
fans and audience is young. they buy your shit.
besides, inspired by refugee crisis?
just because it's fire, doesn't mean it isn't nicolas cage.
>artistic people are typically not strong at mathematics or science. If you are not willing to accept this as reasonable based on your awareness of the world around you then I can't help you .
Any evidence I've seen suggests that a high IQ increases proficiency both in sciences and the arts. Some people are just generally smarter than others. My anecdotal experience reflects this also.
>artistic types more commonly have difficulty thinking precisely
Do you have a source for this claim?
>which makes them vulnerable to any propaganda that appeals to their sense of empathy
Again this doesn't demonstrate any link between empathy and an inability to think critically. If you're attempting to use the effectiveness of sympathetic propaganda as evidence of such a correlation, that evidence would be easily refuted given the existence of unsympathetic propaganda which, using the same logic proves the exact opposite. Which is why I brought up unsympathetic propaganda.
Well that depends, most of the poor in urban cities vote left as do most poor minorities.
t.city dweller
forgot my picture, here's the stats.
Blame Adorno
It is hard to have a conservative/right mindset to make good art since the best always challenge, shake up or offer new presceptions
It's a strange phenomenon... I find that when I am writing a song it turns out left-leaning but I am right-leaning. Maybe subconsciously I am left-leaning or maybe the structure of song caters to a leftist attitude more somehow. I suspect this is not the case, though. Maybe the fact that I know most songs have a left-lean makes me create songs that are similar to those left-leaning songs. Also when I am creating music I am in the same state as when I am listening to music. Could it be that my musical-state is left leaning because it has been taught to be? It's a mystery.
Go with what speaks to your soul. Ignore left or right, just embrace the spirit user.
What do you mean by left leaning? Economically left?
In both of your oppinions you are wrong.
>The opinion of someone who has never studied actually studied music and art.
I don't consider pop culture and the industry behind it art. There is also nothing creative behind that mass shit they do.
Young people tend to be left leaning but grow most often out of it. For example Ghoethe was pretty lefty in his youth and turned very conservative with the age like most writers of his time.
Faust 2 was very left leaning, at least in the ending
The songs turn out to be socially left. I don't write about economics in my music. I am economically right, though. Socially I am moderate; I am okay with gay marriage but I don't like the complete acceptance of gay culture. In my music I embody a person who'd be fine with the latter- i think.
True, I do.
I'm gay myself and I'm borderline fascist/reactionary. The notion that gay acceptance is something exclusive to leftists is bullshit.
>The notion that gay acceptance is something exclusive to leftists is bullshit.
Looks like someone has never been on /pol/
Yeah and it looks like that someone is you. There's shitloads of gay /pol/acks.
For me it's hard to categorize a fictional work as left or right leaning.
I more refered to his political views. Lots of it is documented in his letters to Schiller.
/lgbt/ lapers at best. muh degeneracy is the norm in there.
Look at some of the most prominent Alt Right figures
Richard Spencer - okay with gays
Jared Taylor - okay with gays
Greg Johnson - gay himself
James O'Meara - gay himself
Jack Donovan - utter faggot
Obviously you don't really know much about right wing.
He didn't seemed to denounce any left or right attitudes, only their methods
Call me when they are a proper movement with card carrying members. Hell /pol/ is 'alt-right' and it is fickle minded whether Milo is one of them
Milo isn't alt right and almost everyone agrees on that including Milo himself, except for the liberal media that constantly try hamfisting him into the movement.
>the alt right thinks whites are cucks for supporting islam
I can't make this shit up
>except for the liberal media
And all those threads on /pol/ saying "ONE OF US! ONE OF US!"
No coherent identity or manifesto. Maybe repackage alt-right as Goldwater Republicans and I will concede the point
>Milo: I'm not alt right
>Alt right: Milo isn't alt right
What I was saying is that precisely the ability to think analytically is required to create great art, see: Goethe, Schiller, Hölderlin, Mozart, pretty much every composer before Beethoven and a few after etc. etc.
However, opposing rationalism, capitalism and so on are not necessarily left wing traits either.
>Alt right: Milo isn't alt right
>Revising /pol/ history this much
>/pol/ = the alt right
Fuck off lol
>Call me when they are a proper movement with card carrying members
We just had a large conference in DC, check it out.
Keep on assuming, faggot. When you try to force you jackboots on us, there will be a response. I fucking guarantee it.
Yea i too wish the alt-right can fuck off from /pol/
Based Rush never sucking the leftist dick until the 90s
Why the arbitrary date?
Being good at art requires at least a modicum of open-mindedness.
From a marketing perspective it widens your target audience, which equals more money.
Why didn't they feel empathy for the kulaks?
>Conservatism means never changing
When will this meme die? The very concept of "change" was introduced in history by conservative intellectuals.
Revolutionaries of old believed human society could be treated like physical sciences, and there was a static, perfect model for everything, including art.
It's just virtue signaling. Did Thom Yorke actually open his house for Afghan refugees? I doubt so.
I think the real reason is these days conservatism is more prevalent in older people, younger people are more liberal. Most of the most popular artists are young, and therefore more likely to be liberal.
Those that are not liberal, are savy enough about public perception to know that being vocal about their politics will most likely do more harm than good for them, so they keep their mouths shut. I mean, being liberal as a public figure is just good marketing. After all, being conservative about literally anything will invariably alienate some section of your audience, and if even a tiny microscopic sliver of your audience gets sufficiently pissed about something, it can literally be the end of your career.
For every leftist middlebrow pseudo-intellectual, there is an equivalent rightist low-brow anti-intellectual.
Complete bullshit. The greatest art pursues beauty for beauty's sake. I bet you read books for plot and messages instead of style.
There was a deliberate effort by communists to take over all the levels of the cultural apparatus in the West. That effort was extremely successful.
Nowadays the only right-wing cultural industry in the world is Japanese anime industry.
there's nothing right wing about anime, what the fuck are you talking about
Not him but there is a lot of right wing anime. Angel Cop is 100% /pol/ tier, with THE JEWS taking over sections of Tokyo and spreading chaos, but that's an egregious example. Also shitloads of nationalism-wank.
>implying america fuck yeah movies dont exist
i dont even