/owg/ - Overwatch General

>The WINTER WONDERLAND 2017 event begins this Tuesday
>The event will last from December 12th until January 2nd
>New skins for Genji, Hanzo, Roadhog, Junkrat, and others
>"Mei's Snowball Offensive" is returning, both on the original map (Ecopoint: Antarctica) and on a new, winterized version of Black Forest
>"Yeti Hunt" is an extra event gamemode coming this year, 5 Meis against 1 powered-up Winston (it's a lot like Evolve, or the Juggernaut gamemode from Halo)

>The new hybrid map, "Blizzard World," is still on the PTR
>Live release is projected for "early next year"

>The new offensive healer, "Moira," is now available in all modes

>Latest animated short, "Honor and Glory"

>Those new Blizzard-themed skins come out sometime in January of 2018

>Latest comic

>Latest PC patch notes
PTR: playoverwatch.com/en-us/blog/21275367
Live: playoverwatch.com/en-us/game/patch-notes/pc

>Overwatch dev tracker

>Hero tips, tricks and basics

>Source / Quake mouse sensitivity converter

>Personal stats / leader boards

>Previous thread:

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there better be a new fucking tracer skin

Nigga that's a gay ass OP image.

how to sombra?

4st for reaper is a pedophile

You just need to have a shit team in front of you and it should be good. Hang in there user, you can do it!

i want to bully zarya until she cries!

Keep health packs hacked, realize you're not DPS but you can still do damage when you're close, hack key targets (Mercy so she can't fly away, Hog so he can't heal), keep health packs hacked, always have a translocater out, and KEEP IMPORTANT HEALTH PACKS HACKED

Mostly this:

>new skin for Genji

What? Source? We ony know Hanzo Junkrat and Hog so far

There was a Korean leak a while ago that showed a new Genji skin where he's made of ice.

>Hack health pack.
>Throw ICE dodging machine.
>Go Invisibro
>Hack target
>Activate ICE machine
>Repeat until Blizzzard fixes her stupid ass SMG into something bordering at least decent.

I really hope that was fake. It looked trash, like Pharah's winter skin but worse.

Ziegler did nothing wrong

In the Korean leak from a week or two ago.
The event dates lined up, so it's basically certain that the skin is real.

1)set up behind enemy team. this is easy with invisible teleports. dont make it more complicated than it needs to be
2) keep running out, emptying clips into their tanks, and teleporting back.
3) emp important targets

thats it. you just gotta make sure youre actually shooting enough. you need damage output. dont waste your time hacking a ton of health packs.

Name a better duo. Protip: You can't.

how do the lootbox resets work again?

Do they reset tomorrow, then the update hits the next day?

wait so is blizzard world in this update?

They reset tomorrow and then the update hits and they aren't reset. So you should win two arcade games but don't get the box.

nobody cares

always re-hack main health packs before flanking. while flanking wait til your half health before translocating back to help build ult.
hack mercy, ult zen, talk to your D.va and combine ults


/palg/ here.
Dont go to /palg/, we dont want your kind there.
Thanks, have a good evening/night/morning.

>40sr loss for 2 throwers

meh could be worse i guess

here is a leak 4 u


how do you guys pay for your servers. is your game a money laundering scheme??

2018 january

She never did anything in the first place.


except win every game in comp this season.

Not while I'm hunting her down in comp.

tfw too poor to play Paladins so I have to play this

Wouldn't it be better to keep your hack off cooldown rather than re-hacking a health pack that still has hack time on it?

>hack healthpacks, usually some on enemy team
>hack healthpack on your side spawn and add translocator by healthpack
>go invis and flank important players
>press e and rinse and repeat
so fucking boring. good against cheese comps though

>12% winrate with mei
>23% moira

Sometimes i forget how terrifying can soloq be at night.

nah its zarya in like traditional russia stuff

Reaper and S76 WILL get skins. LEGENDARY SKINS.

looks just like a purple one

hey guys, I'm getting terrible stuttering during teamfights. I noticed it recently but it's getting dramatically worse over time. Anyone ever have this problem? I've tried the blizzard repair tool followed by a fresh install.
pic related are my specs. thanks.

This is fake because blizzard would never make an epic skin. Especially with the 100 overwatch league ones.

it literally looks like someone MS painted some blue on and called it a day

Depends on how much time the hacked pack has left. By rule of thumb I'd say you should wait until it's less than half empty.

Certainly not a legendary skin

A lot of people have trouble using amd cards. You could try doing a clean install of your graphics driver.


>ATI Radeon RX 480 Graphics
well you got what you paid for

bastion is gonna get a christmas skin as a transforming murder toboggan screencap this

Ready for Tracer's first movie appearance?

>Tracer is head and shoulders taller than Chun-li.

>tfw you pick Mercy because you just want to win

they never were leaks in the first place, have you ever heard of viral marketing?

Placed in 2K now im in 17k

Her legs only were wide, not long.

Roll your drivers back to 17.7.1

>tfw you pick mercy because you're good at her and enjoy playing as her


It's impossible to not be good at Mercy.


Shouldn't you be on your knees showing how good you are with her by taking the team's cocks in your mouth?

You say that, but people manage to do it all the time.

>14 hours of mercy this season
>everyone thinks im a mercy main because of seasonal stats
>solo healing every game
>doing my best with my most hated hero
>people still shittalk me at the beginning of the game if i pick anything else

Just end my life,i have 92 hours on soldier and 32 on mercy,how does that even make me a mercy main that needs to be looked down on?

oh your team didn't have a mercy and lost due to no healing or inferior healing

so sorry user

Why you're not top500 then? Explain yourself user

>Mercy is so easy, anyone can climb with her
>Why don't you then?
>B-because I just don't want to!

step 1
turn off chat and voice chat
step 2
pick whatever the hell you want

Don't let some random cunts bully you user. I have faith in you.

Because I want to play the game.

boy i've seen some trash-tier Mercy players even at T500
trust me, there are people that fail at doing basic stuff


>Playing a hero that you hate.

Not that user, but I've had a two winstreak so far without a Mercy on my team in masters.

I don't blame them, she's incredibly unfun to play.

That's your opinion man

People are more accepting when you play the heroes they want you to,you almost never get flamed even if you only do average.

I still try my best every game but its for the best,i can avoid unnecessary conflicts and flamewars with this. Sometimes i play dps aswell but thats extremely rare and mainly happens whenever i get thrown together with heal/tank onetricks only. And even then they just go and play something they cant. Playing dps brings out the best of me but its not good for my mental health in a long run.

should have just learned to play zen

>someone leaves in setup
>eleven people thank him in his absence

But junkertown is pretty fun when attack doesn't run pirate ship

I played zen in the previous seasons aswell,had over 80% winratio and was mainly climbing with him to masters but hes extremely boring to play.

Fuck that. Flex only if your team is willing to do the same. If they're not, play hanzo.

how can you call zen boring yet play the most boring hero in the game?

Mercy after rework got a lot more interesting with high mobility,after a while you will meet smurfs more often and tracers who can one clip you on sight. Zen is really difficult to play against them.Either lucio/moira/ana or mercy but i never really go zen anymore.

mercy would be a lot more fun if she played like a WoW priest with casted heals and a true HoT with a cooldown she can throw on people like zen but without the LoS requirement

I really don't find tracer's that bad. Sometimes the might catch you out of position and destroy you but generally you can put up a solid fight as zen. It's much more rewarding killing a flanker than just pressing shift.

Redemption when?
I'm hoping the christmas comic is about this.

I'd much rather Reaper get his plot hole from last year filled in.

>widow in every single comp match today
thanks overwatch league

It's the weekend.

>winrate dropped from 64% to 60%

thanks guys seems to be working better

why is the gameplay so shit

>Overwatch League isn't on twitch
How to shoot your tournament in the foot 101

except they've already confirmed it will be

It will be, only pre-season was not

But goy, the skin changes his shurikens into snowflakes! Pay up the 3000 shekels!!!

>on attack
>Reinhardt, Orisa, Torb, Bastion, Zarya, and Lucio
>everyone crowded on the cart with the turret
>ride it all the way to the finish
>had this going through my head the entire time


If his shuriken and blades change into ice forms it's worth it.


I think this game broke my graphics card
I was playing a match then it said my rendering device had been lost
game crashed and now I can't get more than 90 fps and my gpu temp is always at 80c even in the menus
guess its time to buy a 1080ti

Escort level where the floor is lava, water, or is otherwise unstandableable on, the payload is slightly larger than normal with slight cover on each corner and the entire map is littered with platforms and winding walkways